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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 12

I'm the only one with a Different Genre

༺ I’m the only one with a Different Genre ༻


  “I’m also glad to see you again.”


  “Ho ho. I’m truly glad you think so. Shall we all take a seat?”


  When Lermion took her seat at the head of the table adorned with gold, the male leads also sat down.


  I had a rough idea why she singled me out for a greeting and showed kindness.


  It must be to give hope.


  By doing so, to show the possibility of winning and to make me desire and cling to it again.


  A wise method to get a decliner to participate, but unfortunately, they analyzed the wrong person.


  Deron laughed and spoke to me.


  “Ha ha. To think Prince Elden was acquainted with the grand duchess. You could have given us a hint.”


  A tone of reproach.


  And a tone of prodding.


  I was about to respond, but Lermion took the answer.


  “I merely had a brief conversation out of curiosity about the reason for his declination, so please, everyone, don’t worry about it.”


  “Ha ha. No, we’re not worried at all. We were just surprised.”


  Blund quickly interjected, flattering Lermion.


  The flattery that was directed at Deron shifted towards Lermion.


  It’s now a real battle without any rank insignias.


  Of course, for them.


  “Before we start, there’s something I want to tell you. There will be no evaluation team closely monitoring every move you make in this final evaluation.”


  I knew it.


  This wasn’t influenced by my declaration of withdrawal, but rather, it was the original flow of the story desired by Lermion.


  Eliminating the shackles called the evaluation team to encourage free interactions among the candidates, hoping for their self-destruction.


  What happens next will serve as excellent nourishment for the villains’ conflicts.


  “I don’t want to monitor or suppress you for the evaluation. I want to see your natural selves, your ‘true’ selves.”




  Lermion emphasized this word, audible only to those who knew the truth, while the trio of regretful characters just exchanged glances and nodded their heads.


  They would welcome this.


  Now, collusion and alliances were possible.


  For their own benefits.


  “If that is the grand duchess’s wish, we shall duly follow. True meetings start from showing true selves.”


  Kyle, who had been sparing with words, bowed to Lermion and said so.


  Blund and Deron also nodded in agreement.


  And in that harmonious atmosphere, the only one who did not fit was me.




  It’s fine for a decliner to be that way.


  Lermion didn’t accept my withdrawal.


  I had no obligation to get involved in her scheme, no reason to concur, and sitting here, I didn’t understand why I should be, so observing was more appropriate than joining.


  I couldn’t become Lermion’s executioner for a crime I didn’t commit.




  Even if Lermion’s eyes harbored a sly gleam, there was nothing I could do about it.


  Despite showing forbidden favoritism and kindness, glaring at me for being unresponsive was inevitable.


  ‘…The gaze does sting, though.’






  “Ha ha. It’s an honor just to have made it this far. Grand Duchess.”


  “I’m truly grateful for selecting such a humble person as myself, Grand Duchess.”


  “Just having an audience with the Grand Duchess is an excessive luxury for me.”




  The trio of regretful characters, whose faces behind the white fox masks and scars beneath the pure white dresses remain unseen, are making every effort to win.


  Of course, I have no intention of criticizing efforts born from ignorance.


  It was just slightly uncomfortable to watch the hypocrisy of those who tormented a woman and then rode on her academic zeal.




There was someone who found me uncomfortable to look at.


“…Has Prince Elden always been so taciturn? It’s curious to see someone known for their eloquence remaining silent.”


  At Lermion’s question, Blund quickly interjected.


  “Ha ha. Perhaps Prince Elden is very tired today. To be reserved in speech even after meeting the Grand Duchess.”


  “Indeed. Perhaps, do you need the assistance of alcohol?”


  “Ha ha ha. Or perhaps he was nervous?”


  I am the public enemy.


  Though the hyenas rushed at the topic thrown by Lermion to tear it apart, sorry to say, the attack was almost harmless.


  And it seems everyone forgot.


  That Elden Rapellion is a ‘decliner.’


  Well, anyway, since three mouths answered for me, I intended to maintain my silence, but…


  The atmosphere, which had been warm, suddenly changed.


  “…Could everyone please shut their mouths? I was asking Prince Elden.”


  Lermion’s voice filled with anger caused a crack.


  The warm air of the hall turned cold.


  Anger surged in Lermion’s eyes.


  She seemed very frustrated with the situation not going as planned, but that didn’t change anything.


  I was the more aggrieved party.


  Suddenly possessed and set up for a trap, how could I not feel wronged?


  Even if I didn’t complain, I had no intention of being sliced by Lermion’s sword dance.


  “I remained silent because it seemed there was no room for me to interject. Please do not be angry.”


  A soft sigh seeped from behind Lermion’s mask.


  “…Sigh, I’m sorry. I’ve been irritable lately due to some unresolved issues. Please understand.”


  Knowing what those unresolved issues were, I politely accepted the apology.


  “It’s alright.”


  “Speaking of which, it’s time for a meal. It would’ve been rude to entertain such esteemed guests without serving food.”


  Up to now was just a taste.


  From the first meeting in the original story, Lermion’s revenge begins.


  The warm atmosphere was just a preliminary battle, and once the meal started, the atmosphere would become as desolate as a desert.


  “I personally prepared this meal. It’s tailored to each of your tastes.”


  “Oh, did the Grand Duchess personally say so?”


  “Ha ha. This is such an extravagant meal, it’s almost a shame to eat it.”


  “I’m already salivating.”




  I knew Lermion was smiling behind that white fox mask.


  The meal about to be served, marking the start of the trap, was her way of paying back what she had suffered at the Royal Academy.


  Entirely, just as it was.


  “Ho ho ho, feel free to look forward to it.”


  Shortly after, dishes were placed in front of each of us, covered with metal lids.


  The start of the trap.




  “I can’t wait to open the lid. Grand Duchess.”


  “I’m already drooling in anticipation.”


  “Goodness, I didn’t know you’d make us so anxious.”


  The trio, unaware of what was inside, unreservedly praised it.


  Lermion laughed in a pleased manner.


  “Let’s introduce the dishes, so let’s open them one by one. Shall we start with Prince Deron?”


  “Ha ha. It would be an honor.”




  Deron grabbed the lid’s handle.


  All eyes were on him.


  Even Lermion’s gaze, from behind the mask.


  “Then, I’ll unveil it.”


  Deron, pleased to be the first to open, lifted the lid with a big smile.


  The shock on his radiant face came shortly after.




  The dish on top.


  For Deron Kelid, who detests amphibians, Lermion prepared ‘Coatbo Front Leg Roast’—a dish made from the front legs of the ‘monster’ Coatbo, a giant frog species.


  As mentioned earlier, monsters are considered low-grade ingredients.


  Moreover, a dish not stripped of flesh but retaining its natural form was enough to induce disgust and was sufficient to sour Deron’s face.


  “Ho ho. I tried it before, and it was really delicious. Why? Don’t you like it, Prince Deron?”


  “Ah… ha, haha. Of course not. I was just admiring the effort you put into cooking this, Grand Duchess.”


  “Ho ho ho. I’m glad you like it. Now, shall we have Prince Blund open his lid?”


  “Ah, yes, yes.”


  Shocked by the horrifying dish, Blund stuttered as he grabbed the lid handle.


  Moments later, Blund also had a similar expression to Deron’s.


  For someone who despises creepy crawlers…


  “For Prince Blund, I prepared ‘Half Worm Stir-fry’. The sensation of them popping in your mouth is unique. It’ll be delicious, won’t it?”


  “Ah… It sure will be delicious…”


  Named Half Worm for its red top and black bottom, it’s a monster with the thickness of a thumb and vibrant colors that suggest it shouldn’t be eaten.


  Blund shuddered as if he got goosebumps.


  Then, when Kyle, who has a fear of birds, witnessed the ‘Blackbat’ wing roast, a bat-type monster, the hall filled with despair.


  “Ho ho. It’s Blackbat wing roast. It’ll be delicious, right? Although it doesn’t have much flesh, it’s fun to pick it apart.”


  Only Lermion’s voice broke the silence.


  Shocking ingredients.


  Dishes that could be called bizarre.


  Deron, Blund, and Kyle’s faces turned ashen, and Lermion delivered the finishing touch amidst them.


  “I hope you all enjoy your meal. I really like men who can eat anything deliciously.”


  Tightening the noose so they can’t escape, as if saying, eat it all if you want to impress me.


  Her ominous gaze then landed on me.


  “Lastly… would Prince Elden like to open his lid?”


  Her gaze, ominous yet filled with expectation, threw a noose at me.


  Of course, since the noose couldn’t bind me, I comfortably grabbed the lid handle.


  I know what’s beneath it.


  And I also know that it would cause extreme disgust to the character Elden Rapellion.


  Without hesitation, I opened the lid.


  “How is it, Prince Elden?”




  On the dish was the leg of a porcine monster, the Red Longer.


  A whole pig’s leg, complete with hooves, roasted.


  Especially, lovingly smoked.


  The memory of hesitating to order jokbal due to its expensive price must have been a past sorrow.


  The thought of chewy texture and savory juice made me swallow instinctively.




  ‘It looks delicious.’


  Lermion, who wanted to pay back the hellish experiences she faced with these dishes.


  Regrettably for Lee Junwoo, who always had to salivate over pictures of jokbal, it wasn’t a food torture but a culinary delight.


  Though different from boiled jokbal, roasting the whole leg was enough to stimulate the salivary glands.


  “It looks really appetizing.”


  In Lermion’s eyes, the expectation of horror from the villain Elden was replaced by deep bewilderment.




  And then.


When I covered the dish again with the lifted lid, that bewilderment began to amplify.


  Towards her, I politely stated.


  “However, partaking in this dish might be misconstrued as insincerity towards my declaration of withdrawal, so regrettably, I must politely decline.”




  “I will graciously accept the Grand Duchess’s intentions only.”


  Even with the considerable social gap between the Grand Duchess and the Earl’s family, refusing a single rejection wasn’t so dire or hostile.


  If the reasoning is sound and the logic is smooth, there wouldn’t be a problem.


  Especially since I’m a ‘decliner’ forced to sit here.


  From the moment I declared my withdrawal, the one at a loss had to be Lermion.


  “…Then won’t you misunderstand if you just take one bite?”




  If the Grand Duchess herself requests so, perhaps one bite wouldn’t hurt.


  I’ve also secured a promise not to misunderstand.








  While gagging, the trio of regretful characters shoved the repulsive dishes into their mouths, aiming to become Lermion’s husband.


  Following their flow once wouldn’t hurt.




  No, a big bite of the Red Longer’s whole leg roast.


  My brow furrowed.


  My breath stopped.


  My eyes narrowed and moistened.


  As if the Red Longer frolicking in the blue meadows under the clear sky had stopped to wink at me.


  Raising a hoof as if to give a thumbs-up.


  ‘Insane… Why is this so delicious?’


  The texture might have been slightly tough, but the meaty aroma was so rich it made my salivation explode, and the savory juice that spread as I chewed was exquisite, with not a hint of fishiness.


  I wanted to tear it apart until the bones were bare, but I restrained myself and put down the whole leg.


  “How was it… Prince Elden?”


  These dishes were not assisted by the ducal chefs but were personally made by her.


  For her sincerity and effort, I should have gagged like the trio of regretful characters, but as mentioned before, Plan B was to show things as they are.




  “The flavor melted in my mouth. You’re quite the chef, Grand Duchess.”


  I delivered the [truthful] answer she repeatedly emphasized.


  The turmoil in Lermion’s blue eyes wasn’t my concern.


  She asked for a true appearance, so I gave it.


  Because it was delicious, I said it was delicious.


  By the way, I didn’t know from the original story, but it seems the female lead has quite exceptional cooking skills.


  Monster cuisine is known to be quite tricky to get right.










  Whether it’s Coatbo front leg roast, Half Worm stir-fry, or Blackbat wing roast, they all look delicious to me.


  Is my taste… bizarre?


  I couldn’t tell.




 I’m hungry.


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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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