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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 21

Dong Zhuo (5)

Recently, Lu Bu faced a particular problem. The horse she was riding couldn’t handle her combat prowess.

“…Looks like I need to change it again.”

Lu Bu, examining her horse, shook her head in disappointment. The once muscular and healthy horse had become skinny in just a month. It was even a breed known for being ridden by nomadic tribes known for their endurance, not just explosive power.

If it had been just one or two horses, one could have assumed they were simply weak. However, all the horses Lu Bu had used so far had ended up the same way. It meant that the horses couldn’t keep up with Lu Bu’s stamina.

Lu Bu looked at her horse and grumbled.

“Can’t these animals keep up with a human’s stamina?”


Responding to Lu Bu’s words, the horse she was riding neighed as if to say, “You’re not just any human.”

Perhaps it was an accomplishment for the horse to have carried Lu Bu for a whole month.

“……Hmm, what to do.”

JeongRyeong had told her not to worry and to change horses whenever she wanted, but it wasn’t so easy to do.

Even Lu Bu, who usually didn’t care about others’ opinions, felt hesitant in front of someone she liked.

Lu Bu sighed as she looked up at the sky.

“Haah. I wish a great horse would just fall from the sky.”

“You were here. I’ve been looking for you.”


As Lu Bu looked up, wondering if she was being sought, she lowered her gaze to face a man with a familiar appearance.

“Who are you?”

“Oh, that’s disappointing. I’m Lee-suk, Lee-suk. Aren’t we from the same hometown?”

Lee-suk, who approached Lu Bu trying to be friendly, caused her to frown.

“If you don’t want to die, don’t come any closer.”

Lee-suk’s steps halted at Lu Bu’s warning.

“Those who ignored me in the past always try to get close when I become successful.”

Lu Bu, holding her weapon, smiled.

“Hey, want to try your luck?”


“Several have ignored my warnings, kept acting like they knew me, and ended up killed by me.”

Lee-suk felt as if blood was dripping from the sharply polished weapon. Realizing this approach wouldn’t work, he quickly stepped back and bowed.

“…I came today to give General Lu Bu a gift.”

“You’ve got some sense. But a gift, you say?”

Lu Bu showed interest at the mention of a gift, and Lee-suk smiled.

His attempt to be friendly by mentioning their shared hometown had failed, but Lu Bu’s fondness for wealth hadn’t changed.

“Bring it all here.”

As Lee-suk finished speaking, robust men nearby started unloading things from a wagon they had been pulling.

Watching what was coming out of the wagon, Lu Bu’s eyes widened.

Gold, precious silk, expensive-looking crafts, and art pieces.

Seeing all these riches gathered in one place, Lu Bu couldn’t hide her astonishment.

“What, what is this?”

“All of these are gifts for General Lu Bu.”

“Are you giving all this?”

Seeing Lu Bu, already half-convinced, Lee-suk couldn’t hide his smile.

“There’s still the gift that General Lu Bu will like the most.”

“…More than this?”

Then Lu Bu’s eyes caught sight of a horse.

A large, red horse, bigger than the others, walked towards her, displaying its magnificence.

Every part of its body was dyed red, but it didn’t seem strange; instead, it exuded an unapproachable aura.

If there were divine beasts among horses, surely this would be one.

Lee-suk slowly spoke, seeing Lu Bu fixated on the red horse.

“All of these have been sent by my lord, who admires the invincible General Lu Bu.”


“If you come to Lord Dong Zhuo, he promises even more wealth than this…”


Lu Bu’s mood changed rapidly as she snapped out of her daze.

The atmosphere cooled rapidly, and Lee-suk had to stop talking and shut his mouth.

“I thought so. There must be something he wants to give all this.”


“I didn’t hear it properly just now. Say it again. What about Dong Zhuo?”

Lu Bu, half-joking, urged Lee-suk to continue.

Lee-suk, sweating nervously, continued.

“My lord remembers being defeated by General Lu Bu, but he holds no grudge.”

“So? Then?”

“He surely has the capacity to command the world…”

“No, not that. Say what he wants. What he wants.”

Even though Lu Bu was smiling, Lee-suk realized her patience was running thin and quickly spoke.

“My lord desires your martial prowess.”


“If you come to him, he promises more than the gifts I’ve given you…”


Before Lee-suk could finish, Lu Bu burst into laughter, holding her stomach.

“That’s hilarious! It’s been a while since I laughed this hard. What a funny guy.”

After laughing for a while and wiping away her tears, Lu Bu said,

“So what? Are you saying I should cut off JeongRyeong’s head and prove my loyalty to that bastard?”


“Why are you silent? Is that really what you were thinking?”

With those words, Lu Bu’s expression turned cold.

“Leave all this and get out.”

“……Do you not understand why my lord sent these gifts?”

“Huh? I know.”

Lu Bu nodded.

“He sent you here with such nonsense and still let you leave alive.”


As Lu Bu stepped away from the red horse, she cheerfully said,

“Wow. Live a good life and you get gifts like this!”

The skinny horse that Lu Bu had been riding looked at her with an expression as if saying, ‘You?’

Ignoring it, Lu Bu looked at the pile of treasures and laughed.

“I should give all this to JeongRyeong!”

Lu Bu already knew something more important than mere gold and treasures.


“So this is everything you received?”


I couldn’t hide my astonishment looking at Lu Bu, who had come to me unexpectedly.

To be precise, it was not Lu Bu, but the treasures she brought that surprised me.

“…Do you want something in return?”


“Good deeds deserve rewards. Just say it! Anything you want!”

My smile wouldn’t fade. Already struggling with finances, such a good deed was a relief.

Feeling cheerful, I encouraged Lu Bu to ask for anything.

“Really? Then let’s go out somewhere tomorrow!”

“That’s easy.”

I had to meet the Emperor and court officials soon, but it could be delayed.

They wouldn’t say anything, considering they still owed me for saving them from Dong Zhuo.

This small deviation wasn’t a problem at all.

Hearing my agreement, Lu Bu added,

“I wish she wasn’t there…”


“Tomorrow, I’ll be by your side all day. It’ll be fine without her!”

I turned to look at Seo Ye.

“What do you say?”

“If you can beat me, I’ll consider it.”


Her icy gaze seemed angry.

Seo Ye’s words made Lu Bu boldly shout,

“You said it well! This time, I’ll win!”


“Still ignoring me!”

Lu Bu growled and drew her weapon, and Seo Ye responded by drawing her sword.

Was this a sign of a good or bad relationship?

Lu Bu and Seo Ye sometimes sparred, engaging in a battle of wills.

The duels always ended without conclusion, stopped by my intervention, but seeing Lu Bu gasping for breath and Seo Ye’s usual expressionless face, it wasn’t hard to guess the winner.

Surprisingly, Lu Bu was gradually getting stronger.

The difference was noticeable when she fought others, though not so much against the powerful Seo Ye.

Jangryo, who often trained with Lu Bu, was amazed at her improvement.

The three stooges of Wi, Hou, and Song were always knocked out in one hit, so let’s exclude them. Personally, I found it funny when they hung like laundry on a tree.

“Come out with Seo Ye. I’ll win for sure today!”

Lu Bu, her competitive spirit reignited, looked at me and said.


“Did you laugh? You laughed─!!”

Seo Ye, with her usual expressionless face, made a sound of laughter, naturally causing Lu Bu to become even more infuriated.

Does she know how to make her even angrier?

I stood up and started walking.

If I didn’t move, Seo Ye wouldn’t either.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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