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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 24

Nanyang (3)

Today, as usual, I was busy accusing corrupt officials before the Emperor and getting them beheaded.

“Your Majesty. I propose the removal of Kong Shun (孔順) and these 12 officials from their positions and…”

“Yes. Proceed as you see fit.”

The Emperor nodded and accepted my proposal.

“Now, onto the next agenda. Recently, there have been groups trying to pin their crimes on me and engaging in political machinations. Regarding this…”

“Such detestable scoundrels. I’ll issue an edict – flog them and then behead them.”

Wait. That’s not what I meant.

The Emperor, upon hearing my issue, abruptly interrupted and issued a severe judgment.

I intended to simply strip them of their posts and punish them according to the severity of their crimes…

Lost in thought, I continued speaking with my head bowed.

“…Thank you.”

I thanked the Emperor, as handling it this way wasn’t a problem either.

It was clear they were trying to frame me and sow discord between the Emperor and me.

Reducing my political influence would benefit them, and if things went well, they might even manage to drive me out of Luoyang or have me executed.

While I usually try to resolve matters smoothly, I had to respond decisively to those who posed a threat to me.

Seeing how those who used to just watch under Dong Zhuo now saw me as an easy target, it made it all the more necessary.

This country, rotten for hundreds of years, always revealed another rotten part as soon as one was cut out.

It seems endless.

With the top being corrupt, it’s no surprise that the bottom is rotten too. But on a national scale, it’s no joke.

In some Three Kingdoms game, as your territory expands, you get a corruption penalty on taxes, losing a portion of your income. That’s exactly what’s happening in Luoyang now.

While other areas have normal tax revenues, Luoyang is like having a 70% corruption penalty, making less money than its economic size.

However, recently, hearing the news about Luoyang, new talents filled with zeal have started arriving, so this issue would eventually be resolved with hard work.

“Grand General, raise your head.”


Upon the Emperor’s command, I lifted my head to see the Emperor with a stern face.

“Grand General. I’ve noticed you’ve been visiting me less frequently. Are you aware of that?”

Since that recent incident, the Emperor had been showing me unequivocal support.

Thanks to that, my proposals were readily accepted by the Emperor, making it easy to oust corrupt officials.

“I feel uneasy when I don’t see your face often.”

The problem was that the Emperor was… a bit too dependent on me.

“…Your Majesty. As I’ve said before, it’s important for Your Majesty to remain steadfast…”

“I know. That’s why I haven’t been trembling or speaking improperly lately.”


“Was your promise to protect me all a lie?”

“No, Your Majesty. How could I possibly…”

“Then show your face more often.”

Uh-oh… It’s hard to refuse when the Emperor of the nation says so.

I slowly bowed my head.

“I will follow Your Majesty’s command.”

The Emperor seemed pleased with my response.

“Good. Grand General, raise your head.”


“Come closer and show me your face.”


I approached the Emperor as she instructed.

The Emperor reached out her small hand and gently touched my face.

“Don’t abandon me.”


“The reason I’m alive today is thanks to the Grand General.”

That’s not untrue…

The Emperor, who had been caressing my face, suddenly smiled.

“Is there anything you desire?”

“…What do you mean?”

At my question, the Emperor playfully said,

“I want to reward your hard work by giving you a gift from the Imperial Treasury.”


Although it was a perfectly normal conversation, for some reason, I felt like the Emperor was using the gift as an excuse to hold onto me more.

The Emperor jumped up from her throne and took my hand, leading me.

I spoke worriedly, conscious of the surrounding gazes.

“Your Majesty. You should maintain more decorum…”

“It’s okay. Even an Emperor can’t always be dignified.”

Her confidence was admirable in these moments.

“…Sorry if you didn’t like it.”

As I gave a wry smile, the Emperor startled and then glanced at me apprehensively.

Oh no, not this again.

“No, Your Majesty. It’s just that I find your confidence admirable.”

“Ah, I see. Then let’s hurry!”

Cheered up by my compliment, the Emperor led me.

I followed the Emperor, who stumbled over his words a bit, perhaps a habit from the past, to the treasury.

But is it really okay for the Emperor to do this amidst state affairs?

“Your Majesty. Aren’t there still state affairs to attend to?”

“It’s fine. Recently, aside from you, there aren’t many who come to see me.”

It seems nobody else really comes to meet her besides me.

Being a young Emperor, she probably has difficulties overseeing national affairs.

As I was led by the Emperor’s hand, we arrived at the treasury. The Emperor casually approached the guard.

“I have business in the treasury. May I enter?”

“Of course!”

The guard, suddenly meeting the Emperor during his duty, became alert.

I couldn’t blame her. I used to get nervous too when receiving stars during my army days.

The Emperor smiled at me and said,

“Let’s go in quickly!”



The guards looked at us, holding hands, with puzzled eyes.

The treasury was filled with more wealth than I had expected.


How much did the previous Emperor indulge himself?

True to the foolish, money-crazed Emperor, there was an immense amount of wealth piled up.

“Dong Zhuo didn’t take it, I see.”

If it were the Dong Zhuo I knew, she would have taken everything.

“Before he could, you saved me.”

The Emperor said, closing her eyes.

After a moment of contemplation, she smiled.

“Take whatever you want!”



This feels weird.

It’s like I’m some kind of manipulator who’s about to strip the country bare.

Would Yang Guifei or Daji have felt this way, despite the gender difference?

“Your Majesty. You shouldn’t just hand over the Imperial Treasury to anyone.”

“…Do you think I would do this for just anyone?”

The Emperor narrowed her eyes in protest at my words.

“It’s because it’s you that I do this.”


Why do I feel like I might become the Guose (Emperor’s husband) if the Emperor grows up?

“May I use the items I take here at my discretion?”

“Of course. Whether you use them for state affairs or give them as gifts to others, I don’t mind.”

The Emperor said this, looking at me with an unfathomable gaze.

“My wealth is virtually yours anyway.”

…Surely not.

…It can’t be.


After finishing my audience with the Emperor and taking a few steps, Seoyeo quietly followed behind me.

Even Seoyeo, who always sticks by my side, couldn’t accompany me during my audience with the Emperor.

Well, it’s the Emperor. It’s unavoidable


Therefore, every time I met with the Emperor, Seoyeo would hide out of sight, suppressing her presence and waiting.

According to her, there was no issue with her guarding, but how does she do it without problems?

At my question, Seoyeo replied,

“If I concentrate, I can vaguely sense it.”

“How do you sense it?”

“By feeling sounds and vibrations.”


I gave Seoyeo a strange look at her response, reminiscent of a martial arts novel.

“Anyway, there’s no problem?”


She must be right since she’s saying so.

If Lu Bu alone can decimate an army, what more could a greater warrior like Seoyeo do?

I handed over the wealth I was able to obtain thanks to the Emperor’s consideration to Seoyeo.

“Here. A gift for you.”


Seoyeo widened her eyes in surprise at my gesture.

The first thing I looked for upon entering the Imperial Treasury was this.

“I thought it might be here, and it was.”

A single sword.

Though history changed a bit with Hanyang taking the place of Hanryang and the current Hanryang just being born, most of the history remained the same.

“I heard you haven’t changed the sword you’re using.”

Seoyeo cherished her current sword, sharpening it with a whetstone, oiling it, and maintaining its cleanliness.

But no matter how well-maintained, the ordinary sword Seoyeo was using was consumable.

Eventually, it would wear out and become unusable.

Yet Seoyeo persisted with her current sword, refusing to change weapons.

At my words, Seoyeo spoke in a small voice.

“Because it’s the first sword you gave me.”


I was moved.

I smiled and spoke.

“Then this is also a sword I’m giving you, so no problem.”


“Take it quickly. It’s heavy.”

The sword was quite heavy, even as I held it with both hands.

How does one even wield such a thing?

Seoyeo knelt on one knee and received the sword with both hands.

“I guess you’ve already guessed, but I’ll explain what this sword is anyway.”


The sword Seoyeo received was a massive sword, as large as her own body.

“It’s the sword used by that Super Overlord.”


Chochun Sword.

The swords of ancient Chosun were known to be short, thick, and heavy, but this sword was long and thick, as if mocking that tradition.

Reportedly, the combined weight of Hanryang’s Chochun Sword and Chojin Spear was about 150 geun.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu’s Green Dragon Crescent Blade is described as weighing 82 geun, but this was 150 geun.


In Han standards, 150 geun is roughly 30kg.

In modern terms, it’s about 90kg. Heavier than me.

Though it’s likely exaggerated, in this somewhat fantastical world I’m in, it’s plausible that it really weighed 30kg and was wielded.

I’m not sure where the Chojin Spear is, but the Chochun Sword was carefully stored in the Han Imperial Treasury.

“Use this sword from now on, and do whatever you want with the first one I gave you.”

“…Thank you.”

Seoyeo easily carried the sword on her back.

Seeing her like this, she really did seem like Hanryang.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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