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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 29

White Wave Bandits (4)

Following Xu Huang’s information, I divided our forces into several groups and launched a surprise attack on the White Wave Bandits at dawn.

The result was a success.

We managed to burn down four strongholds of the White Wave Bandits, who had been looting across the mountain ranges spanning Xiyuan and Bing Province.

Though the number of bandits residing in each stronghold varied, it was clear we had eliminated roughly half of them.

Now, only the stronghold of the White Wave Bandits’ leader, located in the center of the mountain range, remained.

Was the leader’s name Guo Tai?

Around Guo Tai’s stronghold, as if to guard him, were several smaller strongholds.

Compared to the ones we had burned at dawn, these were smaller in scale. However, considering they were kept close to the leader, they likely housed the White Wave Bandits’ elite.

But how strong could the so-called elites be, who only preyed on powerless commoners?

According to Xu Huang, Guo Tai was an overconfident individual prone to making mistakes without the capability to handle situations well.

He surely underestimated our small force, charging recklessly without regard for strategy or formation.

The next day.

“The enemies are few! Overwhelm them with numbers─!”


Just as Xu Huang said, I couldn’t help but snicker at the sight of the White Wave Bandits charging without any strategy.

They didn’t form any formations or utilize the terrain they were familiar with; they simply relied on their momentum to attack.

Even Zhang Yan, who led the Black Mountain bandits, at least attempted ambushes, whereas the White Wave Bandits charged at us relying solely on their numbers.

A battle of brute force.

Perfect for us.

A head-on clash of strength was our army’s greatest advantage.

The White Wave Bandits, charging with overwhelming momentum due to their numerical superiority.

Our soldiers, maintaining their formation calmly, faced the enemies.


The distance between the two forces closed rapidly, and the shouts grew louder.

Soon after, the two armies collided.

The battle began in earnest.



A bandit’s axe strike was effortlessly blocked by a soldier’s shield.

“What, what is this?!”

The first bandit to charge with great fervor voiced his confusion.

Seizing the moment, the soldier pierced the bandit with his spear.


Unarmored, the bandit couldn’t fend off the spear thrust and died instantly.


A bandit attempting to shoot arrows from a distance was instead struck first by our archers.

Even if a White Wave Bandit managed to release an arrow, it fell short, lacking the strength to reach us.

The poorly made bows and the archers’ lack of skill made this outcome inevitable.

Ironically, an arrow that fell short ended up embedding in the skull of a bandit fighting in the front line.


The White Wave Bandits’ cavalry played no role, surrounded and killed off one by one by our spearmen.

Seemingly having looted a wealthy caravan recently, these mountain-dwelling bandits had formed a makeshift cavalry, but a hastily assembled cavalry had no chance to perform effectively.

Riding itself requires skill, let alone wielding a weapon on horseback, which is a feat of strength and years of training.

The bandit cavalry, thinking they were attacking a vulnerable spot, were instead uselessly decimated.

Even if our soldiers made a mistake in their defense, the bandits’ worn-out weapons couldn’t penetrate the quality armor our soldiers wore.

Watching this, I couldn’t help but think.

Isn’t this already over?

Our soldiers were capturing White Wave Bandits with an overwhelmingly favorable exchange rate…

“Cowards──!! Don’t run, come at me──!!”

Above all, no one could stop Lü Bu, who was rampaging in the forefront.

Until now, Lü Bu was somewhat restrained in battle due to her ordinary mount.

Lü Bu could have done more, but her mount couldn’t keep up. Each time, she would return to the main camp, clicking her tongue.

But now, Lü Bu was different.

“Run! If you don’t want to die, run…. Aaahhh!”

“Turning your back makes you the first to die, didn’t you know?”

Ren Zhong Lü Bu, Ma Zhong Chi Tu (人中呂布 馬中赤兔).

Among men, there’s Lü Bu; among horses, there’s Red Hare.

Now I understood why this saying came about.

Red Hare, surrounded by enemies, charged through the battlefield as if it were flat ground.

Atop Red Hare, Lü Bu swung her Sky Piercer joyously.

Bandits struck by Red Hare were shattered to pieces.

Bodies decapitated by Lü Bu’s Sky Piercer sprayed blood in all directions.

Relying solely on their momentum, the White Wave Bandits realized too late that something was wrong and began to falter.

Then, our cavalry swept through the demoralized White Wave Bandits from behind.


Directly charging towards Guo Tai’s main camp were hundreds of cavalry.

As the bandits blocking the way were effortlessly swept aside, Guo Tai grew furious.

“What are you doing? Can’t you even stop a cavalry charge? Block them!”

At Guo Tai’s command, the White Wave Bandits attempted to stop the cavalry.



As the bandits tried to block the path and raised their weapons, the female leader at the forefront simply knocked them aside and trampled over them.

Regardless of how many bandits stood in her way, she charged straight ahead.

Only cold death remained in the wake of the passing cavalry.

“Why can’t you stop them! Why!”

Watching his cavalry not slow down, Guo Tai grew anxious.

Seeing Yang Feng trembling and watching the cavalry, Guo Tai shouted.

“Don’t just stand there, block them! Block them!”

“Le, leader?”

Yang Feng’s eyes widened as he saw Guo Tai attempting to flee on his horse.

“You’re going to abandon us?!”

“Shut up!”

How could they not overcome an enemy force five times smaller and instead reveal weaknesses?

Even now, they couldn’t stop a mere 300-strong cavalry with thousands at their disposal.

Guo Tai couldn’t comprehend the situation.

“It’s all your fault for being incompetent! You deal with the consequences!”

With that, Guo Tai spurred his horse, fleeing.

Yang Feng’s face twisted in anger.

“Damn it all! To think I followed such a man──”

Ignoring the curses behind him, Guo Tai didn’t care.

War, after all, was about the leader surviving by any means!

Ignoring his soldiers’ screams, Guo Tai continued his escape, soon noticing something odd.

The sound of hooves slaughtering his men didn’t fade from his ears.

They were getting closer.

Guo Tai felt a chill despite the warm daylight.

“Faster! Go faster!”

The sound of hooves grew even closer, as if they were about to catch up.

“No! You slow beast, hurry up!!”

Despite Guo Tai’s urging, the horse’s speed didn’t increase.

The horse, covered in sweat, seemed tired, ignoring its master’s desire to live.

Though his body was sweating prof

usely, Guo Tai felt an unusual chill.

How close had they gotten?

Could he really escape?

It was unusually cold.

Hurriedly driving his horse, Guo Tai felt nauseous and turned his head.

And then, he saw it.


A woman with brown hair on a black horse, swinging her weapon right behind him.

That was Guo Tai’s last memory.


“Causing trouble till the very end.”

Having swiftly decapitated Guo Tai, Zhang Liao stopped in place.

Guo Tai’s decapitated body lay there with a look of disbelief.

Despite expectations, he had used his soldiers as bait to flee alone.

Winning the battle was easy, but Guo Tai’s actions were far from commendable.

“General Zhang Liao!”

After a while, Xu Huang hurriedly approached Zhang Liao on her horse.

Seeing a head rolling on the ground, Xu Huang nodded in approval.

“You’ve caught Guo Tai. As expected, you’re remarkable.”

“There’s no need to praise me like that.”

Zhang Liao smiled and shook her head.

Any soldier could have tracked down a general who couldn’t even ride properly.

“I was surprised when you suddenly handed over command of the soldiers and went off alone.”


Seeing the White Wave Bandits crumbling, Zhang Liao thought it unnecessary to lead from the front and handed command to Xu Huang.

While Xu Huang pierced through the White Wave Bandits with the cavalry, Zhang Liao pursued the fleeing leader alone.

It was an obvious outcome, but every White Wave Bandit blocking the way was effortlessly eliminated by Zhang Liao.

As Zhang Liao smiled awkwardly, Xu Huang spoke.

“The remnants have been dealt with.”

Blood dripped from Xu Huang’s axe, having slain the White Wave Bandits.

“The lord is waiting for us. Let’s return.”

Addressing Jeongryeong as “lord” marked a settled respect.


Zhang Liao nodded, gathered the spoils, and rode off.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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