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The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction – Chapter 11

The mansion’s carriage was in sight. Fortunately, it seemed I had just managed to be on time.

However, before me, others were already heading towards the carriage. One person, walking with mechanical strides, was Count Milium. Following him hurriedly was another man.

“Count! Stop right there!”

A dignified man dressed in formal evening attire, Duke Fred of Izhakel. He caught up to Milium and stopped him.

“Haven’t I told you I’m not done talking yet!”
“I am finished with this conversation, Duke Fred.”

The emotional demeanor of Fred, as I knew him, was astonishing.

“Are you really going to be like this? I’ve even overlooked your rudeness! And you respond like this, what am I supposed to do?”
“Tell me, do you want any particular territory? For the next few years, I’ll ensure the Count monopolizes it.”
“Then lend me another billion Kael.”

Fred pleaded. No, it was more like a threat using his status.

“A billion Kael is nothing for a Count, right?”

This made the young Fred look weak and despicable. Something stirred in my chest.


[The encroachment of your personality has begun.]
[Your current encroachment level is 10%.]

Why is it rising just by doing this?

Milium looked at Fred with an expression calm like a still lake. Usually unemotional, I somehow felt that he was now filled with anger.

Milium finally spoke.

“225 billion Kael.”
“That’s the amount you’ve borrowed from me until today. How do you plan to repay it?”
“Are you thinking of winning it back at my family’s casino?”
“Hmm, Milium… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The casino business was one of the main ventures of the Ruelberta family, targeting the empire’s wealthy.

A playground for the rich, where billions change hands every day. Some become rich overnight, while others, like Duke Fred, fall into ruin.

“Playing ignorant? Do you think I don’t know about the nobles using my casino? The 20 billion Kael I lent you at the beginning of the year, you lost it all at the casino last month.”
“I’m not a fool, Duke.”

Fred bowed his head. Was he ashamed or reflecting on his life? But he wasn’t the character I thought he was.

“I had no choice. I desperately needed the money… Count, if you were in my position, you’d understand. Do you know how many nobles come and go from this duke’s house? If I borrow from them, I could pay off your debt in no time.”

My heart pounded again.

[The encroachment of your personality has begun.]
[Your current encroachment level is 20%.]

I could only watch helplessly as the

encroachment level increased.

Fred Duke’s pathetic excuses only intensified Milium’s unspoken fury. Then, Milium’s face broke into a rare smile.

“Duke, you only see what’s in front of you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Halbis Viscount.”
Milium continued.

“Obeang Baron, Snevigal Count, Blisho Viscount…”

He listed numerous nobles. Realizing their commonality, Fred’s expression darkened.

“You don’t mean…”
“They’ve all borrowed over a billion Kael from me.”

This was why, despite its infamous reputation, no one could openly disregard the Ruelberta family.

“And coincidentally, they’re all your close associates. Decide for yourself whether they’ll listen to you or the person holding their leash.”
“I am a businessman. Therefore, I only lend to those who can repay. Lending to the destitute is a charity, not business.”
“You… you call me a beggar?!”

Unable to contain himself, Fred swung a fist at Milium, but Milium was quicker. He tripped Fred.

Fred fell clumsily onto the grass. Milium dusted off his pants.

“I’ll deduct 5 million Kael from your debt for this fall. Consider it a settlement fee for tripping the Duke.”

Milium pulled out his watch with a slightly distorted expression.

“But… because the Duke has wasted my 5 minutes, I’m adding another 5 million Kael to the debt.”

With these words, Milium glanced down at Fred before boarding the carriage, looking at him as if he were a pebble on the roadside. No, in Milium’s eyes, Fred probably seemed less than a pebble. Utterly worthless.

Fred was an existence so insignificant that he couldn’t even cause a ripple in the lake that was Milium.

Feeling pity, I was about to extend a hand to the fallen Duke Fred, but it was a needless thought.

“You, you… don’t mess with me. Who would give our daughter to someone like you, looking like a parasitic brother? Not until the earth covers my eyes will I allow it!”

Well, even if she were pretty, I’d decline such a character.


Another evening meal time had arrived. This time, I correctly guessed the quality and price of the fish served for dinner, all thanks to the personalities ‘Tycoon’ and ‘Calculation’. Although Tristan’s character was terrible, his eye for value was accurate.

As Milium elegantly sliced the fish, he suddenly stopped.

“Listen well. Time is money.”

I paid close attention to his words.

“And money is magic.”

Milium wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“With money, you can make any powerful person kneel. Be it a noble, a duke, or even the emperor. Therefore, money is the most excellent form of magic.”

I began to understand.

The curse of the Ruelberta family. Born without magical power. From the emperor of the empire to the lowest slave, everyone had some form of magic, but it was nonexistent in the Ruelberta family.

In the beginning, the Ruelberta family spent a lot of money on magic research. They collected every book about magic they could find worldwide.

They established a magic school and had top magicians conduct research. They even dabbled in forbidden magic from the underworld.

But no method could lift the curse of the Ruelberta family.

The Ruelberta family’s longing for magic ironically turned into hatred for it. And Milium grew up amidst that madness.

A man who stood at the top with overwhelming wealth and power, ruling over magicians. Thus, Milium made many nobles his enemies.

Milium quietly stood up from the dining table.

“Dinner is over

for today.”

I checked the time. It was just past 5:55 PM, earlier than usual for dinner to end. Milium always started and finished meals with precise timing.

The reason soon became clear. Milium clicked his tongue and said,

“Riffraff have arrived.”

Simultaneously, all the candles went out, plunging the dining room into darkness. In this sudden blackness, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Is that your last word?”

The voice was chilling, as if a blade was being held to my throat.

I then realized the gravity of the situation. We were surrounded by assassins.

“Count, we assume you know why we are here.”
“Hmm… Coming so openly right after I return from the Duke’s estate is practically begging to be noticed.”
“Oh, damn it. I never imagined Fred Duke would go this far.”

I thought Fred was just a pushover, but sending assassins to the Ruelberta family was shocking. Desperation makes people blind.

The assassins surrounding us were exceptionally skilled. The oppressive atmosphere made it hard for me to even blink.

Despite the desperate situation, Milium remained calm. Was there anything that could fluster this man?

“So, you’re confident you can kill us?”

The darkness around us seemed to stir. It felt like the shadows were mocking us.

“I’m not keen on killing weaklings who can’t use magic, but if it’s necessary, so be it.”

The assassins prepared to strike, their blades gleaming in the dark, aimed at Milium’s neck.

Even in this dire moment, Milium remained seated at the dining table, as if resigned to his fate.



In an instant, the darkness seemed to open its jaws. The assassins lunged towards the defenseless Milium.


A warm liquid splashed on my cheek. The once pristine white tablecloth was now dotted with something.


When the candles relit, I saw the true horror in the darkness.

“…This can’t be!”

The assassins were in shock. It hadn’t been long, but the scene was gruesome.

“Where did you come from…?”

The maids, all dressed in black and blindfolded, stood beside Milium and me. Their identities were revealed by an assassin.

“I’ve heard of them… the monsters raised by the Ruelberta family in the underworld.”

Their leader, having lost more than half of his men, muttered as if groaning.

“Are you Ruelberta’s dogs?”

Milium didn’t respond. He simply sat and issued the same command.


The assassins’ shadows, once ready to strike, now seemed hesitant, engulfed by the maids’ ominous presence.

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The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction

The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction

악역 돼지 백작의 엔딩은 파멸뿐
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
“This is not the ending I wanted!” My favorite novel was made into an online game. It felt like a dream to see my favorite characters come back to life as NPCs. But that was short-lived, and in just one year, NPCs were killed by the players and the world was destroyed. While I was going crazy, I was possessed by the game. But of course, it’s the villain I hate, Count Pig.


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Thanks for the chapter

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not work with dark mode