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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 23

Luoyang (2)

Wang Yun.

If one is interested in the Three Kingdoms, this is a character I think everyone would know.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is famous for the episode known as the “Linked Ring Plan.”

Wang Yun is the one who used Diao Chan to drive a wedge between Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu, leading Dong Zhuo to his death.

Besides this, every time he appears, such as handing over the Seven Star Treasure Sword to Cao Cao, who was plotting to assassinate Dong Zhuo, he is a significant character who always stirs up something.

Though he eventually meets his death due to his overly straightforward personality, his loyalty and concern for the Han dynasty are undoubtedly genuine.

“I am simply delighted that you have warmly welcomed this ordinary old man.”

And now, such a character is greeting me right in front of my eyes.

In response to Wang Yun’s greeting, I also greeted him back.

“If you had invited me, there was no need for you to come out like this; I would have visited you.”

“Ha ha! For a hero who drove away that villain, this is nothing!”

Wang Yun laughed heartily as if my words were nothing.

Dong Zhuo hadn’t been in Luoyang for long, but what on earth had he been doing?

He really had a lot of enemies.

Wang Yun stroked his white beard and spoke gracefully.

“Yes. As Duke Jeongryeong mentioned, I am planning to hold a modest feast at my house soon, would you like to join?”

“I would gladly accept.”

I feel anxious about the feast Wang Yun is preparing.

That’s because, in the Three Kingdoms, the feasts depicted involving Wang Yun were only about conspiracies to assassinate Dong Zhuo.

Whether it was giving the Seven Star Treasure Sword to Cao Cao or summoning Dong Zhuo and Lü Bu to implement the Linked Ring Plan.

…It should be fine, right? I haven’t made any enemies yet, so I believe it will be a normal feast.

Whether Wang Yun, standing in front of me, knew what was going on in my mind or not, he just laughed out loud.


“So, what are you going to do about that guy?”

“That guy?”

The sun had set, and the moon had risen.

Lü Bu spoke to me while I was resting after finishing my work.

“Are you talking about Dong Zhuo or Tongdak? Shouldn’t we wrap things up?”


Come to think of it, in my previous life, some people used to call Dong Zhuo “Tongdak,” a ridiculous nickname.

Well, there are records of him being roasted golden brown for days with a wick stuck in his navel, so I guess it fits.

“Certainly, even if I don’t know about the Western Liang, Chang’an is tempting.”

“Right? He must be fuming mad that I snatched his treasures.”

Lü Bu chuckled as if the thought was amusing.

I had thought that Lü Bu wouldn’t betray me, but seeing her still with me, my feelings were renewed.

“Thank you.”

“Eh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“For not betraying me.”

Lü Bu looked at me as if it was obvious.

“Cough. Do you now see how many covet this unparalleled warrior? You should be grateful to me.”


“…It feels odd to agree so readily.”

Leaving Lü Bu’s reaction behind, I talked about my plans for Dong Zhuo.

“Dong Zhuo lost a lot of generals and soldiers to me, right?”


“Thanks to that, everywhere is just waiting for the chance to strike Dong Zhuo from behind.”

Rule by fear through power may be effective in the short term, but in the long run, it’s not a good approach.

Look, now that Dong Zhuo has lost a significant portion of his proud military forces, rebellions are about to erupt throughout the lands he controls.

“Soon, I will send Zhang Liao and Gao Shun to take over Chang’an completely. If they hear that I’m moving, they will surely respond internally.”

For example, a sudden internal strife might break out.

Or perhaps the city gates mysteriously open by themselves in the middle of the night.

There were countless possibilities.

Hearing my words, Lü Bu nodded slightly.

“Do I not need to be there? I want to fight.”

“If you want to, it doesn’t matter to me…”

If that happens, I would have to lead all the military forces in Luoyang.

It’s not only troublesome, but it also creates efficiency issues.

Until recently, Luoyang, which had been the site of bloody battles, still needed the name of the Unparalleled Warrior.

Just by Lü Bu being here, the public order naturally remained stable, and the soldiers maintained strict discipline.

“Ugh. Can’t we make it work somehow?”

I explained it to her, but Lü Bu whined as if her body was itching to fight.

I sighed deeply and opened my mouth.

“I would prefer if you could stay here.”


“Alright, then. It’s a shame, but I guess I’ll have to go with Zhang Liao…”


Lü Bu suddenly interrupted me.

“Why? You said you were going.”

“She’s been looking at you differently lately, you know?”


What does she mean by looking differently?

Lü Bu looked frustrated at my clueless reaction and thumped her chest.

“How should I put it? Like a thieving cat… Anyway! I’ll stay instead of Zhang Liao, so just know that!”

“…Then let’s do that.”

It’s fine by me.

At that moment, Seo Ye approached me from behind and whispered in my ear with a small voice.

“Everyone except me is a beast eyeing Lord Jeongryeong. Please be careful.”


Why is she suddenly acting like this?


The Imperial Palace, where the Emperor resides.

“…Your Majesty. It’s Jeongryeong. May I enter?”

“Yes, yes. Come in.”

When I requested an audience, Emperor Liu Bian accepted.

Hmm… There shouldn’t be any issues with the etiquette, right? I’m not confident.

How many times have I met an emperor in my life?

Apart from seeing one from a distance, I have never met one.

As I entered the audience chamber, not only the attendants serving the Emperor but also the nearby officials turned to look at me.

Ugh. This is uncomfortable. Let’s quickly do what I need to and leave.

“Your Majesty. With my limited skills, I have found corrupt officials who were devouring the country.”

“That… is so.”

I felt the Emperor nodding at my words.

Anyone could recognize that trembling voice.

What kind of life did he lead to become so wary?

“I intend to strip those who devoured the country of their positions and punish them severely. What do you think?”

“Do as you wish.”

Still, it was a bit uncomfortable to interrupt the Emperor every time he spoke.

An Emperor so feeble, who would believe and follow him?

“Your Majesty.”

“Why, what is it?”

I opened my mouth, wanting to instill some confidence in the Emperor.

“Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven who

oversees all the people of the world.”


“Please stand firm. Only then can this chaotic world be set right.”


I couldn’t see the Emperor’s expression as he had his head bowed, but I waited calmly for his answer.

After a while, the Emperor asked a question.

“…Will you not harm me?”


“Like that wolf-like Dong Zhuo, will you not harm me?”

Hearing his voice tinged with a hint of sobbing, I realized.

Even the Emperor, whom everyone looks up to, is just a young child sitting in that position.

The current year is 186.

Born in 173, Emperor Liu Bian was just a 13-year-old child.

“My uncle, my mother, all were swept away and passed away during the Ten Eunuchs’ Rebellion.”

The Empress Dowager, who would have been deposed and killed by Dong Zhuo, died during the Ten Eunuchs’ Rebellion?

…Ah, I see. No wonder he changed so much. It was not unreasonable.

The Emperor, who had no one to rely on, was in a precarious state, as if he could be swept away by the wind.

Jinryu King Liu Xie? He’s not even 6 years old yet.

Moreover, Liu Xie’s mother was killed in the power struggle by He Jin’s faction, so the situation there was even more serious.

“Answer me. What are your intentions towards me?”

As the Emperor, who was holding back tears, asked, I calmly spoke.

“Do not fear. I am on your side, Your Majesty.”


“If anyone threatens you, please let me know.”

I took the Emperor’s side.

There are several reasons for supporting the Emperor.

Even though the Han dynasty is in a precarious state, if it truly falls, this period of chaos will become even more insane.

The ambitious warlords in various places have not yet crossed the last line represented by the Han dynasty.

The moment even that last line disappears, it will be like a horse running wild without a bridle.

Moreover, the Emperor was just too pitiable.

If he had devoured the country like the previous Emperor Ling, it would be a different story, but this Emperor was just a poor child who was born and manipulated like a puppet.

I couldn’t be so heartless as to ignore a child trembling alone after losing his family.

The Emperor, who had been silent at my answer, spoke to me.

“…Raise your head.”


I raised my head, which I had kept bowed since entering the audience chamber, and saw a small figure sitting on the throne.

The girl, dressed in the Emperor’s ceremonial robes, had jet-black hair that matched her head.

The girl, with the same jet-black eyes, was looking at me.

“Will you truly be on my side?”


“Even if I am an Emperor in name only?”


What was she so afraid of?

The Emperor’s voice still had a trace of tears.

“Then, please protect me.”

With her eyes glistening with tears, the young Emperor bravely tried not to cry and slowly opened her mouth.

“I appoint you as the Grand General (大將軍).”

…Wow. I have really risen in rank.

I wonder what reaction my mother in Bing Province would have.

The Emperor, holding back tears, smiled with tears in her voice.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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