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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 17

Dong Zhuo (1)

“So, what are we going to do now?”

“Let’s just beat up any bad guys from Xiliang who catch our eye.”

“I like that plan.”

After becoming hostile to Dong Zhuo, I discussed our next move with Lü Bu while heading back.

“Killing them might cause trouble, but let’s kill the worst ones and leave the rest crippled.”

“Got it.”

“Then we’ll see how Dong Zhuo reacts.”

I had a reason for provoking Dong Zhuo’s response. Due to frequent wars, Bing Province, where we came from, had scarce resources. We couldn’t bring much food, so if our supplies ran out, we’d have to return. Buying food in the capital was too expensive.

We needed to resolve things quickly; the longer we waited, the more disadvantaged we became.


Dong Zhuo was frustrated with recent developments. Jeongryeong, now his enemy, was patrolling the city, dispensing justice and aiding victims, gaining public support. Even Dong Zhuo’s soldiers were not spared, with some being killed. Dong Zhuo was infuriated.

“Lord, don’t be swayed. Jeongryeong must be provoking you.”

Dong Zhuo slammed his fist on the table in anger.

“My soldiers are numerous and experienced in battle! Why shouldn’t we fight?”

“It’s not simple. Jeongryeong’s troops are also battle-hardened.”

Dong Zhuo faced a dilemma; his forces could win, but at a great cost, especially with Lü Bu involved.

“Right, Lü Bu is there too.”

Dong Zhuo knew Lü Bu’s reputation extended even to Xiliang.

“Iyu, what should we do?”

“We should avoid a direct confrontation. Jeongryeong’s army seems to be running low on supplies.”

“Food shortage?”

“Yes. Bing Province couldn’t have brought much food.”

Iyu advised Dong Zhuo to lock down and wait it out, forcing Jeongryeong’s troops to retreat due to lack of food.

“That’s a good plan. You’re invaluable, Iyu.”


“Uh-oh, this is trouble.”

Contrary to my expectation, Dong Zhuo tightened security and shut the city gates.

“Jeongryeong, how much food do we have left?”

“Enough for three days, excluding the return journey.”

“We have to return in three days, then. I can’t let the soldiers starve.”

Missing this chance to curb Dong Zhuo’s tyranny was a setback.

“Freaking cowards, not even fighting back.”

As I pondered, Lü Bu cursed in frustration.

Then, Seo Ye, who was following me, spoke up.

“I think it’s fine when Jeongryeong curses.”

“Harsh woman, trying to look good even now.”

Lü Bu looked dumbfounded.

“You two seem close.”

I turned around, surprised by a new voice.

“Is this our first proper conversation?”

The silver-haired girl from before, who had stared at me intently.


“…Who are you?”

Remembering her intense gaze, I asked her name.

Looking slightly disappointed, she spoke.

“I chased you around Georok, but you don’t remember? A bit sad.”


Could it be?

“Then remember from now on. My name is Cao Cao Mengde.”

There she was, the protagonist of the Three Kingdoms saga, right in front of me.


After revealing her name, Cao Cao mentioned her purpose.

“You know someone who wants to meet me?”

“You must know who it is.”

Cao Cao nodded to herself and led me to a house, saying the owner wanted to see me.

“I had no idea.”

“What an odd person.”

Lü Bu’s comment made me nod in agreement.

Seo Ye, of course, was still with me.

Cao Cao opened the door, saying, “Benchu, I’ve brought him.”

“Please come in.”

Only one Benchu came to mind: Yuan Shao.

“Thank you for waiting.”

As I entered, the blonde woman greeted me graciously.

“I am Yuan Shao Benchu.”

“Ah, yes. Nice to meet you.”

Meeting Yuan Shao felt surreal.

Noticing my reaction, Cao Cao looked slightly disappointed.

“Why don’t you speak formally to me like that?”

“You started with informal speech.”


Cao Cao nodded at my response.

“Interesting. Mengde seems to get along well with you.”

Yuan Shao chuckled, watching us.

“Well-matched? That’s a bit…”

Cao Cao, feeling slighted again, spoke up.

“Shouldn’t you be happy to get along with me? Why that face?”

“Just think about it.”

Cao Cao pondered my response.

“I don’t get it.”

Maybe it’s better not to talk.

Yuan Shao seemed amused by our exchange.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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