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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 7

On a night when the sun had set and the moon had risen,

In a quiet military camp where only the sound of crickets and burning firewood could be heard, Lü Bu gazed somewhere with her blood-red eyes.

Geok Rok.

The main base of the Yellow Turbans, with its tightly locked city gates.

Though Lü Bu, known as the unmatched warrior, had turned her enemies into a pool of blood in numerous battles, this was her first time engaging in a siege.

The towering sturdy walls and the solid city gates seemed impenetrable.

Even Lü Bu, hailed as the peerless warrior, couldn’t easily bring down the walls or blow open the gates.

How then could she achieve victory in tomorrow’s battle?

Pondering briefly with a tilted head, Lü Bu eventually stopped thinking.

“Hmm… It’ll work out somehow.”

The presence of a general suddenly appearing during duty put the nearby sentries on high alert.

After breakfast, the soldiers lined up in formation, and the sound of dragging weapons followed.

Siege towers and battering rams to break the gates.

Considering the fierce battles that had taken place in Geok Rok before my arrival, some of these should have been destroyed, but their remaining presence suggested a determination for battle.

The Yellow Turbans on the walls, recognizing the siege weapons, prepared their defenses with familiar expressions. Even if the weapons were covered in leather to prevent fire, it didn’t mean they were completely fireproof.

Hwangbo Seung, appearing in the middle of the army, pointed her sword towards the city.



The soldiers rushed towards the city in an imposing manner.

As the distance between the government troops and the city narrowed, the Yellow Turbans began their action.

With the sound of slicing through the air, a downpour of deadly arrows covered the sky.

It was unclear how many archers there were, but their numbers were certainly significant.



As the arrows descended, the front-line government troops screamed and fell.

With the fallen soldiers, other troops immediately filled in and advanced towards the city.

The Yellow Turbans on the walls relentlessly fired arrows, trying to reduce the numbers before the troops reached the wall. The government soldiers used shields to block the arrows, but their numbers inevitably decreased.

“Put up the ladders and climb!”

As the government troops reached the walls, ladders started hooking onto them.

The Yellow Turbans desperately tried but couldn’t stop the soldiers from approaching the walls.

However, the resistance from the Yellow Turbans was still fierce.


A government soldier climbing a ladder was struck in the head by a stone and fell in pain.

Some soldiers were scalded by boiling water, and arrows continued to inflict casualties.

“This is no joke.”

The siege, already disadvantageous for the attackers, was made even tougher by the resilient defense of the Yellow Turbans.

I glanced at Seo Ye, who was watching the battlefield expressionlessly.

As I turned my head, Seo Ye immediately met my gaze. How did she know I was looking?

“Seo Ye, how can we win?”

Show us the military tactics of that rebel!

Without hesitation, Seo Ye answered my question.

“If we kill all the enemies on the walls, wouldn’t that do it?”

How exactly do we kill them?

“That’s right!”

My silence to Seo Ye’s remark was met with an unexpected response.

“Lü Bu?”

The renowned unmatched warrior stepped forward, a smile on her face.

“Watch from there. See what kind of people you command!”

Is there something that connects well-fighting warriors?

Confidently declaring, Lü Bu ran towards the walls on foot, without mounting a horse.

The Yellow Turbans spotted the approaching figure with red hair.

“It’s Lü Bu! Lü Bu is here!”

“Focus the slaughter!”

Despite being some distance from the wall, Lü Bu, with her conspicuous hair color, became the target of concentrated fire from the Yellow Turbans.

“If you want to catch me, come down yourself!”

Lü Bu effortlessly deflected the arrows with her Fangtian Huaji and picked up a spear lying around.

Realizing that the spear would soon be hurled at them, some of the Yellow Turbans ducked below the wall.

“Haha, cowards.”

Lü Bu laughed at the Yellow Turbans hiding behind the wall.

“But that’s right!”


No sooner had she spoken, Lü Bu hurled the spear at the Yellow Turbans who hadn’t hidden, piercing the archers and even taking down several unlucky ones behind them. “How many did I get? Looks like three.”

Stunned by Lü Bu’s inhuman strength, the Yellow Turbans on the wall hesitated.

Meanwhile, the battering rams and siege towers had almost reached the city.

“Fire! Burn them all!”

“Push forward!”

A chaotic struggle ensued between those trying to block and those trying to break through.

Though the siege weapons had reached the city, the resistance from the Yellow Turbans was still fierce, and the government troops were gradually tiring.

Soldiers who were even slightly touched by arrows fell into battle incapability due to poison, and the siege weapons, under concentrated fire, were being destroyed one after another.

Close combat ensued on the walls due to the siege towers, but the elite troops of Zhang Jue, the Yellow Turbans, were proving formidable.

Watching them skillfully counterattack, they seemed even better fighters than the government troops.

While I was commanding my troops, I realized Lü Bu had disappeared from my sight.

As I was looking around for Lü Bu, screams came from the wall, and Yellow Turbans soldiers started falling off.



Having climbed the wall, perhaps via the siege towers, Lü Bu was swinging her Fangtian Huaji, spreading a menacing aura.

Telling me to watch, but why fight where I can’t see?

Turning my gaze from the absent Lü Bu, I faced forward and led the troops.

Though I’d said the Yellow Turbans were strong, the government troops gathered here were by no means weak.

Soon, leaders with their own ambitions would emerge from this group.

“So, Seo Ye, really no intention to step in?”

“Indeed, never.”

Is this a problem?

Seo Ye thought only of protecting me, not leading the army. It’s like having an unbeatable cheat code but not being able to use it.

Every time Lü Bu swung her Fangtian Huaji, several Yellow Turbans were flung into the air in an unreal spectacle.

“That monster! I, Deng Mu, will take you on!”

A burly man from the Yellow Turbans emerged, yelling.

Lü Bu sneered at his appearance.


Deng Mu, unafraid of death, charged at Lü Bu, the girl called the peerless warrior.

“For Huang Zhong!!”



Lü Bu easily deflected Deng Mu’s sword and spoke.

“I liked your spirit.”

With those words, Lü Bu decapitated Deng Mu.

“Changcheonisa Huang Zhongdangnip!”

“For Taiping Dao!”


the death of their leader, the Yellow Turbans didn’t flinch and continued to attack Lü Bu.

Effortlessly slashing five at once, Lü Bu clicked her tongue.

“I’ve never seen such people.”

Normally, troops flee when their leader dies, right?

From the commanders to the soldiers, none feared death.

This was the first time encountering such stubbornness.

While the Yellow Turbans kept their distance, looking for an opening, Lü Bu’s gaze turned to a particular spot.

Not as chaotic as herself, but the Yellow Turbans seemed disturbed by some disturbance in that area.

A woman with long black hair tied in a bun, wielding a Qinglong Yanyuedao, was knocking down the Yellow Turbans around her.

Another woman with her hair in a side tail, wielding a long snake-like spear, simultaneously skewered two Yellow Turbans and flung their bodies into the air.

“Follow me!”

A kind-looking woman with long black hair reaching her back, wielding dual swords, led the troops, opening a path.

‘…Isn’t it uncomfortable to fight with that thing dangling?’

Through Lü Bu’s eyes, the black-haired women fighting well were certainly attractive, but the woman leading the troops in the center had something overwhelmingly large attached to her.

Suddenly, a Yellow Turban soldier, seizing an opportunity, charged at Lü Bu.


Lü Bu, distracted for a moment, impaled the charging Yellow Turban with her Fangtian Huaji, ending his life.

“Why so hasty? I would’ve come to you eventually.”

Lü Bu swung her Fangtian Huaji in the air to shake off the body, then stood tense, observing the Yellow Turbans.

“It seems you have no intention of surrendering…”

Lü Bu smirked.

“Shall I kill them all?”

“What on earth are you doing up there?”

After Lü Bu climbed the wall and some time passed, the frequency of objects flying from the wall noticeably decreased. The biggest difference seemed to be that instead of arrows or stones, people were flying off. It’s an unrealistic spectacle, not a game with human balls.

With the reduction in suppression, the government troops below pressed harder on the Yellow Turbans, intensifying the siege.


The battering ram continued to attack the nearly shattered city gate.

The government troops poured arrows and kept climbing the walls to engage in melee combat.


Still, screams like encountering a natural disaster came from the wall, with Yellow Turbans falling off.


Finally, the gate, continuously battered, burst open, half shattered.


As the gate opened, the Han forces rushed in, confronting the waiting Yellow Turbans. Neither side gave ground, maintaining a tense frontline at the gate.

As bodies of both Han and Yellow Turban soldiers began piling up at the gate, an unexpected event occurred.

“Make way!”

A woman with brown hair tied in a ponytail charged into the Yellow Turban formation on horseback. The Yellow Turbans, as if waiting for her, thrust their spears at her.


The woman effortlessly deflected the spears aimed at her with her own.

Confused by their attacks being ineffective, the Yellow Turbans fell to the woman’s subsequent assault.

The formation began to collapse rapidly.

Centered around the woman at the forefront, the soldiers broke through the Yellow Turban lines, swiftly turning the tide.

As the woman with brown eyes matching her hair looked at her enemies, the morale of the Yellow Turbans waned.


Despite being her first deployment, I couldn’t hide my satisfaction at her performance exceeding expectations.

A renowned general, known to those who know, revealed herself in the world.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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