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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 26

White Wave Bandits (1)

Two days after the banquet hosted by Wang Yun, I received another letter from him.

Receiving the letter, I thought perhaps he was hosting another banquet, but that was not the case.

It was just a letter with somewhat unsettling content.

The letter was an invitation to meet at his home, bringing only the minimum number of attendants, as there was a matter he wished to discuss privately.

Feeling somewhat uneasy, yet I took my attendant, Seo Ye, and headed towards Wang Yun’s residence.

“I have been waiting for you. Please, come inside.”

This time, it was not a servant but Wang Yun himself who came out to greet me.

Following Wang Yun’s lead, we entered the room and faced each other.

“…So, Wang Yun Gong. What is this matter you wish to discuss privately?”

Wang Yun looked momentarily troubled by my question.

“The purpose of calling the general today is none other than to make a request.”

A request. It made me wonder what kind of request would cause him to look so troubled.

As I listened quietly, Wang Yun continued.

“As you have seen not long ago, you know that I have a daughter, don’t you?”

“Yes. She was indeed a very beautiful daughter.”

I wondered why he suddenly brought up the topic of Chosun and played along, trying to figure out Wang Yun’s intention.

Honestly, when he asked to see me alone, I suspected it might involve Chosun, and now that it really did, I was taken aback.

“After the banquet, and after you had left, I promised her my full support and asked her to tell me what she wanted.”

A problem every parent faces: their child’s future.

Bringing up this topic here surely meant it was related to that.

“Then, she gave a response I could not have anticipated.”

“An unexpected response?”

I asked, and Wang Yun nodded.

“Yes. She said she wanted to become a maid to serve the general by his side.”


Something… Something feels familiar.

Memories of Wang Yun and Chosun’s relationship from various media in my past life flashed through my mind.

Is he intending to use that strategy on me?

But then, whom is he targeting?

Is it really that strategy?

As my head was about to spin with these thoughts, Wang Yun spoke again.

“I understand why the general might be puzzled. Even I, her father, was quite taken aback.”


“But now that she has spoken, I cannot ignore her words. Could you possibly take her in?”

Wang Yun’s earnest tone left me in silence.

If there’s no ulterior motive behind Wang Yun’s request as he says, then what exactly is Chosun aiming for with this request?

“Before making a decision, there’s one thing I’d like to ask.”

“Yes, please ask.”

With Wang Yun’s permission, I slowly spoke.

“May I know why your child made such a request?”

Wang Yun stroked his beard.

“Um… She simply said she wanted to observe the general up close and understand what kind of person you are.”


“I suppose she has her reasons, but I am not sure.”

Nor am I.

What does it mean that she wants to understand what kind of person I am?

The more I conversed with Wang Yun, the deeper into a maze I seemed to fall.

“My child is smart and quick-witted, so if you take her in, she will surely be of help.”

I had no objections to Wang Yun’s words.

The atmosphere surrounding Chosun, whom I had seen myself, was indeed indescribable.

Those brief moments our eyes met.

Such unreadable eyes are not something anyone can simply have.


Acting too cowardly is also questionable.

After all, I couldn’t find a reason for Wang Yun to harm me at this moment.

Nor could I see a reason for Chosun to do so.

After organizing my thoughts for a moment, I quietly spoke.

“It would be strange to push away someone who wishes to observe me.”


“Yes. I will take her in.”

My acceptance brightened Wang Yun’s face.

“Ha-ha! Thank you! Please take good care of my daughter!”

I still don’t know what he wants, but I believe there will be no major issues.


“Thank you for accepting me.”

“…Yes. I also ask for your good cooperation.”

As Wang Yun said, Chosun entered as my maid and helped with various tasks.

The way Lü Bu and Seo Ye looked at Chosun was somewhat ambiguous, but apart from that, there were no particularly strange issues.

“Master Jeongryeong, please be cautious. Since ancient times, a woman who approaches without reason has been a subject of caution.”

Seo Ye said that, and

“I don’t like that kid.”

Lü Bu said, looking at Chosun.

…It should be okay, right?

The day after accepting Chosun. Thinking that the time was right, I began the final inspection to move the army.

The undesirables were almost entirely dealt with, and the peace in Nanyang was stabilizing.

Now, my job in Nanyang was simply to wait and collect taxes for a while.

Then, should I start pushing Dong Zhuo out of Xiyuan?

Just as I was about to summon the generals, an unexpected event occurred.

“My lord! Urgent news!”


A messenger rushed in with urgent movements.

With the mention of urgent news, I opened my mouth feeling anxious.

“…What has happened?”


The messenger, sweating profusely from the haste, urgently replied.

“From the south of Bing Province to the north of Xiyuan, a band of thieves called the White Wave Bandits is rampaging and looting!”


Now that I think about it, there were such people too.

After the Yellow Turbans and the Black Mountain bandits, now the White Wave Bandits? And again in Bing Province?

How come a new band of thieves has emerged while I was away from Bing Province for just a short while?

Just as Bing Province and Nanyang were starting to find stability, they’re shaking things up again?

I’ve changed my mind.

Before driving Dong Zhuo out of Xiyuan, I’ll have to beat these bandit bastards first.

Swiftly and decisively.

To prepare for any unforeseen situations, I decided to leave the defense of Nanyang to Gongsun and lead only a small number of soldiers.

If the army is too large, the frightened bandits might hide away, making it not impossible but significantly more time-consuming to subdue the White Wave Bandits.

According to reports, the White Wave Bandits numbered around 30,000.

Compared to the over one million who rose up in the eight provinces during the Yellow Turban Rebellion or the roughly 100,000 raised by the Black Mountain bandits in Bing Province, their numbers were embarrassingly small.

Regardless of their intentions for thievery at this time, they will regret it.

I, along with Lü Bu and Zhang Liao, organized a small unit and marched towards the White Wave Bandits.


“Boss. Are we really safe?”

In a forest in Hadong County of Xiyuan, a White Wave Bandit spoke with concern.

“That Jeongryeong guy is also fighting with Dong Zhuo

and has suffered greatly, but would he really come all the way here to subdue us?”

To that worry, the leader of the White Wave Bandits, Guo Tai, laughed heartily and said.

“Still, we are currently in Bing Province and Xiyuan, both under Jeongryeong’s control. Wouldn’t it be a bit doubtful if he just left us alone?”

“Then we’ll just run away! No matter how skilled in battle he is, if we keep running, could those guys really catch us?”


They can catch us, that’s why we’re doing this.

The White Wave Bandit, who valued his life, kept silent.

“Our numbers are 30,000, 30,000! To subdue a force of this size naturally requires a large army, which would decrease its mobility.”

As if admiring his own strategy, Guo Tai stroked his chin and grinned.

“Come to catch us? It doesn’t matter. While we drag it out and run away, we can contact Dong Zhuo in Chang’an to strike from behind!”

Would it really go as planned?

Wrapped in an uneasy premonition, the White Wave Bandit, Hansom, trembled as he was lost in thought.

And there was someone secretly observing this scene.


Thinking it odd that this band of thieves acted a bit more boldly than usual, they had such plans in mind.

Struggling alone to subdue the White Wave Bandits due to their unexpectedly large numbers, there would surely come a chance to cut down these beasts.

If Jeongryeong is truly a person who cares for the people as the rumors say, he will not stand idly by while these looters run rampant.

“Who are you…. Aaaah!”

Silently moving out of the camp and cutting down any White Wave Bandit they encountered, the figure slowly walked away.

The blood dripping from the massive axe shone in the moonlight, casting a dim glow.

After a few hours,

When the White Wave Bandits, having found their comrade’s body, raised their guard to the maximum and searched the surroundings, the figure had already vanished.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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