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The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction – Chapter 9

In ‘Another World Online,’ personalities dictate the character traits and abilities of NPCs, essentially their base stats.

However, these personalities are only assigned to characters that appeared in the original work. Naturally, characters with more favorable personalities often take on protagonist roles.

In particular, the Seven Contrary Virtues – Humility, Charity, Kindness, Patience, Chastity, Temperance, Diligence – are special personalities only bestowed upon the chosen ones. Characters like Bella Isakhael and other benevolent namesakes fall into this category.

From this perspective, Tristan was clearly a neglected character.

Character Profile
Name: Tristan Ruelberta
Age: 20
Occupation: Earl of Ruelberta
Personalities: Tycoon, Calculation, Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath

Possessing four of the Seven Deadly Sins – Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath – he was a villain of historic proportions.

‘This is beyond my control.’

Personalities not only affect oneself but also those around. Characters with good personalities attract positive occurrences, fortune, and blessings, alongside talented individuals flocking to them.

Conversely, the future for characters with bad personalities is grim. Evil individuals gather around them for their own gain, leading to mutual distrust, slander, and eventual retribution. This is the fate of evil, where the world condemns a person as a villain.

It’s no coincidence that Tristan has 526 miserable endings. His doomed fate was sealed by his possession of malevolent personalities.

‘No matter how hard I try, Tristan is doomed to meet a destructive fate, sooner or later.’

Thus, I chose the trial.

According to the setting, a trial is a test or task given by a god, strengthening humans and even capable of changing their personalities. That’s exactly what I aimed for.

A bright light shone, and a voice resonated.

[You have entered the Space of Trial!]

I found myself in a white space, probably a waiting area. I didn’t know much about the trial.

Usually, trials are reserved for heroes. If I pass, maybe I could rival a hero or at least become somewhat ordinary.

[Tristan Ruelberta’s life trials will be simulated.]
[Forgotten tales will be unlocked.]

So it’s like a hidden story of the character. For an avid reader, discovering a character’s secret story is thrilling.

But it’s about Tristan. I didn’t expect much. It felt like the trial would be an unpleasant experience.

“Sigh… No choice then…”

I braced myself and closed my eyes. Then, a message came.

[The trial begins!]
[Difficulty Level: A or higher]



Surprised, I opened my eyes. Everything had changed. The white space was now filled with elegant furniture, and I sat at a dining table

“An A-grade trial…,” I muttered, still processing the shift in the environment. The response I received was direct and unexpected.

“Yes,” said the man sitting across from me at the elegantly set dining table.

I was in a different place now, somewhere grand and formal. In front of me was a sumptuous steak, cooked to perfection.

“Can you discern its value?” the man inquired, his tone suggesting an underlying test.

I glanced at the steak, noticing a tag attached to it, a feature of my ‘Tycoon’ and ‘Calculation’ personalities.

Item: Premium Tenderloin Steak
Description: Made from A-grade cows raised in the southern regions of Meikahel.
Appraised Value: Approximately 170,000 Kael.

“About 170,000 Kael…” I responded.

“Correct,” he affirmed.

My gaze shifted to the man sitting opposite me. His long hair tied back, he had the demeanor of a refined young noble.


“Yes,” I replied instinctively, aware that I couldn’t defy this man.

“Assign a value to everything.”

A sense of dread filled me, an emotion that Tristan had felt towards this man. As if drawn by an inescapable force, I answered, “Yes, Father.”

Millium Ruelberta, Earl of Ruelberta. Tristan’s father seemed pleased with my response.

“Proceed with your meal.”


The grandfather clock chimed, indicating it was precisely 6 PM. Alongside the chime, an ominous message echoed in my ears.

[Assimilation by personality has commenced.]
[Your current assimilation level is 5%.]

Sitting there, I realized the depth of the trial I had embarked upon. This wasn’t just a test of skill or endurance; it was a journey into the very psyche of Tristan Ruelberta, a character marred by destructive personalities.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was to come, knowing that this trial would delve deep into the layers of Tristan’s character and, in turn, challenge my resolve and adaptability in the face of destined ruin.


Undergoing Mikaela’s trial, I was experiencing Tristan’s past, and it was a continuous stream of revelations.


Reflected in the mirror was a boy around ten years old. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and his obsidian-black hair fell to his shoulders. His long hair made him look almost feminine, a beautiful young boy.

“Even you had your prime, Tristan…”

If not for his distinct gloomy eyes, it would have been impossible to recognize him. The idea that young Tristan was such an incredibly handsome boy had never crossed my mind.

‘If he loses some weight and takes care of himself, he might actually look decent…’

With good raw material, it seemed worth a try. Once this trial ended, I planned to start with a diet. Even a trashy character could turn into a god-tier one with the right development.

“Now, the problem is…”

I had found myself in Tristan’s childhood. Here, I needed to find the conditions to clear the trial.

The time limit was probably until I was completely assimilated by his personality. If I became fully assimilated, it would be game over.

“It’s all or nothing.”

However, Tristan’s childhood was something I knew little about. It was a backstory not mentioned in the original work.

I had no choice but to dive in headfirst. I didn’t want to know about the childhood of a villainous count, but it was necessary.

Knock knock.

“Master, it’s almost time to depart. Do you need any assistance?”

There seemed to be a schedule. I quickly got dressed.

“I’m fine. Let’s head out.”

As I opened the door, the servant seemed surprised.


“Why are you surprised?”

“Oh, no, it’s nothing. We should head down quickly. The Earl is waiting downstairs.”

The servant hurried ahead. Something urgent seemed to be afoot. As I stepped out of the house, Millium was waiting in front of the carriage, holding a silver watch.

“You are 24 seconds late.”

“My apologies…”

The servant bowed deeply. Millium ignored her, getting into the carriage as if even scolding her was a waste of time.

“Get in. That’s within the margin of error.”

I followed Millium into the carriage. True to the wealth of the Ruelberta family, the carriage was luxurious and spacious, with excellent comfort. It was clearly a masterpiece crafted by the empire’s best artisans. Amidst these thoughts, something felt off.

The servant had been glancing at me nervously, unable to settle. Was it because of the delay earlier? The silence was broken by Millium.



“Why is your hair like that?”


My long hair was new to me, so I must have tied it poorly. It was visible in the carriage window, awkwardly tied in a ponytail. The servant must have been trying to mention this.

I was in a bind. Afraid to give the wrong answer to Millium, I decided to play it safe.

“It’s more convenient and saves time this way.”

Millium’s brow furrowed. Perhaps that was a bit far-fetched… I could feel a cold sweat running down my spine.

Millium was inscrutable, making me nervous. His response, however, was unexpected.


He nodded as if satisfied, playing with his own long hair.

“Butler. From tomorrow, I will tie my hair like this.”

“Sir? But…”

“It’s more efficient.”

“Yes, sir…”

Millium checked a small clock from his pocket, a man who didn’t tolerate even a trace of disarray.

Millium Ruelberta, Tristan’s father and the former Earl, was a uniquely fascinating man. All I knew was that he died young, like many Ruelberta heads, and Tristan inherited the title at an early age.

‘But it’s hard to believe…’

Millium was rumored to have committed suicide. But the man before me didn’t seem like someone who would take his own life.

‘What really happened?’

The hidden past of the Ruelberta family could be a key to overcoming this trial. I cautiously inquired.

“Where are we going today?”

Millium looked puzzled.

“Didn’t I tell you? We’re visiting the Isakhael Ducal House.”

He added,

“Today is the Ducal daughter’s birthday. Haven’t you prepared a gift?”

…I have?

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The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction

The Only Ending for the Villainous Pig Count Is Destruction

악역 돼지 백작의 엔딩은 파멸뿐
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
“This is not the ending I wanted!” My favorite novel was made into an online game. It felt like a dream to see my favorite characters come back to life as NPCs. But that was short-lived, and in just one year, NPCs were killed by the players and the world was destroyed. While I was going crazy, I was possessed by the game. But of course, it’s the villain I hate, Count Pig.


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not work with dark mode