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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 22

Nanyang (1)

After Dong Zhuo, who had a firm grip on the real power in Luoyang, was defeated by JeongRyeong and fled to Chang’an, the attention of the world was now focused on JeongRyeong.

It was a battle that almost everyone had expected to end in defeat. However, defying all expectations, JeongRyeong triumphed over Dong Zhuo, drawing the eyes of the entire world.

The news of JeongRyeong’s victory over an enemy force almost three times larger instilled a sense of tension in the warlords who were expanding their power in distant lands.

With Dong Zhuo fleeing Luoyang and leaving a power vacuum, it naturally fell to JeongRyeong, the one who had defeated him, to protect the emperor.

JeongRyeong’s army, with morale sky-high after successive battles, was not being challenged by anyone, as no one dared to face JeongRyeong, who even drove away Dong Zhuo.

What would be the next move of JeongRyeong, who now controlled Luoyang? Would she become a second Dong Zhuo, seeking power for ambition? Or would she be the last loyalist of Han?

Everyone across the continent couldn’t take their eyes off JeongRyeong’s next steps.


“So, I used Dong Zhuo’s minions as shields, and when I hit them, they just collapsed with a thud…”

“Hahaha! Everyone kept talking about the Xiliang cavalry, but they were nothing special once we actually fought them!”

“Did you see their faces when they ran away? One guy even peed his pants while fleeing…”

After the victory over Dong Zhuo, my soldiers were constantly in a festive mood.

I thought it was well-deserved. They had become the heroes of an inspiring story that would be told for generations. Who wouldn’t be happy?

Adding to this, I gave out bonuses to the hard-fighting soldiers, which only elevated the mood further.

Our capital was drying up, but it wouldn’t be right to be stingy with soldiers who risked their lives.

The soldiers moved around in groups or alone, enjoying their vacation in Luoyang.

I had ordered them to rest for a while, so the generals overseeing training didn’t interfere much.

The money spent by the soldiers on vacation would flow into the city, naturally revitalizing its economy and restoring its former vibrancy.

“…My lord, it’s dangerous there. Please come inside and rest.”

As I sat on the high city wall, looking at the scenery of Luoyang, a voice spoke from behind me.

A strict and serious voice, yet pleasant to hear.

Recognizing who it was, I didn’t turn my head and just spoke.

“It’s Gao Shun.”


I took a sip of the wine I had brought with me.

“What danger? Who’s going to target me here?”

“You might fall.”

I shrugged at Gao Shun’s concern.

“Even if this wall collapses right now, Seo Ye will save me.”


She would surely prevent any assassination attempt or sudden accident.

I turned my head to ask Gao Shun.

“What are you doing here, then?”

“I’m patrolling for suspicious individuals.”

As I expected, but still, it left me speechless.

I tapped the seat next to me.

“It’s lonely to drink alone. Join me for a drink.”

“…Isn’t Seo Ye here with you?”

“If I have to guard her, I can’t drink.”

Seo Ye would sit near me, but if I offered her a drink, she would firmly refuse, just shaking her head. It was adorable to see her avoid me like that. I should try it again next time.

Gao Shun slightly shook his head.

“I’m currently on duty, so I cannot drink.”

Gao Shun spoke with a firm tone that allowed no compromise.

“I thought so. Then, let’s just chat for a bit.”

I didn’t really expect him to join me.

Seeing my gaze, Gao Shun slowly approached and sat near me.

“…Just for a moment.”

“Thanks. That’s enough.”

Turning my gaze back to the front, I spoke.

“Thanks for your help in the last battle.”


“You were a big part of why we could win.”

Gao Shun was crucial in keeping our soldiers from collapsing against overwhelming odds. And he was the one who exploited gaps in Dong Zhuo’s forces.

Gao Shun held out, Jangryo blocked, and Lu Bu penetrated. If even one of them hadn’t played their part, we would have lost.

I often sat on the wall like this, drinking and looking at the city. It’s just a trivial hobby, nothing deep.

Luoyang under Dong Zhuo’s rule was always quiet except for occasional screams and cries.

Occasional passersby hurried along, anxious and nervous, while Dong Zhuo’s minions glared and bullied the citizens.

“Luoyang under Dong Zhuo’s rule was just irritating to look at.”

Even if Dong Zhuo hadn’t provoked me, I would have opposed him.

“If we had lost to Dong Zhuo, we wouldn’t be seeing this scenery.”

I looked at the scenery of Luoyang.

The lanterns beautifully illuminating the night streets.

Lively sounds from restaurants and bars still open.

People staggering drunk and those working hard, all with big smiles.

Everyone in Luoyang was happily laughing.

Recalling my past words, I let out a hollow laugh.

“Making the entire continent like this is my dream, kind of funny.”

Is it really possible?

Even if the Three Kingdoms period goes well, the Sixteen Kingdoms period follows, with various nomadic invasions.

By then, I’d be long dead, but why does this feeling still bother me?

“You can achieve it.”


While I was lost in thought, Gao Shun spoke.

“I’ve seen what you’ve achieved in Bing Province.”


Struck by Gao Shun’s words full of belief, I couldn’t respond.

“If you can’t do it, then no one can.”


“I just eliminate enemies that stand in your way.”

Gao Shun, looking at me with his blue eyes, slowly stood up.

“…It’s getting late and cold. I suggest you go inside.”

After closing his eyes and bowing slightly, Gao Shun walked away.

I watched him leave for a moment and then turned back to Luoyang.

“If not me, then who…”


Seo Ye quietly listened to my monologue.

I chuckled.

Certainly, history is a mess for the next 400 years.

“Yeah. Let’s give it our best shot.”


After driving Dong Zhuo out of Luoyang, I started receiving more contacts from people trying to get in touch with me.

Many were offering bribes, trying to curry favor with the new power. I reviewed each of them one-on-one.

“Isn’t that the guy who flattered Dong Zhuo and committed all kinds of evil?”

“JeongRyeong, what are you talking about?”

The official, whose name I didn’t remember, was sweating profusely.

“I never did such things. Please believe me.”

“I heard you in Bing Province saying, ‘Dong Zhuo’s opponents are just

village bumpkins blah blah blah~’”


“So, Dong Zhuo being from Xiliang makes him a bumpkin too, huh?”

I smiled as the official’s face turned pale.

“Well, anyone can curse. I don’t plan to make a big deal out of that.”

“…Thank you for your grace.”

“But I can’t stand corruption.”


Ignoring the wide-eyed official, I rummaged through a pile of documents and read one.

“Looks like you’ve manipulated the accounts…”

“No, no…”

“And why did you extort so much money from the people?”

“That was…!”

“Such a greedy guy.”

As I laughed, the official knelt down.

“I should report this to the emperor. Maybe he’ll chop off your head.”

“No, it’s a misunderstanding! Please listen to me!”

“There’s evidence of your corruption. What misunderstanding? Who do you think I am?”

“I’ll give you more money!”

“That’s what I thought. Lu Bu!”

As I called her, Lu Bu appeared from outside.


“Throw this guy out.”

“Wait, please…. Aaaah──!!”

At my word, Lu Bu grabbed the kneeling man by the scruff and threw him out the open window.

Brushing her hands, Lu Bu complained.

“How many is this now?”

“About twenty?”

“Aren’t we in the capital? Why are there so many rotten people?”

“That’s why the country fell apart.”

I nodded at Lu Bu’s astonishment.

I turned and thanked the girl behind me.

“Thanks for your help.”

“Glad to be of assistance.”

Jangryo, standing behind me, answered with a slight smile.

It was Jangryo who caught the corruption of the officials, not me.

Jangryo had come down to Luoyang after leaving Bing Province’s affairs to his siblings, but I was slightly worried.

“Are you sure you won’t be exposed?”

“Hehe. Worrying now? Don’t worry, there won’t be any backlash because of me.”

“If you say so.”

Jangryo, like Zhuge Liang or Sima Yi in the novel, could read the heaven’s will.



Probably? Why the lack of certainty?

I spoke again.

“So, who’s next?”


At my question, Jangryo flipped through the documents and slowly said.

“It’s Wang Yun.”

“…He could have just invited me instead of coming here.”

“Perhaps it’s a gesture of respect?”

Jangryo spoke leisurely.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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