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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 20

Dong Zhuo (4)

Realizing his actions had made too many enemies, Dong Zhuo attempted a conciliatory gesture. He coerced the emperor into issuing a decree with specific content to appease his adversaries.

And what was that content?

It involved scattering the positions of regional governors, or “Taishou,” across various territories.

Dong Zhuo offered these positions to various warlords, hoping to mend relationships, but it backfired. Instead, his enemies used these positions to recruit soldiers and form an anti-Dong Zhuo alliance.

However, this alliance fizzled out, and with the common enemy gone, warlords across the land began pursuing their own ambitions, marking the start of an era known as “The Warlords’ Era.”


“Dong Zhuo, that bastard.”

If he was going to cause trouble, he could have at least done it gracefully. Instead, he scattered chaos everywhere before fleeing to Chang’an, leaving me unable to react.

Lü Bu, remembering a previous reprimand about his language, glanced at me and commented.

“Use nicer words.”

“…That Dong Zhuo is beyond redemption.”

“…Is this considered ‘nicer’?”

Well, I didn’t swear, so it’s fine.

Handing back the decree I was holding to Yuan Shao, who looked worried, I said:

“Do you realize what will happen in the world now?”

“Warlords everywhere will rise, fighting each other, plunging the world into greater chaos.”

Central authority has collapsed. Any new governors sent by the central government will likely be imprisoned or killed.

“Now, what do you plan to do, General Yuan?”

Yuan Shao’s expression darkened.

“In such times, one must act swiftly to avoid being left behind. I plan to go to Ji Province, where I have many supporters, to build my power.”

“Ji Province, right next to Bing Province. We might meet again soon.”

Yuan Shao’s face turned somber.

“…Why that expression?”

“The next time we meet, our circumstances might be very different.”

True. Allies today could be enemies tomorrow in these tumultuous times.

I asked cautiously, “You’re not planning to stab me in the back, are you?”

Yuan Shao quickly waved her hand.

“No, no! I would never do that to you! It’s just that I’m worried…”

“Then don’t worry.”

With a short laugh, I continued, “If you truly serve the people, we won’t be enemies.”

“I believe you won’t do such things, considering your sense of honor.”


Worried about leaving Yuan Shao unchecked? If she doesn’t cause problems, I’ll gladly follow her lead. I have no ambition for the throne or desire for universal adoration.

Recalling what Yuan Shao was like in history, I extended my hand.

“Just don’t lose sight of your morals and honor.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Yuan Shao took my hand.

“Thank you.”



After speaking with Yuan Shao, I saw a familiar figure lurking near the building: Cao Cao, shamelessly eavesdropping.

“What are you doing?”

“I was listening in.”

Blunt and unabashed.

“Aren’t you ashamed?”

Cao Cao straightened up.

“I was just curious, seeing my friend enter a building alone with a man.”

“Lü Bu and Lady Seo were there too.”

“Bodyguards are one body with their master.”

Is she serious? The protagonist of the Three Kingdoms era is like this?

I sighed.

“So, what did you think?”

“Disappointed it wasn’t a secret rendezvous between a man and a woman.”

Speechless at her brazenness, Lady Seo intervened.

“Lord Jeongryeong, it might be best to keep your distance.”

“I agree. Let’s go back.”

Lü Bu agreed, pulling me away. I shook my head and asked Cao Cao:

“Where will you go?”


After a moment’s thought, she grinned.

“I plan to establish myself in Yan Province.”

“Yan Province? But there’s no room for you there.”

Cao Cao’s base in history was Chenliu, in Yan Province. But currently, there should be no vacancies.

“I’ve heard the remnants of the Yellow Turbans are in Yan Province.”


“If I suppress them, vacancies should open up.”

In history, Cao Cao rose to power by suppressing the Yellow Turbans in Yan Province.

“I plan to use my family’s wealth to raise a militia.”

“Your family is quite wealthy.”

“Indeed, thanks to my grandfather’s capabilities.”

“Speaking of which, isn’t Bing Province quite poor?”


“If you’re struggling, would you like a loan?”


“I’ll graciously accept, but when can I repay it?”

Cao Cao’s chilling gaze made me immediately refuse.

“If I can’t repay, you’ll sell me as a slave, right? I know your type.”

“…What do you see me as?”

Cao Cao looked incredulous.

Regardless, I extended my hand, as I did with Yuan Shao.

“Huh? What’s this?”

“If you’re in Yan Province, you’ll be near me, like Yuan Shao.”

“Now I have a foothold in Sanye, right next to Yan Province.”

“Don’t go slaughtering innocent people.”

“…I’m not heartless or cruel.”

Right, not yet.

If history unfolds as it should, she’ll soon commit the Cao Cao Massacre.

I’d try to prevent that if possible.

“Then, let’s work well together.”

Cao Cao took my hand without a word.

“…Hmm. Is this two-timing?”


“Ha! Just kidding. Looking forward to working with you.”

She shook my hand firmly.


Having suffered a crushing defeat at my hands and fleeing to Chang’an with only a few troops, Dong Zhuo holed up in his palace, drowning in liquor.

“More. Bring more.”


“Didn’t I say to bring more─!!”

Smashing another wine table in a rage, Dong Zhuo was beyond reason.

Iyu, loyal to Dong Zhuo despite fearing him, signaled for more wine.

Drinking straight from the bottle, Dong Zhuo muttered despondently.

“I was so close to having everything.”


“What has it all come to?”

Even after fleeing from Zhang Jue, Dong Zhuo never showed weakness until now.

“Even Huo Xiong, who’s been with me since hard times, died.”


“Iyu. What do I have left?”

Tears welled up in Iyu’s eyes, who sincerely served Dong Zhuo.

Then, a strategist named Li Shu entered.

“Who’s there?”

“Li Shu, at your service, Lord.”

“Li Shu? An unfamiliar name.”

Dong Zhuo’s curiosity piqued, Li Shu continued.

“What if I told you Lü Bu could be persuaded to join you?”


Having witnessed Lü Bu’s prowess, Dong Zhuo coveted her martial skills, especially now, having lost many generals and Huo Xiong.

“If you present Lü Bu with unimaginable wealth, she’ll surely be swayed.”

“But wouldn’t she already be well-treated?”

Would Lü

Bu betray for mere riches?

Li Shu smiled cunningly.

“I heard you recently acquired a horse that can travel a thousand li a day.”


The Red Hare, a horse feared by many for its fierce temperament, allowing no one to ride it.

If this troublesome horse could attract Lü Bu’s attention, it would be a profitable trade.

Dong Zhuo looked up at Li Shu.

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely, Lord.”

At Li Shu’s confident reply, Dong Zhuo drank and said:

“Then let’s give it a try.”

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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