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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 16

Ten Attendants’ Rebellion (3)

Dong Zhuo secured the Emperor’s safety and led a massive army into the Luoyang Imperial Palace. The palace, still reeking of blood from recent turmoil, disgusted Dong Zhuo.

“Clean up this mess and make the palace presentable for the Emperor!”


Dong Zhuo imprisoned the Emperor in a luxurious chamber, heavily guarded, under the guise of protection. Some courageous officials questioned this, but most faced severe beatings, and a few were beheaded and hung in the streets. This ruthless behavior made everyone in Luoyang realize Dong Zhuo’s ambition, yet no one dared to oppose him.

His overwhelming military force made everyone in Luoyang wary, with some biding their time and others complying in hopes of scraps of power. Dong Zhuo, keeping a low profile for now, hadn’t made any significant moves yet. But everyone anticipated that, with his newfound power, Dong Zhuo would soon start a reign of terror.


Dong Zhuo summoned all the officials in Luoyang to the palace. Every official, including me, was gathered, creating a bustling atmosphere. When I entered with Seo Ye and Lü Bu, all eyes turned to us.

“That’s Lü Bu…”

“Unmatched in battle…”

Most eyes were on Lü Bu. I whispered to him, “You’re quite famous now.”

“Of course.”

Despite the attention, Lü Bu stood confidently.

But why is that girl staring at me? A strikingly beautiful silver-haired girl kept her intense gaze on me, making me uncomfortable. I forced myself to ignore her and took my seat.

The most memorable arrival was a blonde woman who came in last. With her noble aura, I felt like I knew her name, though we’d never met.

As everyone focused on the blonde woman, a pompous voice echoed from within.

Finally, the girl stopped staring at me.

Dong Zhuo, larger than anyone else and flanked by numerous attendants, entered. His gaze fell on one person.

“Wan Su, always late. Keep that up, and you might end up dead by my hands.”

Wan Su remained silent and bowed her head, not retaliating against Dong Zhuo’s mockery.

Seeing even Wan Su subdued by Dong Zhuo’s power, the room was shocked. It seemed no one in Luoyang could oppose Dong Zhuo now.

Turning away from Wan Su, Dong Zhuo laughed menacingly, “The reason I’ve summoned you today is simple.”

I anticipated his next words, signaling a point of no return for Dong Zhuo.

“I’ve been thinking… the chaos in the world is due to the incompetent Emperor.”

Officials loyal to the Emperor were alarmed.

Enjoying their reaction, Dong Zhuo continued, “So, I’m considering dethroning the weak Emperor and enthroning the wise Prince Jin. What do you think?”

The atmosphere froze. Amidst the tension, I pondered my next move, recalling how Jeongwon opposed Dong Zhuo in the original history.

As I contemplated, Dong Zhuo approached.

“What do you think?”

Why is he asking me?

Perplexed, I met Dong Zhuo’s gaze.

“Stupid as ever, not grasping the situation?”

Silent, I faced Dong Zhuo, who tried to intimidate me. I had brought troops, but they were nothing compared to Dong Zhuo’s vast army.

“Answer quickly.”

Clearly, Dong Zhuo was testing me. Would I join him or oppose him? I decided to speak.

“Before that, I have a question.”

“Fine. I’m in a good mood today.”

“Are you aware that soldiers from Xiliang are extorting the citizens?”

I had witnessed it several times. Dong Zhuo laughed at my question.

“For the sake of the Emperor, a little leniency for my soldiers is necessary.”

Unsatisfied, I pressed, “And what about the suffering citizens?”

Dong Zhuo burst into laughter, chilling the room further.

“I see. You’re just like those who bother me with concerns about the people.”

Looking down at me, Dong Zhuo sneered, “Your kind makes me sick.”

Silent, I braced myself for Dong Zhuo’s next move.

“Last chance. Will you submit or die?”

No response. Dong Zhuo scoffed and turned away.

“If there’s no objection to dethroning the Emperor…”

“If seeing someone like you makes me nauseous?”

Dong Zhuo turned, puzzled.

“Seeing a beast driven by greed like you disgusts me.”

Dong Zhuo’s expression hardened. I faced him squarely.

“Don’t pretend to care for the nation. Everyone knows you’re only after your own gain.”

Enraged, Dong Zhuo drew his sword. His attendants followed suit.

“Hold on. Think before you act.”

Lü Bu stepped forward, halting Dong Zhuo’s men.

“Attack, and you all die here.”

Seo Ye also prepared to fight.

Frustrated, Dong Zhuo slammed his sword down and retreated.

“I’m surprised. Scared, perhaps?”

Dong Zhuo stormed out, red-faced but silent.

The room fell into an awkward silence. I left the palace, resigned to opposing Dong Zhuo, just like in the original history.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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