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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 13

༺ I’m the only one with a Different Genre(2) ༻

༺ I’m the only one with a Different Genre(2) ༻



  The incorporation of monster carcasses into humanity’s culinary culture occurred roughly 300 years ago.


  Monsters, often grotesque in appearance, emitted an unbearable stench from their flesh.


  Before culinary techniques advanced, the carcasses of monsters were nothing more than fertilizer, feed for livestock, or, if even that was unfeasible, mere trash.


  Then, 300 years ago, a severe famine swept across the continent, causing a rapid increase in deaths from starvation. However, the nobility only sought ways to save themselves, leaving the oppressed to face this dire period to the extent of having to eat dirt.


  This was the turning point.


  The intense survival instinct of humans.


  It led to the placement of monster carcasses on the chopping block.


  In order to survive, research began in earnest to use the flesh of monsters as food ingredients, overcoming disgust and enduring the stench.


  And now, monster carcasses have become a valuable food resource.


  Of course, to the ruling class who have never experienced famine, either then or now, it remains a vile and unpleasant food resource, necessary only for the despised lower class.




  “It looks delicious.”


  Elden’s appraisal was unbelievable.


  Unlike others who struggled to hide their horror and contempt, his eyes seemed sincere.


  He seemed genuinely interested in the monstrous dish, a leg of a pig-like monster roasted whole.


  It’s a lie.


  They’re just hiding their shock and performing. Surely, once they actually taste it, their unavoidable horror will make them join this act of vengeance.


  Even those of you who used to enjoy feeding on spiders, ants, and larvae… must experience this terror!


  With a fervent hope, I pleaded,


  “…So, without any misunderstandings, could you take a bite?”


  It was a ludicrous situation.


  Absurd, really, that the avenger must plead with the avenged.


  But there was no other choice.


  A forfeiture declaration by a final candidate was unprecedented in the history of the engagement battle, and there were no provisions for dealing with it.


  There was no way to force a forfaiter to sincerely participate in the final evaluation battle.


  After all, sincerity cannot be manufactured by force or hurry.


  So, with no other option, the decision on forfeiture was postponed, forcibly retaining them.




  Fortunately, he reached for the dish.


  Despite having openly expressed favoritism and goodwill, he had remained silent until now but finally began to move according to his own volition.


  An unsolvable conundrum.


  Perhaps, the beginning of unraveling it was in sight.


  Watching every action and reaction of Elden with such hope.


  The disdain and loathing one has lived with tearing through the inside of the mouth cannot be covered up with lies.


  Deron, Kyle, and Blund.


  Proving this, the three of them could not hide their gag reflex and other signs of rejection, continuing their meal with difficulty.


  Of course, there was no desire to enjoy their fear.


  Because I am different.


  Not a villain who takes pleasure in the unhappiness and fear of others.


  Just hoping,


  That they remember the atrocities they committed.


  Remember the victim of those atrocities.


  And perhaps understand a little of that victim’s pain and sorrow.


  Hoping for a sincere repentance at the face-to-face meeting to be held in seven days.


  And those who do not repent, who waste this opportunity, are wished only to walk the path of self-destruction.




  For all these hopes, Elden Rapellion too needed to eat the monster cuisine and gag.


  Even if his vile nature had changed by now, he still needed to atone for the events of that day.




  “It melted in my mouth. Your cooking skills are excellent, Duchess.”


  Elden, instead, offered praise.


  With eyes filled with genuine emotion.


  Unmistakably sincere, he praised my cooking skills with pure eyes.


  Moreover, as if lingering on the taste, the way he licked the grease off his fingers after looking at the dish on his plate seemed no different from a hungry gourmet.


  Suck. Suck.


  Knowing that he did not even glance at monster cuisine and was averse to dishes made from special parts of livestock.


  He had to show even the slightest reaction.


  If he had lived spewing hatred and loathing, he should have shown even a slight displeasure when it entered his mouth.


  He should have become a terrified victim, not a hungry gourmet.


  ‘What the hell? What is it…?’


  I was spectacularly defeated in the argument I had declared to uncover the truth.


  I had to retreat and sharpen my sword again, dragging it back into the battlefield.


  This time, I was determined to win.


  Just as it had done to me, to shove loathing and contempt down its throat and strip off the mask of deceit.


  With ambitious preparations, I had drawn my weapon, ‘monster cuisine.’








  As Deron, Blund, and Kyle continued, the victory bells rang incessantly.


  Yet, at Elden’s turn, defeat bells rang again.


  It drove me to near madness.


  It was maddening beyond frustration.


  After the private meeting with Elden, putting aside all the backed-up research and experiments, I spent all day thinking about him.


  The conundrum he presented was intriguing and yet infuriating.


  Searching through black magic and sorcery books, I formulated numerous hypotheses and plans for their verification.


  Even cutting down on sleep.


  As a result, the complexion under the white fox mask grew somewhat haggard.


  Shadows formed under the eyes, but still, her mind was filled with nothing but hypotheses and verification.




  Why does that fierce face, which was once terrifying, now seem so annoyingly pitiful?


  Why do I want to delve into those eyes, which I could not even meet during my school days due to fear?






  And so frustrating.


  So, so, so frustrating.


  Lermian gnashed her teeth.


  There’s no such thing as an unsolvable problem in this world.


  It’s just that the solution seems ‘not to exist.’


  Uncovering the hidden answer is a basic virtue, a talent, and a quality that a great explorer must possess.




  Lermian rose from her seat irritably.


  This vengeance wasn’t started to enjoy their fear in the first place.


  If they hadn’t caught my eye, the vengeance wouldn’t have begun.


  A vengeance based on enlightenment and guidance.


  This should be enough to convey the message of the first day.


  Above all,




  It was hard to face that innocent expression of Elden.


  A look that kept fanning the flames of desire for exploration, provoking irritation.


  Was he tormenting me with cruelty and mockery during my school days, and now with vexing tricks?


  How did he detect and skillfully avoid this act of vengeance?


  I won’t back down.


  Let’s see you avoid this to the end.


  With that resolve, Lermian, covering her mouth to suppress the nausea,


 glanced over the three gagging candidates before leaving the place.




  Leaving only a snort of disdain for Elden Rapellion.


  And then.


  As Lermian exited the arena, the three candidates, struggling to hold back their nausea, hastily started to flee.


  Kyle Bellion, with the weakest stomach, couldn’t hold back his vomit.




  The arena quickly emptied.


  In the silent space, left alone without a sound, a single yellow dog wandered around the uneaten dishes, then followed them out of the arena.


  Chew. Chew.


  “Hmm, it’s only delicious.”


  The front leg roast of a Cotbo, tasting like juicy chicken leg.


  The Half Worm stir-fry, with a nutty pupa flavor.


  The Blackbat wing grill, chewy like chicken wings.


  For the gourmet yellow dog, it was incomprehensible why the three humans had abandoned such excellent flavors and ran away.




  Golden Retriever.


  Or rather, Elden, who left the arena with a lingering taste, was on the move with Rendler.


  Rendler, following behind, asked with a puzzled face,


  “Where are we going?”


  They were headed in the opposite direction from where the annex was located.


  For that was not a direction Elden, the prince, would normally take.


  At the end of this path lay the largest library in the Northern Command.






  Rendler pricked up his ears swiftly.


  And asked again,


  “The library… you mean?”


  “Yeah. Looking for something to read.”


  If he was to stay in the duchy for 15 days, he needed something to occupy his free time.


  And not every day of those 15 would be spent on the final evaluation battle.


  One day would be spent with the duchess on the evaluation battle, and the next day would be an official rest day without any scheduled events.


  Of course, that rest day was meant for meetings between the final candidates and for personal schedules.


  Hence, a forfeiter needed something enjoyable to fully utilize his rest time.


  It’s impossible to spend all day training with Rachel.


  When tired or weary, one needs something enjoyable to relax with.


  In this boring world without game consoles, TVs, or YouTube, reading material is the best.


  Especially for Junwoo, who was a web novel fanatic even in the modern world, heading to the largest library in the Northern Command was only natural.


  “This, now even seeking nourishment for the mind… I’m so… so happy I could… cry.”




  He just wanted to see what novels in this world of a novel were like.


  It wasn’t a step taken to cultivate his mind.


  Before the tearful old butler could show his tears, Elden hastily rebuked him and entered the library.


  ‘It’s huge.’


  As expected of the largest library in the Northern Command, it was vast.


  Also, since it was a space opened to the general nobility outside the duchy and the servants of the ducal house, it was crowded.


  “If you find a book worth recommending, bring it. I’ll look for something to read.”


  “Yes, understood.”


  Thus, parting ways with Rendler, Elden began to explore the library, humming a tune.


 Filled with anticipation about what the novels in this world might be like.


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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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