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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 30

Heavenly Longevity (1)

As Zhang Liao’s cavalry charged into the rear of the White Wave Bandits, the bandits collapsed as if they had been waiting to fall apart.

Already faltering in the face of a frontal power struggle, how could they possibly withstand the cavalry?

Especially since the cavalry was led by Zhang Liao, against whom mere bandits stood no chance.

Zhang Liao.

In history, he’s the hero of the Hefei defense, breaking through 100,000 soldiers with just 800 men.

There’s a reason the saying “Zhang Liao has arrived!” came about.

Lü Bu is formidable, but when it comes to the charge of cavalry, Zhang Liao is considered nearly his equal.

If Lü Bu compensates for his lack of leadership with overwhelming strength, Zhang Liao harmonizes exceptional leadership with his martial prowess.

“Just give him cavalry, and it’s like having two Lü Bus? How could anyone withstand that?

Zhang Liao did not betray my expectations, and ultimately, the White Wave Bandits either surrendered or met their deaths.

Though those who surrendered were spared, that was the extent of mercy shown.

Like with the Black Mountain bandits, I did not allow the White Wave Bandits any chance to flee, pursuing them to the end, forcing their surrender, or killing them all.

There was no reason to release them only for them to return to banditry.

The surrendered White Wave Bandits were planned to be turned into soldiers, much like Cao Cao created the Qingzhou army.

Those unable to forget their bandit ways and causing trouble would be dealt with just as with the Black Mountain bandits.

And if they proved too troublesome, there was always the option of using them as cannon fodder in the battle against Dong Zhuo.

While managing the aftermath of the battle, I sensed Xu Huang approaching from behind.

“Thank you. Thanks to the lord, we were able to easily defeat the bandits.”


Surprised by Xu Huang’s unexpected address, I couldn’t hide my astonishment.

Is it what I think it is? It must be.

“The White Wave Bandits had not long begun their looting and tyranny.”

Sensing my expectant gaze, Xu Huang smiled gently and continued.

“But arriving so swiftly means you came without a moment’s hesitation upon receiving the report.”

Xu Huang, with a giant axe on his back, continued.

“In these troubled times, it’s only natural for a general wielding a weapon to pledge loyalty to a lord who cares for the people.”

Kneeling respectfully, Xu Huang bowed his head.

“Xu Huang Gongming. I swear to serve Jeongryeong faithfully, without shying from any task.”

I couldn’t hide my joy at Xu Huang’s allegiance.

“Good. I look forward to working with you.”

Welcoming Xu Huang, I pondered one thing.

Unintentionally, it seemed I was gathering only those adept in battle.

The Jiang sisters were helpful in administrative tasks, but when it came to strategizing in battle, something was slightly lacking.

Not to speak ill, but our forces were only adept in direct confrontations; if the enemy avoided direct battle and resorted to schemes, we were at a loss.

Considering how Lü Bu’s forces were repeatedly defeated by cunning strategies in history for not heeding Jin Gong’s advice, it seemed necessary to have at least one strategist.

…Still, being in Nanyang, I believed such a talent would soon join us.

When that strategist would arrive, I did not know.


After subduing the White Wave Bandits and assimilating some, I received unexpected news in Nanyang.

The rebellion in Yang Province led by Han Sui and Bian Zhang.

The rebel forces, almost subdued by Dong Zhuo, had regrown in scale. They had reportedly absorbed the Qiang tribes, rapidly increasing their numbers.

The enlarged rebel forces then attacked Dong Zhuo’s generals, Li Jue and Guo Si, stationed in Xiliang.

However, they chose the wrong opponents.

Li Jue and Guo Si, though greedy, were unmatched in valor, hardly inferior to any in Dong Zhuo’s forces.

The increase in rebel forces wasn’t significant enough to make a meaningful difference, leading to another defeat and retreat.

Despite their defeat, the rebels managed to inflict considerable damage on Dong Zhuo’s forces.

With no guarantee the rebels wouldn’t employ the Qiang tribes again to bolster their numbers.

Some action was needed; otherwise, the rebels in Xiliang might regather forces and attack Dong Zhuo’s stronghold anew.

Gambling out of greed, Dong Zhuo had now suffered a substantial loss and faced danger to his stronghold from the rebels.

Dong Zhuo was left with two choices:

Focus on Xiliang or concentrate on Chang’an.

Abandoning Xiliang, despite Chang’an being a major city comparable to Nanyang, was a tough decision.

Choosing to fortify Chang’an meant worrying about me eventually attacking Chang’an with my troops.

Currently resting after dealing with the White Wave Bandits, I planned to march towards Chang’an shortly.

With Nanyang quickly stabilizing and the White Wave Bandits dealt with, leaving a minimal garrison and marching to Chang’an posed no problem.

If Dong Zhuo chose Chang’an over Xiliang, he might save his life. However, that would mean never returning to the Central Plains, living in constant fear of my possible attack.

Abandoning Xiliang for Chang’an was a gamble. Defeating me could yield significant gains, including a potential return to Nanyang.

But what if he lost? He would lose everything, including his life.

Could Dong Zhuo really defeat me?

He knew best that he couldn’t.

Having failed to win in Nanyang, where he had a massive advantage in scale, how could this time be any different?

Moreover, after the previous defeat, my forces had grown even larger. Despite Chang’an’s defensive advantages, Dong Zhuo likely viewed the situation


Would he compromise with reality and live ignobly, or chase vain dreams and die miserably?

I thought Dong Zhuo would choose one of these paths.


I completely overlooked Dong Zhuo’s lunacy displayed in history…



Once the capital established by Emperor Gaozu of Han and flourishing under Emperor Wu of Han.

Despite once being reduced to ruins by rebels, forcing the capital to move to Nanyang, Chang’an remained a prosperous city, akin to another capital alongside Nanyang.

Now, that great city was engulfed in flames.

“This time, speed is of the essence! Kill only those who resist, and leave the rest to die on their own!”

The scene of looting and arson.

“Grab everything you can! Treasures or whatever, take it all!”

Dong Zhuo’s forces rampaged through the city, destroying everything.

“If you take all that, what are we supposed to do… ack!”

“Please… spare us! Spare us─!!”

“Beasts! After all this, you still…”

A citizen begging for mercy was skewered and met a swift end.

Unable to escape the burning buildings, people died miserably.

The curse-filled last words of a citizen were cut short as his head rolled on the ground.


The fire, like a living creature, devoured everything.

Buildings, people, the fire grew by consuming everything in its path.

Dong Zhuo’s soldiers massacred with madness, committing unspeakable atrocities and laughing like demons.


Soon, Chang’an turned into a sea of blood.

Bodies piled up, forming small hills from the sheer number of dead.

All citizens fell before the sword.

“Hahahaha──!! Burn it all down──!!”

The mastermind behind this scene laughed maniacally atop the city walls.

“Nothing can be handed over to that man!”

Dong Zhuo shouted with a ghastly face.

His screams echoed throughout the city.

Bloodshot eyes, Dong Zhuo shouted as if spitting blood.

“This city! The treasures! The people!”

“All of it! Everything──!”

“It’s all mine───!!”

On a night when even the moon hid its face, the great fire that lit the sky like daytime did not cease until the city was reduced to ashes.

Everything was taken and burnt by Dong Zhuo’s forces, who returned to Xiliang with carts full of loot.

Nothing was left behind.

Chang’an once again became ruins.

The acrid smell of ashes.

Black smoke rising like mist.

Buildings collapsed to their frames.

Burnt corpses were indistinguishable.

Orphaned children clung to their charred parents’ bodies or wandered the streets, unable to stop crying.

People who lost everything in an instant sat on the ground like corpses, staring blankly.

A city left with only grief and despair.


A man who arrived in Chang’an upon hearing the urgent news trembled as he witnessed the devastation.

After observing the scene for a while, the man trembled at the corners of his eyes and briefly closed them.

He had no choice but to close his eyes.

[TN: Wherever, females characters are reffered as he/him, it was referencing original characters from Romance of the Kingdom]

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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