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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 19

Dong Zhuo (3)

Do you know Lanchester’s Laws? Simply put, when two armies of equal quality clash, the larger force can defeat the smaller with fewer losses. “Equal quality” means everything: command ability, weapon level, soldier elite status, and fighting on plain ground rather than in mountains or water.

Sounds obvious? Indeed. If everything else is equal, a smaller force stands no chance against a larger one. However, in reality, no two armies ever meet under completely equal conditions.

So, what do Lanchester’s Laws really imply? They highlight a basic truth: in warfare, the smaller side is at a significant disadvantage. Thus, to overcome numerical inferiority, the smaller force must create variables.

Trapping the enemy in a stratagem, showcasing advanced weaponry, maintaining disciplined troops against a disorganized enemy, or using terrain for ambushes or water assaults are all valid tactics.

Unfortunately, in my current battle with Dong Zhuo, I couldn’t employ any of these variables. I lacked a strategist to devise traps, our weaponry was similar, Dong Zhuo’s troops were also elite, and the terrain offered no advantage.

So how could we win against Dong Zhuo’s numerically superior force? The answer was simple: overwhelming strength.

“Is this what you call elite? Dong Zhuo’s standards are clear now!”


Lü Bu, diving deep into enemy lines, was decimating troops like a blender.

The others seemed to be playing a strategy game, while he was in a Dynasty Warriors game. “Enemy commander down!” seemed imminent.


“Such a mighty scream! Hey, your commander is dead!”

She actually did it.

Having slain the enemy commander, panic spread among Dong Zhuo’s infantry.

“General Zhenzhou is dead!”

“What do we do now?”

Another general tried to maintain order.

“Calm down, hold your positions! If we break formation, we all die!”

But as they barely regrouped…

“It’s good to command your soldiers, but watch your own back!”


“Alright. Who’s next?”

Another nameless general fell to Lü Bu’s blade.

With Lü Bu wreaking havoc, Dong Zhuo’s army was terrified.

“That mare──! Try catching me──!!”


Hearing the taunt, Lü Bu’s grip on her halberd tightened.

“Why do they always treat me like a beast?”

“Fearful, huh! Ha! So much for the invincible Lü Bu──!!”


Sighing, Lü Bu glared at his provocateur.

She was genuinely angry.

“You’re done for.”

“…Ha! Come at me!”

He’s scared.

Surrounded by spearmen for protection against Lü Bu, the enemy commander seemed confident. But…



Lü Bu’s swing sent the spearmen’s weapons flying.

The protective circle crumbled.


Before the commander could react, Lü Bu was already upon him.


Watching his line collapse to Lü Bu, Dong Zhuo bellowed.


“…Yes, Lord.”

Iyu bowed deeper than usual.

“Failing to stop Lü Bu, our formation’s breaking apart!”

Infantry, left leaderless, were on the verge of collapse.

Even the elite soldiers of Liangzhou couldn’t withstand fear. They were human, after all, not immune to the terror of death.

“And where is Huo Xiong with the cavalry──!!”

Dong Zhuo was furious.

Huo Xiong should’ve struck the enemy’s rear by now, causing chaos.

“Could he have betrayed us? This situation is incomprehensible──.”


Iyu cautiously spoke up.

“Currently, General Huo Xiong’s cavalry is locked in a fierce battle with the enemy’s cavalry.”


Those soldiers had even scared the Kang tribes into fleeing. Led by Huo Xiong, Dong Zhuo’s best warrior, they should’ve broken through by now.

“…It seems the enemy has another formidable general besides Lü Bu.”

A bitter revelation for Dong Zhuo.


Huo Xiong coughed up blood.

Janglyo’s swing had been redirected, piercing his abdomen.

“I usually see Lü Bu use that technique… it’s quite difficult.”

Was it the force of the blow that twisted the sword’s trajectory?

Bleeding, Huo Xiong stared at the woman who had bested him.

“…Is Bing Province filled with monsters?”

Janglyo, still impaling Huo Xiong with her sword, spoke.

“We’ve fought against the Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Wuhuan. Our soldiers are the strongest.”

“Hmm, intriguing.”

Watching Dong Zhuo’s retreating forces, Huo Xiong’s gaze grew distant.

Failing his lord’s expectations was his greatest regret.

“Do you have any last words?”

“Just… a pity.”

Even in defeat, dying on the battlefield was an honor.

“Finish it.”

As Huo Xiong closed his eyes, Janglyo thrust her sword upwards, ending his life.

Thus, Dong Zhuo’s greatest warrior lay cold on the harsh ground.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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