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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 4

Yellow Turban Rebellion(1)

The Han dynasty is in decay. The emperor, indulged in wine and women, neglects the state. Eunuchs conceal the truth from the emperor and sell government posts, wielding power to their liking. Corrupt officials, who gained their positions through bribery, exploit the people to increase their wealth. These self-serving wolves are all that remain!

To rectify this rotten state, bold decisions are necessary. A fresh start is needed. The blue sky is dead, and now the yellow sky will rise. It is the year of Gapsa, when great fortune will come to the world. In 184 AD, the long-suppressed rebellion of the people, the Yellow Turban Rebellion, erupted, marking the beginning of an era of prolonged warfare.

The rebellion spread across eight provinces with staggering numbers. “30,000, 100,000, 50,000, 150,000…” Reports flooded my office. The basic count was 10,000, some regions reported more than 100,000, and Qizhou alone estimated 300,000. Zhang Jue, the leader, raised a massive force, unprecedented in scale.

As I reviewed reports on the Yellow Turbans, I frowned. “So much for the country’s karma.” The people, suffering and desperate, rose despite their lack of formal training. Yet their determination to forge a better world was admirable.

The rebellion, while often depicted as a stepping stone for military leaders to gain experience, should not be underestimated. Several government forces have already been defeated by them. Take Dong Zhuo, for example, who suffered a humiliating defeat at their hands and even lost his position as Zhonglangjiang due to bribery.

The Yellow Turbans in Bingzhou were relatively few compared to other regions, but the threat was still significant. Central authority was weakening, and with it, opportunities for others to rise and assert power were emerging.

However, the immediate concern was dealing with the Yellow Turbans in front of us. Despite its grand scale, the rebellion was nearly suppressed within a year, mainly due to the unexpected death of Zhang Jue in 184 AD.

185 AD. Contrary to history, Zhang Jue is still alive, leading the Yellow Turbans with unyielding strength. This deviation from the original history is perplexing. Did he receive some kind of divine intervention?

The Yellow Turbans, once farmers, now thrive, supported by the people and handling matters like a self-sufficient commune. Despite potential drawbacks like lower morale due to dual responsibilities of farming and training, they seem to have overcome these challenges.

As I pondered over this altered history, a courier rushed into my office. “Lord Ding Lu! The Yellow Turbans have invaded Bingzhou!” This was unexpected. Fighting in Qizhou and Yuzhou, why would they extend their front to Bingzhou?

“Who is leading them, and what is their size?” I asked, trying to understand the rationale behind this strategic move.

In the background, I’m sure the heroes of the Three Kingdoms era, like Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei – or their female counterparts – are leading volunteer armies against the Yellow Turbans. Cao Cao and Sun Jian must also be engaging them elsewhere.

But now, with the Yellow Turbans at Bingzhou’s doorstep, I had to focus on the imminent threat and prepare for what’s to come.

Facing the invasion of 150,000 Yellow Turbans led by Zhang Liang, who unexpectedly refrained from looting the villages along their march, I stood on the city walls, locking eyes with the distant figure of Zhang Liang. His unusual attire and mask made him an enigmatic presence, and his intent remained unclear.

Amidst this tension, Zhang Liang signaled a truce by raising a white flag, indicating no desire for combat. Intrigued and cautious of a possible trap, I decided to meet him, trusting in my elite soldiers and the formidable duo of Yeopo and Seoyeo at my side.

Descending the city gates to confront Zhang Liang, I was struck by a strange aura about him, reminiscent of the imperial palace’s atmosphere. His calm demeanor and piercing gaze suggested he wasn’t an ordinary rebel leader.

“Why did you seek this dialogue?” I asked.

Zhang Liang, with a voice as cold as ice, responded, “Out of mere curiosity. You are different.”

His words puzzled me. How could he deduce such a thing from a mere glance?

Zhang Liang continued, expressing his disdain for those who serve a collapsing nation out of blind loyalty and those who exploit the chaos for personal ambition. He observed that I harbored neither greed for wealth nor lust for power.

His unexpected commendation left me disoriented. But then, Zhang Liang turned towards Yeopo and Seoyeo, acknowledging my genuine intent to help others and protect the suffering people.

In a surprising turn of events, Zhang Liang declared, “We will not consider you an enemy.” His proclamation, laden with unforeseen implications, left us all stunned. Yeopo, usually unflappable, showed visible surprise, and I was equally taken aback, while Seoyeo remained expressionless.

This unexpected alliance with Zhang Liang and the Yellow Turbans, who initially seemed like mere rebels, hinted at a complex and evolving political landscape. What this meant for the future, and how it would shape the course of events, remained to be seen.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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