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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 28



The harsh land of the Northern Ridge, May is a month when warmth briefly passes through.

The thick white snow melts, revealing the brown soil underneath, and the streams frozen all winter start flowing again. The trees that wore white caps finally take them off.

For a short while, the world that was completely white is covered in colors – that is the month of May.

It’s a good time for activities, and the month when animals waking from their winter slumber roam the mountainsides to fill their hungry bellies.

That’s why it was also the month when hunters of the Northern Ridge vigorously climbed the snowy mountains.

An hour’s drive north from the Grand Duchy, they arrived at the snowy mountains.

With gentle terrain and more food than a typical winter mountain, these mountains frequented by wild animals belonged to the Grand Ducal House of Winterfell.

Only members of the house were allowed to hunt here, with fences bearing the ducal crest surrounding the area to restrict outside entry.

Outsiders could only enter during house events like the Marriage Convention.

Remian looked down at the four final candidates gathered there.

No, she was staring intently at Elden Raphelion specifically.

That gloomy, expressionless man.

‘…What is he thinking?’

Last night, a note encouraging him had been delivered, and this morning Ariel Ange had conveyed that encouragement again.

Although the hypothesis of [love] had failed, the encouragement and persuasion should have worked, so he should have reacted.

 But Elden remained indifferent.

He didn’t even glance her way, despite knowing her gaze was focused on him.

She felt anxious, vexed, annoyed.

She had barely slept, hoping at least this final evaluation before the Matchmaking Convention would go according to plan.

[Death Tag]

Everyone had to experience the terror and harshness that she had endured countless times at the academy.

They had to know the despair of having all hope of escape taken away.

After Elden’s withdrawal, she had made numerous hypotheses, premises to investigate and verify endlessly.

Poring over ancient texts, racking her memories.

It made her research fall behind, experiments go awry, her mind a tangled mess – but her desire to unravel the truth behind his withdrawal never waned.

The rift caused by Elden’s withdrawal only grew wider, with no solution in sight to mend it, driving her to the brink of madness.

The world seemed hazy at times, and she wanted to confess everything to her father and have him simply take revenge.

But the nightmares that suddenly surfaced stirred the resentment buried deep in her heart, making her old scars ache.

For her liberation, all her plans made through the Marriage Convention had to succeed.

At first, she vowed not to be consumed by vengeance.

She vowed to lead them to atonement through guidance and enlightenment.

When the Matchmaking Convention was held, she hoped the four who saw her face would feel regret.

She hoped they would sincerely apologize.

She hoped they would condemn how wrong their actions against her had been.

That’s why she had planned the endless tortures and games of tag they had put her through.

But it had already started going awry from the first round, when Elden turned the torture into a feast.

So the second round absolutely had to succeed.

“Now, we will hold the second evaluation event, the Hunting Contest. Everyone, take your positions at the starting line.”

“There are four caves in these snowy mountains, and in only one of them is prey bearing the crest of the Grand Ducal House of Winterfell.”

“Whoever acquires that crest and returns will be the winner of the Hunting Contest.”

“Use the provided weapons to prove your ‘valor.'”

“Especially since the Grand Princess has said she will award high scores to the ‘valorous,’ I hope the candidates have a good result.”

The Hunting Contest began.

Remian could only see Elden Raphelion’s back at the starting line.

Please. Please. Please.

She hoped he would head northeast, and as he started walking that way, Remian could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Her vow not to be consumed by vengeance was crumbling, the rift caused by Elden widening the rift in her own resolve, though she did not realize it as she heaved that sigh of relief.

She hoped, just this once, the plan would succeed and he would bring back the terror of death along with the ducal crest, to make up for the bitterness of the first round’s failure.


Crunch crunch.

Squish squish.

‘The sound of walking on snow is always nice.’

Though an ordinary sound, it had a certain thrill to it as he walked northeast, the provided bow slung casually over his shoulder.

“Whew~ Haah~”

Taking a rare trip outside, experiencing the snowy mountain scenery and crisp air for the first time since being reincarnated into this other world, he puffed out his chest and took a deep breath.


It felt like his lungs were clearing out.

As if he had finally achieved his dream of escape, the wide-open mountain vista delighted his eyes, the fresh air filled his lungs, and the crunching sound pleased his ears.

Just in case, he scooped up a handful of snow and tasted it.

For some reason, he expected it to be sweet.

Contrary to his expectations, it tasted just like modern snow.

‘By the way, I wonder where the Regretful Trio went.’

After the Mana Record incident(?), the three had completely avoided him, keeping their distance for the sake of winning the Marriage Convention. Thanks to that, he could fully enjoy this rare rest and healing.

In any case, that’s how he headed northeast alone.

There was only one reason.

He wanted to know why the Hunting Contest was called a game of tag.

According to Gelwood, of the four caves, only one contained prey bearing the ducal crest.

The note he had sealed last night said “800M northeast.”

That must be where the prey that would lead him to victory in this evaluation was located.

As soon as they set off, the Regretful Trio had moved together, strengthening their bond it seemed.

They must have conspired about something.

The heroine had even removed the shackles of being a judge to help them.

Though they went a different direction from the 800M northeast point, it was a foregone conclusion they would reach the cave there.


‘Hmm, is this a good spot?’


He had arrived at a hill overlooking the cave entrance.

Under the unusually clear sky today, he chose a sturdy tree near the cave where he could hide.


With a few leaps, he climbed quite high and sat on a thick, flat branch, leaning comfortably against the trunk.

Then he took out a fruit he had picked earlier.

He scooped up a handful of snow from the branch, washed the fruit by swirling it around, and wiped off any dirt by rubbing it on his clothes.

‘I wonder what it tastes like.’
It looked like an apple but had a deep, glossy red color like a tomato and a long stem.

His father had warned not to eat just anything, but how could he resist this tempting sight and glossy hue that made his mouth water?


The crisp mountain breeze blew, as if congratulating his efforts in climbing up here, cooling him off.
He brushed his hair back and took a big bite of the fruit.

Ah crack!

Sweet and tart juices.

Flesh a bit softer than an apple’s.

Mmm, delicious as expected.


‘This is quite the idle amusement.’

He crossed his outstretched legs, wiggling his toes, and closed his eyes.

He pulled down the long strap of his hunting cap to cover his face.

The Regretful Trio seemed to be taking a while, so he thought he’d bask in the warm sun for a bit when…

“That bastard definitely came this way.”

“I don’t see him now, but his footprints were headed this direction.”

He heard voices and pulled up his cap to see the Regretful Trio approaching the cave entrance.

They had arrows nocked, clearly on high alert.

It seemed they had followed behind the “traitor” leisurely wandering off alone.

Before climbing the hill, he had erased his footprints in the snow and walked on the dirt path, just in case.

He hadn’t expected them to tail him, but the habits of the former Junu who always tried to prevent any contingencies were shining through.

“Tch. Bastard. Where did he disappear to?”

“He must have noticed us and ran, right?”

“What a snake that guy is.”

…Wait a minute.

Don’t tell me they designated me as the prey for the Hunting Contest?

Were those arrowheads meant for me before the actual prey?

Well, you guys are something else.

You really haven’t changed at all, have you?

“Oh, there’s a cave over there!”

“What? Oh, you’re right.”

“Let’s go in quickly.”

The ones searching the area spotted the cave and started heading in, with Deron leading the way while Blund and Kyle seemed to have officially decided to support him.

They must be thinking if Deron becomes the Grand Duke’s son-in-law, they can mooch off him.

It had nothing to do with me, so I just wiggled my toes in anticipation of what would happen in that cave.


Suddenly, there was a tremor.

Startled birds took flight, and the snow piled on the branches fell – it was a powerful tremor.

“Wha-What was that?”

The source was clearly the cave, and it was an ominous intensity, like something had charged forth.

At the same time, my heart started pounding.

Not out of fear or dread, but something deeper stirring within me as a man.

The absolute awe felt when encountering a powerful force.

The light tension of encountering something interesting.

And the excited anticipation that something special was about to happen, striking a chord with the part of me that had longed for a medieval fantasy world.

Ah crack!
I took another big bite of the fruit.


Another tremor shook the area.

The shockwaves even caused rocks to tumble down from above the cave entrance.
Just what was happening inside?

From the intensity of the tremors, something enormous must have been lurking in there.


As the tremors continued and my fingertips started trembling, my heart pounding harder, the source of the tremors finally revealed itself.

Along with the Regretful Trio.

“Aaahh!! Don’t push me, you bastards!!”

“Dammit! I told you not to grab me!”

“Ka-Kyle, how dare you push me, you bastard!”

“What’s with that ugly mug! Get out of my way, dammit!”

The three desperately fled, chased by none other than a Wild Bigbore.

A massive monster of the boar family, with a hulking body as big as two elephants combined.

The long chain trailing from the cave and shackled to its hind legs meant its movement range and speed were limited.

But the Wild Bigbore relentlessly pursued the trio, swinging its massive tusks right behind them.

I could see why Remian had called this a “game of tag” as I watched them run for their lives, taking a big bite of the fruit.

Someone once said that life, seen up close, is a tragedy, but from a distance, a comedy.

Ah crack!

…Hang in there, guys!

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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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Just relax and eat fruit in a tree. It´s a nice feeling actually. Especially now when it is actually May and the leaves are sprouting like crazy. At least here in Sweden

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not work with dark mode