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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 19

༺ How to turn the worst into the best ༻

༺ How to turn the worst into the best ༻


  The night before the final evaluation of the Engagement Battle arrived. 


  Lendler, still reeling from the shock of witnessing his master’s unexpected withdrawal and even packing his belongings, arrived in the study with a task he had been given.


  “Here it is. But why all of a sudden…?”


  What Lendler had brought was none other than the [Engagement Battle Participation Rulebook]. 


  It was a document signed by the central advisor of the ducal family and the participants, detailing the rules and laws to be followed by those participating in the Engagement Battle.


  The rulebook, spanning a vast 100 items, outlined the moral ethics and laws that participants were obligated to adhere to. 


  Most of these items were ‘obviously’ things one shouldn’t do and ‘obviously’ things one should follow, so not many took the time to scrutinize all 100 items closely.


  “I need to check something.”


  Elden began reading through the rulebook page by page, eventually stopping at a specific section and marking it with two lines and a star.


  It was Legal Regulation Article 12.


  Having checked what he needed, Elden leaned back in his chair.


  The decision on his withdrawal was for the ducal family to make. If there was an item about withdrawal in the rulebook, they could either use it to reject or consider his withdrawal.


  Preparing for the worst was the right approach, and that was Legal Regulation Article 12.


  But he needed one more thing.




  “Yes, my lord.”


  “I need to make a trip to 25th Street.”


  “Excuse me…? But after evening, aren’t outings forbidden?”


  “I know. ‘Candidates’ cannot go out.”




  At Lendler’s question, Elden got up, approached him, and clapped him on the shoulder.


  “But you can go out, can’t you?”


  “Excuse me?”


  “There’s something I need from 25th Street. It’s crucial for me.”


  “That place is dangerous, especially at night; it’s a slum with only a black market operating.”


  Elden chuckled and snapped his fingers.


  Just the sound seemed tauntingly lively to Lendler, who seemed to understand its implication.


  “Exactly. A ‘night-only’ black market. Sorry, but you’ll have to go on my behalf.”


  “That area is hazardous.”


  25th Street was known for its weak security, matching its slum status, making it a gathering place for unsavory types. 


  It was a dangerous task for an old butler to undertake alone.


  “Take a guard with you.”


  Lendler had no choice but to obey his master’s command.


  “Understood. But what must I retrieve there?”


  Something essential.


  A item only available in the black market, hence why the original Deron Kelid secretly carried it. 


  For bettering oneself in facing the worst scenarios, one must devise a way to turn those worst situations into the best outcomes.


  And when dealing with villains, ethical considerations are unnecessary.


  An eye for an eye.


  If they dare to attack in a cowardly manner, it’s only right to respond in kind.


  For that, he needed what Deron Kelid always carried with him.


  “I need a Mana Record.”


  “Why would you need that…?”


  Elden smiled.


  “I’m done being the one always taken advantage of.”




  Deron Kelid was skilled at manipulating his underlings.


  He knew how to use both carrot and stick effectively and was talented at cunningly drawing out villains, extracting their inherent malice, and using it to his advantage.


  Of course, this was possible because of the strict class society they lived in.


  Being the second son of a ducal family granted him such capabilities.


  He reigned as the hidden tyrant of the royal academy for a reason, all thanks to his skills.


  Kyle, a schemer who thrived on spreading rumors.


  Blund, a sycophant who served as ears with his quick information gathering.


  And Elden, a battle-crazed individual who, when given a sword, would stain it with blood on their behalf.


  Deron Kelid stood above them all, gathering these varied temperaments under one roof.


  “Follow me, and I’ll grant you the glory of graduating at the top.”


  A villain must have an outlet for their wickedness.


  And so, he threw Erisia Beloc, a shy girl from a nameless family in a remote territory who desired nothing more than to study in peace, into the pen with these beasts.


  The epitome of villainy.


  A refuse reigning over trash.


  That was Deron Kelid.


  So, it was natural.




  When he stepped forward first, a smile unwittingly formed on his face.


  A man willing to make an example of himself for the sake of reining in his underlings.


  By doing so, he prevented the rest from causing trouble.


  In the memories of the original Elden, Deron was such a person.


  And Deron, knowing well how to efficiently tame beasts, often resorted to whipping Elden, the battle-crazed lunatic, into submission for the sake of the honor of top graduation.




  Perhaps that’s why he couldn’t forget his old habit and brought his fist to a sacred battle like the Engagement Battle.


  Fuming at the insult delivered by a beast he once controlled.


  Of course, all plans were for that purpose, serving as an excellent detonator to turn the worst situation into the best.




  He caught the slow-moving fist.


  The reason battle-crazed Elden Rapellion suffered under Deron’s lashings was purely for the glory of top graduation.


  No longer bound by any expectations from him, I had no reason or principle to be hit by such a slow fist.


  He flashed a sinister smile.


  “Did you think I’d just quietly take it as I used to?”


  Deron’s pupils shook violently.


  The tyrant, intending to set an example with Elden and thus discipline the rest, had instead become the example, leading to cognitive dissonance.


  “What… what did you say?”


  Releasing the fist he had caught, Kyle and Blund quickly moved to Deron’s side.


  True to their meager loyalty.


  How long their paltry loyalty would last was another question.


  “If, Lord Deron, are you alright?”


  “Elden, have you truly gone mad?”


  At Blund’s question, the obvious answer was given.


  “It’s a world where you have to be mad to survive. But it seems you’re all very concerned that your dream might be stolen by a tamed beast.”


  Pulling a round, flat object from his pocket, he continued.


  “Don’t worry. I know you won’t believe me no matter how many times I say it, but even if, by a one-in-a-million chance, I did win the Grand Duchess’s favor, I would never steal your dreams.”


  He knew they wouldn’t believe him, but he reassured them nonetheless.


  Asserting that his withdrawal wasn’t a strategy, that even if it was put on hold, the outcome wouldn’t change.


  That a modern person, reincarnated into a medieval fantasy world, would rather seek romance and adventure as a wandering traveler than be shackled as a noble’s son-in-law.


  Deron, having been humiliated by a once-controlled beast, couldn’t speak, and Kyle took over.


  “How can we believe that? Your actions say otherwise.”


  “Perhaps this will suffice as an answer, don’t you think, Lord Deron?”


  Calling out to Deron, he displayed the round, flat object.


  A shimmering black artifact capable of recording the surroundings of its user once.


  Waving it like unfolding a fan, the faces of the regretful trio turned ashen.


  The recordings played back their own words and actions.


  And naturally, Kyle and Blund quickly distanced themselves from their leader.


  The shallow loyalty of villains is as fragile as a sandcastle washed away by a single wave.


  Putting the Mana Record back in his pocket, he stated.


  “If my withdrawal had been a strategy, I would have rushed to the central advisor with this record. But since I’ll only keep it safely tucked away, I kindly ask for your cooperation in not causing any trouble for a simple withdrawal candidate.”


  Staying in the ducal mansion was unavoidable until official approval of his withdrawal.


  An audition finalist who suddenly withdraws and disappears would be blacklisted in the industry.


  Especially in this world, a strict class society where the ‘Winterfell Ducal Family’ held sway over even powerful ducal families with the unconditional support of the king.


  Already having made an unfavorable impression with the first-ever withdrawal announcement, it was only natural to tread carefully and look for an escape opportunity.


  Only 13 days remained.


  Just endure for 13 days, and then the real healing journey could begin, free from the constraints of the Engagement Battle.


  Fleeing now would only lend strength to the opposition and complicate a journey meant for relaxation and culinary exploration.


  He had not declared his departure for such folly.


  Now, he only hoped for the approval of his withdrawal, or at least the end of the Engagement Battle, while creating the best environment for healing and rest.


  His conviction to leave would never waver.


Deron, finally catching on to the situation, spoke up.


  “…So all of this was according to your plan.”


  “Ah, I merely wished to inform you that there was no need to exert yourself in vain.”


  “How presumptuous. Haven’t you considered the consequences?”


  Of course, he had considered the repercussions.


  At the naive threat from someone who hadn’t thoroughly read the Engagement Battle Rulebook, he smiled and responded.


  “Ah, it seems Lord Deron hasn’t diligently read the rulebook.”




  On the very first day of possession, he had underscored Legal Regulation Article 12 with two lines and a star.


  “Any retaliation against others based on incidents during the Engagement Battle will be considered an act of retaliation against the ‘Winterfell Ducal Family,’ regardless of the reason.”


  No longer would he kneel to injustice.


  No longer would he cry tears of grievance.


  “Did you miss the content in Legal Regulation 12?”


  This plan was a simple consolation to Lee Jun-woo, who had to kneel to injustice and cry through long nights of grievance in his past life.

  Now, shall we enjoy ourselves to the fullest?

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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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So what is his plan for when she picks him? ” No thank you”?

He should just run now, run off to another country

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