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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 27

White Wave Bandits (2)

“It hasn’t even been a month since we fought with Dong Zhuo and Luoyang, and here we are, about to fight again.”

“This must be the chaos of troubled times.”

I chimed in agreement with Zhang Liao, who was riding beside me.

Zhang Liao skillfully maneuvered her horse, holding a crescent halberd in one hand.

Indeed, a beautiful woman turns everything she does into a picturesque scene.

Just watching her ride fills me with a sense of delight.

“Um, it’s a bit embarrassing if you stare so openly…”

“Ah. Sorry.”

Zhang Liao, noticing my gaze, blushed slightly as she spoke.

I had acted shamelessly without realizing.

If I had done the same to ordinary women, I would have no excuse for such behavior.


Seo Ye looked at me with an indescribable gaze.

Seo Ye isn’t the type to directly confront me, but she does express her opinions in such indirect ways.

Her gaze is too intense. It feels like my back is being pricked.

Could it be that someone as powerful as Seo Ye can exert physical force just with their gaze?

It’s fortunate that Lü Bu isn’t here right now.

If Lü Bu were here, there would be another pair of glaring eyes on me.

Lü Bu, seemingly exhilarated by the prospect of battle, was leading the troops at the front.

Watching Lü Bu’s energetic movements, Zhang Liao spoke up.

“Does she enjoy fighting that much?”

“There’s that, and perhaps something else.”

“Something else?”

I pondered for a moment on how to explain.

“Lü Bu recently acquired a new horse.”


Zhang Liao nodded in understanding at my words.

The Red Hare, a gift from Dong Zhuo to win Lü Bu’s favor.

The red steed, famed for its ability to travel a thousand li in a day, suited Lü Bu perfectly.

To put it in modern terms, Lü Bu was like a car enthusiast who just got a sports car, absolutely thrilled.

“It will be interesting to see what kind of performance such a great warrior and her excellent horse will show.”

Zhang Liao, intrigued by my comment, turned her gaze towards Lü Bu, who was leading the troops at the front.

There was something I didn’t mention, thinking of Lü Bu’s pride: her habit of coming to me first after achieving any military feat, seemingly expecting praise.

Though she pretends otherwise, Lü Bu visibly rejoices when I commend her achievements.

Interestingly, she showed little interest in the rewards I offered along with the praise, even returning them, suggesting they be used elsewhere.

Lü Bu, not seeking material rewards but delighted by my praise alone.

Each time I witnessed this, I wondered if this Lü Bu was really the same person known from history.

At that moment, Lü Bu’s Red Hare suddenly stopped.

Naturally, with Lü Bu halting, we all stopped as well.

“Who is that person?” Zhang Liao asked, looking puzzled.

“I’m not sure.”

An individual, confident for some reason, was blocking our army’s path alone.

At the mountain’s entrance where the path narrows, the figure stood out conspicuously.

At a glance, the figure, draped in a suspicious robe to conceal their identity, held a large axe on their shoulder, exuding a menacing presence.

…A huge axe?

Wait a minute. I think I know who this is.

From Xiyuan, using a large axe, involved with the White Wave Bandits.

It has to be that person. That person.

“I’ll be right back.”


Leaving the troops in Zhang Liao’s care, I rode forward to the front.

Lü Bu was growling, and if left alone, they would surely start fighting.

Even if it was the person I was thinking of, I doubted they would survive Lü Bu’s murderous assault unscathed.

I hurried my horse.

“If you don’t answer this time, you’ll die by my hand.”


“Speak. Who are you, and why are you blocking the way?”

As we got close enough for our voices to reach, I could hear Lü Bu addressing the figure blocking the path.

“Just a moment!”


Lü Bu, seemingly at the end of her patience, lowered her tone as I intervened hastily.


The figure blocking the way let out a sigh of relief as I joined the conversation.

Lü Bu smirked at my hurried appearance.

“Don’t worry. This guy thinks she can block the way and swagger around, but she’s no match for me…”

“Of course, I trust that. But that’s not why I intervened.”

“…Eh? Then why?”

I passed Lü Bu and approached the figure blocking our path.

“It seems you’ve been waiting for me, shall we talk now?”

“…Thank you. I was almost killed.”

The figure expressed gratitude and set down their large axe on the ground.

The axe made a heavy sound as it was placed down, living up to its massive appearance.

“I wanted to leave a strong impression, but it seems I fell short.”

Contrary to my expectation of a stern and taciturn character from history, they seemed quite amiable.

…Am I right about the taciturn part?

“I thought I was quite capable in this world, but compared to the unparalleled, I was just a child.”

“Lü Bu is just too strong.”

“…Thanks for the comforting words.”

The woman with hidden orange hair under her hood smiled slightly.

“My name is Xu Huang. I’m at your service.”

I watched as Xu Huang courteously performed a fist-and-palm salute.

Thank you, White Wave Bandits.

At least you’ll be sent off without pain.


Xu Huang Gongming (徐晃 公明).

One of the notable figures traditionally known as one of the “Five Elite Generals” under Cao Cao in the original history.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is characterized by his skill with a large axe, and in historical records, he is a general who made his name under Cao Cao by achieving numerous military feats.

Personally, the first anecdote that comes to mind about Xu Huang is his words to his soldiers in front of Guan Yu during the siege of Fancheng.

Xu Huang and Guan Yu had built a relationship of mutual respect and friendship over time.

─Whoever brings me Guan Yu’s head will be rewarded with a thousand catties of gold.

However, when Xu Huang faced Guan Yu on the battlefield, he told his soldiers to decapitate Guan Yu, whom he had been friendly with.

─Big brother, what are you saying!

Guan Yu, shocked and dismayed by Xu Huang’s words, expressed his disbelief, to which Xu Huang curtly replied:

─This is a matter of the state.

As seen from this incident, Xu Huang was known for his strict separation of personal and official matters.

After joining Cao Cao, there were hardly any battles where he didn’t achieve military glory.

Thinking about how he was a clever general, combining both bravery and strategy, it’s no wonder he was one of Cao Cao’s favorites.

And now, such a general was with me.

“Here is a map I’ve compiled while moving alone, detailing the bases of the White Wave Bandits. Especially this location…”

Xu Huang pulled out a map and began sharing information about the White Wave Bandits.

The slightly playful demeanor she had shown earlier was gone, replaced by a serious expression, and I nodded in approval.

Of course, our cooperation was temporary, aimed at subduing the White Wave Bandits, but my goal was to eventually persuade Xu Huang to join my ranks.

After finishing her explanation, Xu Huang looked at the number of troops I had brought and expressed her admiration.

“You’ve brought only the elite, fearing that the bandits might flee if faced with a large army.”

“That’s right. If we have fewer numbers, they might think they stand a chance and attack us first.”

It’s troublesome to chase down bandits scattered everywhere. There’s always the chance of missing some.

“The White Wave Bandits are nothing more than a rabble. Even with these numbers, we have more than enough to win.”

“Thanks for saying so.”

I spoke informally, following Xu Huang’s suggestion that there was no need for formalities since she was currently just a guest under my command.

The more I learned about her, the more I liked her.

“The White Wave Bandits still don’t know we’ve infiltrated. Let’s start with a surprise attack.”


“The bandit strongholds are spread out, so we’ll start with the ones on the outskirts…”

I nodded as Xu Huang continued detailing her plan.

Both Lü Bu and Zhang Liao seemed to have no objections, silently agreeing with the plan.

Considering Lü Bu, known for her straightforward approach to battle, and Zhang Liao not voicing any objections, it must mean Xu Huang’s plan was solid.

After hearing Xu Huang’s plan, I looked around and asked,

“Does anyone have any objections to Xu Huang’s plan?”

Lü Bu and Zhang Liao responded.


“Me neither.”

“Then it’s settled.”

I stood up and stated calmly,

“More than half of the 30,000 White Wave Bandits will die tonight.”

I’ve become adept at catching bandits.

Let’s wrap this up quickly and move on to dealing with Dong Zhuo.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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