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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 18

Dong Zhuo (2)

“Hmm. Let’s get to the main point.”

After enjoying my conversation with Cao Cao, Yuan Shao composed herself.

“I haven’t come here for an invitation.”

“…Someone might think you were invited.”

I couldn’t help but feel exasperated by Cao Cao’s otherworldly demeanor.

Yuan Shao, with a wry smile, continued.

“It seems you’ve been challenging Dong Zhuo recently, is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And now, with Dong Zhuo avoiding combat, you’re beginning to face difficulties due to lack of provisions.”

“That’s also correct.”

It was apparent that news of my confrontation with Dong Zhuo had spread throughout Luoyang.

“If your provisions run out, what do you plan to do?”

“I can’t let my soldiers starve, so I’ll have to return to Bing Province.”

It seemed Yuan Shao had invited me here for a reason. With Dong Zhuo as our common enemy, and me, capable of restraining him in Luoyang, facing a supply crisis, what would the wealthy Yuan family do?

“If someone were to provide you with ample provisions, what then?”

“I’d be able to see the fight with Dong Zhuo through to the end.”

Either I’d be driven from Luoyang, or Dong Zhuo would be. One of these outcomes was inevitable.

“Then, one last question: Are you a servant of the Han Dynasty?”

A crucial question. If I succeeded in driving Dong Zhuo out, I would be at the center of power.

Yuan Shao wanted to know how I’d act in that scenario.

I gave her the answer I had long considered.

“I stand with the people.”

My response, open to interpretation, elicited an inscrutable smile from Yuan Shao.


“That damned Yuan Shao!”


In a fit of rage, Dong Zhuo smashed a table, already surrounded by other destroyed furniture. His strength, far exceeding an ordinary person’s, left only ruins in its wake.

Dealing with too many enemies was troublesome; there was always someone to interfere.

“Favoring her beauty, I planned to spare her later, but now she’s done this! I’ll make her pay!”

Silently observing, the officials around Dong Zhuo trembled, wary of his wrath.

“Dong Zhuo’s plans are in disarray because of her! What do we do now?”

“Lord, peace is no longer an option.”

Iyu responded solemnly.

“We must fight and forcibly expel Jeongryeong.”

“Then it’s settled. I gave them a chance to leave unharmed!”

Dong Zhuo’s furious declaration echoed.

“The sheer audacity to think they can defeat me just because of that Lü Bu!”

“Indeed, Lord. Let them taste the consequences of their arrogance.”

The officials, hearing this, closed their eyes in dread, foreseeing more bloodshed in Luoyang.


“The effect is remarkable.”

Only two days after Yuan Shao provided supplies, Dong Zhuo’s army began to move, but their numbers were greater than expected.

I couldn’t help but ask Cao Cao, “Wasn’t Dong Zhuo’s army 40,000 strong when he entered?”


“Now it’s 60,000.”

“He absorbed most of the former Grand General’s forces.”

This unexpected development led me to sigh. Cao Cao smiled wryly.

“Losing confidence?”

“Not at all.”

With 25,000 soldiers on my side, Dong Zhuo’s 60,000 seemed overwhelming.

“Time to start. Looks like it’s about to begin.”


I wasn’t sure if Seo Ye was itching for action.

“Stay back. It’s about to start.”

Seo Ye simply agreed.

Our troops faced Dong Zhuo’s vast army on the plain outside Luoyang.

“Our tiny force against yours is laughable! What confidence do you have?”

Dong Zhuo’s general’s taunts were meant to demoralize us.

“Just surrender and… ACK──!!”

Suddenly, an arrow pierced the mocking general’s throat.

“Our side always has someone who talks too much before battle. Then they end up dead, with no one to blame.”

Lü Bu, the shooter, spoke indifferently.

“Anyone else want to talk?”

Silence fell over Dong Zhuo’s army at Lü Bu’s challenge.

“If not, come at us.”


The battle between 25,000 and 60,000 began.


Watching from afar, Yuan Shao clenched her teeth.

“If only I had done a little more…”

Despite efforts to prevent defections, most officials chose Dong Zhuo, hoping for crumbs of power, sacrificing honor for greed.

Watching this, Yuan Shao seethed with rage.

“Do you think Jeongryeong will be defeated?” Cao Cao inquired.

“Yes, it seems unlikely he’ll win.”

Dong Zhuo’s soldiers weren’t ordinary bandits but elite troops hardened by border conflicts and rebellions.

“Yet, I provided Jeongryeong with supplies to weaken Dong Zhuo’s forces, even if just a little.”

Yuan Shao knew she was no saint.

“I hope he can safely escape.”

Even if Jeongryeong lost and fled, Dong Zhuo wouldn’t pursue him into Bing Province, especially with the newly absorbed Heuk Sanjeok bandits there.

Observing the unfolding battle, Yuan Shao noticed something.

“This is…”

Despite being outnumbered, Jeongryeong’s troops held firm on the flanks, while Dong Zhuo’s center began to break.

And there, predictably, was the crimson-haired general on horseback.

“Lü Bu.”

Wherever Lü Bu passed, Dong Zhuo’s formation crumbled, tilting the battle in Jeongryeong’s favor.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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