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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 124

Opinion Solicitation Meeting (3)

Chapter 124: Opinion Soliciting Meeting (3)

“…Then, I will explain my reasoning as I see it.”

“Feel free to speak your mind.”


As for reasoning, there wasn’t much to say.

My decisive reason is the prediction from an intelligence of 100. It’s impossible to explain this in words.

Even if I did explain, I doubted it would persuade Serphina.

Considering the case with Ilian, she would only move the army if there was a convincing reason.

So, what approach should I take here?

“If there’s an inevitable outcome…”

It meant that such a result had to occur.

If I were Yuri, using the river to sneak up on Serphina’s forces – what would have been the thought process behind such an action?

That’s where I need to start thinking.

Just as I was about to speak.


Serphina extended her white hand slightly and spoke.

“Before we hear your reasoning, may I share my opinion first?”

“Please do.”

“Then I won’t hold back.”

Serphina slowly unfolded her hands and said,

“If Aishers’ forces really do attack using the river, Amir Castle will undoubtedly be in danger. If they manage to surprise us completely, it’s possible that we could temporarily lose the castle. However, no matter how many times I think about it, I’m not sure if that would be of great benefit to Aishers’ forces.”

Serphina then glanced at Zena.

Zena slowly nodded and took up the conversation.

“Given that the route is limited to the river, there’s naturally a limit to the number of troops that can be deployed. Even if they continue to reinforce their troops, it would be easy to recapture if we block them properly. Knowing this, it doesn’t seem likely that they would recklessly attack.”

Certainly, this plan was akin to a gamble from Aishers’ perspective.

Crossing the river without being detected is a must, the time taken would be immense, and the difficulty of securing supply lines means there’s a limit to the number of troops that can be deployed.

Though there’s a thrill in striking hard once, it’s not feasible to seriously consider this route for an incursion into the Northern Continent.

“As your lordship has said, losing Amir Castle would put us in a difficult situation momentarily. But as mentioned, if it ends with us recapturing it, it means Aishers’ forces gain nothing by going to such lengths. Considering this, Mr. Swen’s opinion ends up being that they would invade here enduring hardships for a single moment of impact-”

“That’s exactly it!”


I quickly bowed my head to the surprised Zena.

“Forgive my rudeness, Miss Zena. However, that very thing you mentioned is precisely Aishers’ strategy, which is why I had to interject.”

“A strategy, you say?”

“―Impact. Yuri needs an impact that will shock everyone.”

Ironically, hearing the phrase ‘impact’ started to reveal the bigger picture to me.

“As you know, I was originally affiliated with Aishers’ forces, serving under Yuri.”

“That’s true.”

“Having spent time by their side, I’m quite certain about their thought processes and how things operate there.”

Serphina tapped her fingers on the armrest with interest.

“Please, continue.”

“To put it simply, consider the situation Aishers’ forces are currently in.”

I exaggerated my gestures, speaking with the ease of a seasoned orator.

“Currently, Baron Yuri Aishers is likely spending quite a perilous time as a ruler.”

“Why is that?”

She knowingly probes further.

It was not bad being tested like this, as it was clearer than dealing with something entirely unreadable.

“The very fact of my presence here is the reason.”


Zena joined in with her voice.

I wondered if she knew about the situation, so I asked lightly, and she slowly nodded.

Then, there was no need to explain it a second or third time.

“Baron Yuri Aishers, by letting me, a diplomat sent here, just go, has made the worst move as a ruler.”

Even if Anima Ingram was important to her, sacrificing another general for her sake was the worst move, both micro and macroscopically.

The inside must have been shaken. Even Jinor, who sent me letters, seemed to have drifted away from her.

“There’s no way to remedy the situation that has already occurred. In that case, she must somehow settle the restless internal atmosphere as a ruler. Then, the only thing to do is-”

“Create a common enemy by striking outward.”

Serphina interjected before I could finish my sentence, but-

It didn’t matter. Her words were what I intended to say.


Create a common enemy, then shift the focus there to organize the divided public opinion.

The target is Serphina’s forces, the starting point of all this. There couldn’t be a better justification.

Even if it’s a failure, if they can plant Aishers’ flag on the Northern Continent even for a moment, her reputation would surely rise.

“But, if it’s just about attacking externally, there are much simpler methods, right? I would have targeted a castle near the border. Even if they succeed in besieging it, it would be much easier to defend.”

“Currently, Aishers’ forces are overwhelmed just managing their own territory. Hypothetically, if they had demanded Racline Castle as the price for releasing Anima Ingram, they might have agreed. In this situation, expanding their territory could backfire. They know this too. Moreover, it requires much more troops than a surprise attack. And-”

“-From the standpoint of strengthening unity, our forces are the perfect target for them. Aishers’ forces do not like Serphina’s forces, after all.”

Hearing this, Serphina fell into thought.

The gleam of ambition that brought her to this position was faintly visible in her intelligent golden eyes.

“I see. There is indeed something to gain from attacking via the river… The gain is unity and an impact significant enough to obscure their choices.”

“That’s precisely what I wanted to convey.”

As I smiled and said this, Serphina tilted her head again, amused.

“Can you also explain why now is the time?”

“They must be aware that the borderlines are becoming somewhat fixed. They’re always keeping an eye on each other’s movements. Isn’t now, when no further invasions are expected, the perfect time to strike us in the back?”


Serphina stroked her chin with her hand.


She called my name, and I met her eyes once again.

“To sum it up, causing a disturbance to regroup, using the river for a surprise attack on the Northern Continent, and choosing us as the target are all ultimately based on circumstantial evidence. The fact that her little trick will end without any tangible gain remains unchanged.”


Serphina is indeed a formidable opponent.

She won’t trust easily without a solid reason.

If there’s someone on the opposite pole of Lunarien, who showed unconditional trust, it would surely be her.

“Yet, you’re appealing to me to believe?”

I have… squeezed out as much as I could.

“Assuming ‘Aishers’ forces will invade via the river’ is an absolute occurrence, I’ve concocted the most plausible scenario.

Having built up to this point, I almost convinced myself it could actually happen.

Serphina is a common enemy of the core five of Aishers. It wouldn’t be strange to think they’d cover the current disorderly situation with a decisive blow to their nemesis.

Thinking along these lines, it seemed likely the planner was Anima. Had it been Jinor, he wouldn’t have proposed a plan with such evidently limited gains.

There’s no further concrete evidence I can present from here.

Therefore, it might be better to make a bold move rather than dragging this out.

“Let’s wrap this up.”

I bowed deeply towards her.

“Lady Serphina, my opinion is merely one of many possibilities. As I’ve mentioned, based on my experiences within Aishers’ forces, I believe there’s a very high probability that the enemy will invade using the river… However, whether or not to trust this opinion is not my decision to make, but yours.”

Serphina looked at me intently without saying much.

…Her exceptional beauty made my heart flutter slightly, a feeling that seems unavoidable in the future.

“In other words, you’re saying this? You have a suspicion it might happen but no certainty they will proceed with it. Whether to believe it or not is ultimately up to me. You’ve simply presented your opinion… Is that it?”

“That’s correct.”

“So, in essence, you’re saying you lack evidence persuasive enough to convince me?”

At this point, I slowly closed my eyes and bowed my head.

Then, as if I had anticipated hearing such a remark, I replied calmly.

“Lady Serphina, I cannot disclose everything straightforwardly. It wouldn’t be appropriate to present an incomplete deduction to you, Lady Serphina.”

“It sounds like there’s more you’re not saying.”

“I’m simply asking for your understanding.”

I know the outcome definitively but lack a clear rationale, so let’s at least appear ‘insightful’.

Once the conclusion is reached, it will be evident I was correct, and the seeds of words I’ve sown will gradually sprout, eventually bearing the fruit of trust.

“Was it also intuition that led you to call down a giant stone from the sky?”


Receiving no response, Serphina slowly nodded.

“I understand. I’ll keep your opinion in mind.”


“You’ve worked hard today. You may go now.”

I bowed deeply once more.

“Should you need me, I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Leaving Serphina behind, I stepped out of the audience room, pondering slowly.

For starters, I predicted “Aishers’ forces will ascend the river” due to a lack of alternatives, and managed to fit a somewhat plausible reason around it.

But in the end, Serphina was right.

Was it really an action that would harm our forces to such an extent? Honestly, no.

“Well, it’s fine. Serphina said she would handle it, right?”

As the optimal efficiency varies from moment to moment, preventing this sort of crisis might be the best efficiency our forces can achieve.

Anyway, thinking so hard for a while has left me feeling tired.

I thought about asking Airen for a cup of tea, but then I realized she no longer lived with me.

“I wonder how Lady Airen is doing.”

If we move into the completed building, perhaps I’ll suggest living together again.

If circumstances allow, it might not be bad to subtly confirm our feelings.

Then, what about Reika? Would she end up living with us in our house?

Considering both might become my wives, the thought made my head heat up again, but-

“There’s no need to think about all this now.”

Let’s go back and rest for now.

With my thoughts organized, I slowly exited the palace.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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It seems like only this chapter is locked under premium access, while the next 3 chapters and the previous chapters are available for everyone else. Can it be resolved 🙂

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not work with dark mode