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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 31

Heavenly Longevity(2)

Heavenly Longevity (2)

Upon hearing the shocking news, I moved towards Chang’an with the elite troops.

However, the distance between Chang’an and Nanyang was not close.

No matter how fast we moved, it took more than a day to reach Chang’an, and by then, everything in Chang’an had turned to ashes.

Everyone was speechless at the shocking sight.

The city was trampled so miserably that I trembled and closed my eyes.

“…Are you okay?”

Seo Ye, who had been watching me, asked with a concerned voice.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Seo Ye looking very worried.

“I was just thinking about something else for a moment.”


Seo Ye didn’t say anything to my response.

To prevent the soldiers I led from being agitated, I spoke with a calm expression.

“Tell the reinforcements to come as quickly as possible, and let’s clean up as much as we can.”


Could this outcome be because of my complacency?

Was it a mistake to drag our feet, trying to be perfect and missing the timing?

Would it have been better to attack Dong Zhuo earlier, even if it meant taking some damage?

It’s certainly possible to think this way.

I’m not omnipotent, how could I save everyone?

It’s too cruel and brutal a world to be overly joyous or sorrowful over a single death.

Falling apart over guilt for every little thing won’t do.

Rather than agonizing over what has happened, let’s think about how to deal with this problem now.

After a few days, when the reinforcements arrived and I had taken a complete tour of the city, I concluded:

Chang’an was completely devastated.

Every building was merely a trace, and the only ones left were a few people who luckily survived.

I shook my head at the malicious action of leaving not a single one behind.

There’s no answer.

Looking at the long road to recovery, it was clear that it was going to be a costly project.

Dong Zhuo must have expected me to act this way when he did this.

Having looted an entire metropolis, he must have obtained a vast fortune that would allow him to live lavishly for the rest of his life.

Time to earn and money to gain.

Wow, truly killing two birds with one stone.

…As if I’d let that happen.

This is an insanity far beyond crossing the line.

Did he really think I wouldn’t chase after him if he ran away to the Western Regions?

Once the minimum cleanup is done, I’ll immediately start collecting.


We decided to send the children without guardians to Nanyang for protection.

In an age where love is desperately needed, it’s common for such irreparable harm to occur during troubled times.

Those capable of working were all put into the restoration of Chang’an.

Even the elderly were eager to participate in the restoration efforts, so with enough money and time, Chang’an could certainly return to its former state.

With Nanyang’s population at capacity, we would soon need to accept immigrants and gradually increase the population.

The choice between an ethnic minority region and the ruins of Chang’an. Even I think the options are quite extreme.

But there will always be those dreaming of a new opportunity, so migration shouldn’t be too difficult.

The problem is funding. The question is where to get it.

Even with manpower and a plan, without money, nothing can be done.

It’s about time for the first harvest in Bingzhou, and Nanyang, being the wealthiest city, should manage until the next tax collection….

As I tapped my knee with my fingers and delved into thought, a scene flashed through my mind.

The significant look our beloved Emperor had given me, saying:

──My wealth is as good as yours.

I was still not sure why the Emperor had said that.

But he wouldn’t take back his words.

If it’s money accumulated over a lifetime by an Emperor, even at the expense of his country, it could solve this problem!

It’s not for my personal gain, so there might be backlash, but it shouldn’t be severe!

Rising from my seat, I mounted my horse.

Seeing me mount, Seo Ye looked puzzled.

“Where are you going all of a sudden?”

“To get money.”


Seo Ye looked even more confused.

I grasped the horse’s reins and spoke.

“I’ll bring Gosun and the soldiers too.”

“Ah… Then….

With a vague voice, Seo Ye said:

“That’ll be Dong Zhuo’s memorial day.”

“…I’ll be ready.”


Nodding to Seo Ye, I turned away and spurred my horse towards the Imperial Palace in Nanyang.

Looks like I’ll be busy for a while again.


“You want to use the royal treasury?”

“Yes. It’s to remedy the heinous acts Dong Zhuo committed in Chang’an.”

Having an audience with the Emperor in Nanyang’s Imperial Palace, I bowed respectfully.

The Emperor, as usual, sat on the throne, looking at me.

“If Your Majesty contributes from the royal treasury to the restoration of Chang’an, all the people will praise Your Majesty….”

“Enough, enough. Do as you please, and stop with the flattering words.”

Cutting off the conversation as it seemed to drag on, the Emperor accepted my request.

“Didn’t I tell you before? What’s mine is yours.”


That hits home.

I’m not sure how to respond. Should I take it as an honor?

For now, I respectfully bowed.

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s generosity.”

“I’ve told you several times you can be more comfortable with me….”

“How could I possibly be casual with Your Majesty.”

“Hmm. Knowing all yet keeping a distance feels slightly offensive.”

Though I couldn’t see because I was bowing, I felt like the Emperor was pouting.

“There’s still plenty of time, so it should be fine.”

After grumbling a bit, the Emperor soon spoke again in a relaxed voice.

“You must be busy now, so I can’t keep you any longer. You may leave.”

“Thank you.”

As the Emperor gestured, an official beside him handed me a decree.

“Make sure to visit more often.”

After the audience with the Emperor, I took the decree and immediately went to see Jianggak.


Jianggak, who was working, greeted me warmly.

Without any explanation, I handed the Emperor’s decree to Jianggak.

“Please take care of this.”

Understanding my intention as if it was obvious, Jianggak took the decree without a fuss.

“You seem very rushed.”

“Dong Zhuo might cause more trouble there.”

Having looted a vast wealth, if given time, Dong Zhuo’s reduced forces might increase again, and he could cause trouble in the Western Regions.

If we advance into the Western Regions, we’ll face even more ethnic groups to fight against… really a headache.

But leaving Dong Zhuo alone is not an option.

“…I’ll oversee the restoration work, so don’t worry.”

“Thanks. I’m counting on you.”

Nodding, I left the room.

From behind, Jianggak’s voice faintly reached me.

“I did see some ominous signs lately, but I never imagined it would come to this….”


In the Western Regions, Wuwei.

The man who was dealing with his paperwork in his office was shocked to receive the report from

a spy.

“Dong Zhuo, that madman, looted and burned down Chang’an?!”

“Yes! Enraged, the Grand General is leading all forces, except for the minimal defense troops, towards the Western Regions!”

The man receiving the report, Han Sui, who had stirred up trouble in Yangzhou, turned pale at the news.

Dong Zhuo was about to die.

It was certainly good news that Dong Zhuo, who had been a constant thorn in his side, would die, but Han Sui couldn’t feel happy.

What after capturing and killing Dong Zhuo?

Surely, the Grand General of Han would take the opportunity to eliminate other nuisances in the Western Regions and stabilize the area.

Yes, like dealing with those who took advantage of the Yellow Turban Rebellion to rebel in the Western Regions.

“Damn! If you’re going to die, do it by yourself without dragging us into it!”

Caught in the sweep along with Dong Zhuo, Han Sui massaged his head.

He had sensed the downfall of Han and rebelled, but before he knew it, Han was reviving.

Han Sui racked his brain for how to get out of this situation.

Then, his sworn brother suggested:

“If it’s come to this, we have no choice but to seek forgiveness.”


Han Sui paused his thoughts and looked at his sworn brother.

Ma Teng cracked his neck, making a clicking sound.

“Of course, mere words won’t be enough to earn us mercy.”

“…Then what should we do?”

“How? We need to earn merit by showing our actions.”

Enlightened by Ma Teng’s words, Han Sui felt as if the fog in his mind had cleared.

“…Sometimes, I think you’re smarter than me.”

“Ha! I’ll take that as a compliment!”

“Indeed, a compliment.”

Standing up, Han Sui’s eyes shone as he left the room.

“We’ll support the Grand General’s forces by attacking Dong Zhuo from behind.”

“Great! Finally, we can get revenge on Dong Zhuo!”

Ma Teng followed, laughing heartily behind Han Sui.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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