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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 25

Luoyang (4)

Having been invited by Wang Yun, I meticulously prepared and headed to Wang Yun’s house.

What Wang Yun was aiming for by inviting me to the feast remained a complete mystery.

It could genuinely be with the intention of becoming good friends from now on, or if not that, it might be a sinister scheme with some ulterior motive.

However, one thing I could be certain of.

Wang Yun was undoubtedly one of the few remaining loyalists of the Han dynasty, and his act of inviting me now also had a high likelihood of being preparatory work for the sake of the Han dynasty.

What action would Wang Yun show at the feast, indeed.

And honestly, I was curious.

About what the appearance of Wang Yun’s adopted daughter, who is counted among the four beauties of China, would be like.

“Please come in, General. I have been waiting for you.”

Upon arrival at the house, I slowly moved my steps, looking at the servant who respectfully greeted me.


“Haha! So you see…”

“Well then, in that case…”

Not long after I entered, the banquet that started was quickly heated up.

I felt somewhat sheepish for thinking there would be something at this all-too-ordinary banquet.

Aside from me, there were quite a few people invited by Wang Yun, and most of those figures were individuals I had been paying attention to recently.

Not in a negative sense, but rather, in a positive one.

In this country unlike any other, they were some of the few clean officials who maintained loyalty and fairness in their work.

They were like natural monuments now scarce in the rotten Han dynasty, from the emperor to the lowest ranks.

As I was moderately controlling my drinking and observing the banquet, Wang Yun sitting next to me asked.

“General. Do you know why I invited you here today?”


Perhaps it was with the intention of striving for the restoration of the Han dynasty.

Judging by the personnel gathered here, that intention was felt.

Clean and capable, but precisely because of that, they were individuals who could not advance in the Han dynasty.

Wang Yun was introducing such figures to me and requesting my help.

Wang Yun said with a bitter face recalling the past.

“When I reported the corruption of the Ten Attendants to His Majesty, I was almost killed by His Majesty who sided with the Ten Attendants instead.”


The Emperor again, is it?

After taking a sip of alcohol, Wang Yun continued.

“However, with the help of my acquaintances, I was able to be released just before the execution of my death sentence. Even now, when I think of that time, it feels a bit bitter.”

To Wang Yun’s words, I opened my mouth.

“Then, do you regret having taken such actions at that time?”

“I do not regret it.”

Wang Yun looked at me with eyes still full of vitality despite his age.

“Just, I wonder if there might have been a better way… I think about that.”


It’s somewhat improper to think this in front of a loyalist concerned about the nation, but probably there was no such way.

If there had been, the Emperor wouldn’t have acted that way in the first place.

The expressions of the officials listening to Wang Yun’s past became gloomy, showing a sorrowful demeanor.

Interpreting my silence however he wished, Wang Yun laughed heartily and said.

“I’ve brought up too serious a topic at this joyous occasion. My apologies.”

“It’s okay.”

The mood of the banquet had already soured.

As the atmosphere dipped and silence lingered for a while, Wang Yun broke the silence.

“I’ve spoiled the mood, so I must take responsibility.”

Was this also a calculated act?

I said nothing and closely watched what action Wang Yun would take.

“Chosun! Come out!”

“Yes, Father.”

At the same time, a figure appeared from the far end of the house.


And…. Now it might be a clichéd expression, but everyone in the room instinctively held their breath at the sight of the girl.

Her clothes fluttering as if they were the celestial robes of a fairy.

A perfect appearance and dignity with not a single flaw to be found.

And the indescribable enchanting scent emanating from the girl.

Everything about her seemed crafted to seduce others, believable to be the pinnacle of beauty in this continent where possessing outstanding abilities often coincides with beautiful appearance.

Putting it more crudely, might it be called an “overwhelming plausibility” in appearance?

“Wow… I’ve never seen someone so pretty before.”

Lu Bu, who was enjoying the banquet with me, said.

Briefly recalling the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I teasingly asked Lu Bu.

“Did you fall for her at first sight?”

“……What are you talking about? Why would I fall for another woman?”

Lu Bu drew a firm line with a puzzled tone.

Hmm… Then, if things had gone as they originally did without me, what would have been the reason for betraying Dong Zhuo?

After becoming the closest of friends and then assassinating Dong Zhuo, would it have flowed into that kind of story?

Now that it won’t happen, it was curious but not something to deeply ponder.

While still not finished with Chosun’s performance and dance, Seo Ye asked.

“…What do you think, Jeongryeong-nim?”

To Seo Ye’s question, I nodded and said.

“She’s just pretty.”


“Good at playing music and dancing. Plus, she’s beautiful? Men would absolutely go crazy.”

Now that I’ve said it, it’s similar to the elements of today’s idols, isn’t it?

As I said, the men attending the banquet couldn’t close their mouths and were staring at Chosun.

After a brief silence, Seo Ye spoke again.

“Do you… feel the same, Jeongryeong-nim?”

Her voice was the same as usual, but I could tell it was trembling slightly.

I chuckled and said.

“If I say I prefer Seo Ye, who I’ve been with for a long time, over a woman I’ve seen for the first time today, would that be too transparent?”


“Seo Ye?”


Why is she like this?

I couldn’t hide my bewilderment at Seo Ye’s sudden petrification.

Could it be that she’s frozen because she heard a word of affection? My word.

“Then what about me?”


I turned my head to Lu Bu, who unexpectedly threw a question.

“Don’t you like me?”

“What are you talking about? Of course, I like you too.”


“…Lu Bu?”


Does it make sense to freeze like a statue just because you heard a word of liking?

Such romantics.

Indeed, both Hangjeok and Lu Bu are often romanticized in later creations as being sincere in love.

Hmm… I hope they don’t end up wanting to split my body in half later, claiming it to be fair.

Just the thought is terrifying.

“…General, you seem to be very popular.”

Wang Yun, who had been watching this scene, spoke to me.

I took a sip of alcohol and replied.

“These women are too good for me.”

“Is that so……”

Chosun, while having an otherworldly appearance, Seo Ye and Lu Bu were also incredibly


Wang Yun, though I’m unsure what he was thinking, looked at Chosun with a peculiar gaze after my response.

Chosun was still focused on her performance and dance.

That must be very hard to do simultaneously.

Effort was visible in her dedication.


As time passed, the day turned to night, and the moon rose.

The banquet naturally came to an end, and Wang Yun and Jeongryeong were facing each other, exchanging farewells.

“Thanks to Minister Wang, I was able to spend a very enjoyable time today.”

“Haha. I don’t know what to do with myself hearing the General say that.”

Wang Yun laughed, stroking his beard, and Jeongryeong smiled back and said.

“Then I shall take my leave. May you stay safe.”

“Yes. I wish the same for the General.”

With those words, Jeongryeong turned and slowly started to walk away.

The two girls behind Jeongryeong followed him.

As the figure of Jeongryeong gradually became faint, Wang Yun spoke.

“…Chosun. How was it?”

“Indeed, as Father said, he is an extraordinary person.”

The girl who appeared from behind a tree spoke in a calm voice.

“At least, he does not seem like someone who would make a foolish choice because of a woman.”

“That’s right. Indeed.”

Wang Yun nodded.

While everyone couldn’t take their eyes off Chosun, only the General freely shifted his gaze elsewhere.

“A man with more courage than anyone else.”

Unlike himself, who couldn’t utter a word under Dong Zhuo’s oppression, that man boldly confronted Dong Zhuo.

“When everyone called it recklessness, he showed that standing against immense power was not an impossible task.”

He also possessed outstanding abilities to achieve what he wanted.

“He also has the true nature of caring for the people.”

It’s said he made Bing Province livable, right?

As someone from Bing Province, Wang Yun knew best how difficult that task was.

“He gave courage to His Majesty, who thought he had no allies and was shivering alone.”

If he felt someone needed help, he would extend a hand to anyone.

“He feels anger towards injustice and takes action to accomplish his goals.”

Wang Yun continued speaking calmly and then slightly smiled.

“Wouldn’t one call this a hero?”


“Right. Maybe I’ve also been somewhat arrogant. Thinking I’m the only loyalist left in the Han dynasty.”

“…Father, you are not someone who would do that.”

“No, Chosun. I surely must have become arrogant. Thinking my words were always right, I would have met my end in stubbornness.”

Wang Yun looked up at the moon hanging in the night sky.

“And perhaps even my only precious daughter would have died for me.”


“Chosun. Now that you’ve grown up, don’t just follow what I say. Do what you want.”

“What I want… do you mean?”

“Yes. You have outstanding talents, so whatever you do, you will surely succeed.”

There was certainty in Wang Yun’s words.

“Military? Good. Since you’ve easily defeated ordinary warriors, it won’t be difficult.”

“Scholarship? That’s also good. You are intelligent, so it will definitely be possible.”

A woman of many talents.

There couldn’t be a phrase more fitting for Chosun.

“My daughter, what do you want to do?”

To Wang Yun’s question, Chosun closed her eyes.

After pondering for a while, Chosun slowly opened her mouth.

“I want to────”

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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