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The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction – Chapter 22

Scene 022# The Hero


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“Count, I am opposed. She cannot be admitted.”

At that voice, Wendy faintly opened her eyes.

Her body was lying on a sofa.

Looking closely, it was the university chancellor’s office.


Somehow, her body felt lethargic.

As if all the energy had been drained from her body.

Then, from beyond the sofa where she was lying, voices of people were heard.

“What’s the reason?”

“She is beyond what our school can handle.”

“Beyond handling?”

“Having a hero attend our school will only cause confusion among the students.”



“Count, think about it. Only a hero can use magic of all attributes. If your servant uses such magic, it will turn the school, no, this country upside down!”

Your servant.

The moment she heard those words, her eyes snapped open.

Wendy wrapped her shoulders.

Me, a hero…?

Wendy was confused.


She had heard of it before.

A being that suddenly appears when the world is in dire crisis and saves it.

It wasn’t something found in history or records.

Just stories passed from mouth to mouth among the people.

About a thousand years ago, before the establishment of the Meikahel Empire, a woman claiming to be a hero appeared in one of the countries that existed on this land.

Initially, people did not believe her.

But the moment they saw her magic, they had no choice but to acknowledge her.

Being able to handle all attributes of magic, which even handling just one would earn one the title of a hero, was something only a god could do.

Without the blessing of a god, it was impossible.

Yet, a thousand years have passed since then, and no one who could handle all attributes like a hero has appeared.

Wendy thought deeply.

She was poor.

She had never learned magic.

She was too busy trying to survive.

Naturally, she had never shown anyone her magic.

Well… just once.

She had shown it once.

On that day of severe drought, she prayed beside her brother.

Her prayer brought rain to the parched land.

Thinking about it, it wasn’t the heavens that answered her prayer.

It was probably magic.

But after that, she was hesitant to use magic.

Because her brother left because of her magic.

And today, for the first time in her life, she released her magic with all her might.

When she summoned the giant golem, Miohail had muttered something strange.

-You, a descendant of a hero?

If that was meant for me…

A descendant of a hero.

Does that mean I am supposed to be a descendant of a hero?

Am I… supposed to become a hero?

Wendy’s small body trembled.

‘I’m scared….’

She wasn’t as brave as a hero.

She didn’t have the guts to save the world.

She didn’t have the capability.

She was just a servant of the count’s family.

She didn’t have the confidence to fight monsters as a hero.

She didn’t have the confidence to lead people.

She didn’t have the confidence to gather comrades.

She didn’t have the confidence to defeat the Demon King.

Wendy had to tremble her shoulders.

Because she was afraid of living a life as a hero.


Wendy suddenly wondered what he thought.

If he knew she was a hero, what would he do?

‘I… still want to stay by the count’s side….’

Even if he’s a count, would he want to keep a hero like her by his side?

Could he?

Would heaven… destiny… allow it?

Then, Tristan spoke.

“That would be interesting.”

“This is no joke! More importantly, Count, did you know? That she is a hero?”

“I knew.”

Wendy’s shoulders twitched.

He knew?

Tristan spoke as if it were nothing.

At his nonchalant attitude, Chancellor Mondri spoke with an excited voice.

“Then why didn’t you say anything? The appearance of a hero is a significant matter. It’s evidence that a crisis has reached this world.”

“I’ve heard as much.”

“We must inform the royal family of this fact immediately! And we must conscript soldiers and contact foreign countries to check if the Demon King has appeared!”

The implication was clear.

She must participate in the war as a hero.

Faced with the grim reality, Wendy wanted to cover her ears.

But Tristan said,

“She is my servant.”

Wendy couldn’t see Tristan’s expression, but she felt like she knew what kind of expression he was making.

Undoubtedly, he would be speaking with the face of an arrogant noble.

“Hero or whatever, she is my servant. Mine. So I will do as I please. You should not interfere.”

“Interfere? Count, a hero is not an object!”

“Isn’t it rather you who is treating her like an object?”

“Excuse me? What do you mean by that….”

Tristan said,

“If you inform the royal family that a hero has appeared, from that moment on, she will live only to save the world.”

“That’s only natural. That’s what a hero is supposed to be.”

“A hero is not a convenient tool for saving the world.”


At those words, Wendy’s shoulders jerked significantly.

“A hero, at the end of the day, is just someone who can use all attributes of magic. Do you think just that alone can save the world from crisis?”

“That, that’s….”

“A hero is just a person. Even if she becomes a hero, not much will change. A hero is merely a symbol.”

“But if this matter is known, His Majesty the Emperor or the ministers will want her!”

Wendy listened in silence, anxious about what Tristan would answer.

And his answer exceeded her expectations.

“Even if the royal family wants her, they won’t be able to take her from me. Even if that person is… His Majesty the Emperor.”


Wendy quickly covered her mouth, fearing that a sound might escape.

It was a response befitting Count Tristan.

No, a response that only he in this country could give.

Although it was a statement full of possessiveness, Wendy strangely didn’t dislike it.

It felt weird.

It was the first time.

Her small heart was this violently stirred.

“Count…! You have just made a very disrespectful statement! This could be considered a treasonous crime-!”

“Enough, Mondri.”

The voice that interjected between the two was that of a man with a deep voice, no… the cat Miohail.


“I intend to admit her to this school.”


Miohail spoke in a slow but clear voice.

“She has passed the exam. She even defeated me, a sage, didn’t she?”

“That, wasn’t that because Master let her win? It was obvious, the golem was incomplete. You held back your power at the end….”

“No need for pitiful excuses. A loss is a loss. I lost, and the little lady won.”


Mondri trailed off, displeased.

Unexpected words came from Miohail’s mouth.

“Furthermore, I agree with the Count’s words. She is not even aware of being a hero and, above all, too young. I also will not just watch if she

is handed over to the royal family.”

Unexpectedly, Miohail also took Tristan’s side.

Effectively making it 2:1.

In the end, Mondri had to raise the white flag.

“Sigh… If Master says so, I have no choice but to concede.”

“What are you conceding? You lost.”

“Ah, really! Master, I’m not a child anymore. I’m over 70, an old man. Please respect my age.”

“Kid, I am older than your great-great-grandfather’s great-great-grandfather. What respect for age.”

“No, Master, you are the great-great-grandfather of my great-great-grandfather’s great-great-grandfather’s great-great-grandfather. That’s only natural!”


The two bickered.

Then, Tristan spoke.

“So, Wendy has passed the school?”

“That’s correct. I, Miohail, guarantee it. However, if possible, I would like her fact of being a hero to be kept hidden while she attends school.”


His voice was noticeably softer.

Only then did Wendy calm her agitated heart.


For passing the exam.

For being able to remain in the count’s household.

For still being able to stay by his side.

‘But… I’m so sleepy.’

Wendy didn’t know, but the reason she was overcome with sleepiness was due to the intense use of magic.

Thinking it was just the tension being released, she wrapped herself in the coat she was wearing.

It was big.

Since it was a coat that fit the large-bodied Tristan, to Wendy, it was like a blanket.

Even with her legs stretched out, there was room to spare.

In that vast space, Wendy wriggled around and surrendered herself to deep slumber.


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The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction

The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction

악역 돼지 백작의 엔딩은 파멸뿐
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
“This is not the ending I wanted!” My favorite novel was made into an online game. It felt like a dream to see my favorite characters come back to life as NPCs. But that was short-lived, and in just one year, NPCs were killed by the players and the world was destroyed. While I was going crazy, I was possessed by the game. But of course, it’s the villain I hate, Count Pig.


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Thanks for the chapter 😁

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not work with dark mode