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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 35

Rejection Twice Over

Rejection Twice Over




“Just pick one. Out of the four of us, choose the one you like the most.”


The one I like…?


How could there be such a person…


“Kyaa! Let go, let me go!”


“You bug-like creature. If you had eyes, you’d see. The superior looks of the Academy’s Four Stars.”


“Hehe. You’re too good for someone like you, but go ahead, try to choose.”


There isn’t one…


Who would like such bad people.


I don’t want to choose….


I don’t want to….






“Ha, this girl. Can’t you understand simple words? You think it’s over if you just keep your mouth shut?”


“Ahem. Prince Kyle. Have you forgotten that we’re supposed to be ‘chosen’ by this bug-like creature?”


“Ah. I forgot for a moment. You are indeed wise, Prince Blund.”


Why are they like this…?


Calling me a bug-like creature…


They don’t want to be chosen by someone like me…


“Prince Deron. If you just stay behind, you might lose your chance.”


“Pfft. True power doesn’t need words.”


“Hey, Prince Elden? Shouldn’t you be showing your charm too? Or are you too confident to care?”


“…I’m not interested in childish games.”


“Tsk, tsk. You really don’t know what fun is. Come on, Erinysia? Just choose already. The sooner you do, the sooner this ends.”


Please… don’t do this…


It’s pointless…


Even if I choose, you’ll just hit me because you’ll be upset…






“Augh, so frustrating. You really need to be hit to come to your senses? How can you survive in this harsh world being so dumb?”




“Ahh, my hand hurts…!”


I understand…


I understand…


Please, don’t hit me…


It hurts…


It hurts so much…


“Hehe. Then choose. Among the great Four Stars of the Academy, who is the most impressive man?”


……Elden Laphelion.


“Pff, hahaha-!!”


“Haha! See! Elden, you didn’t show your charm, and you got picked by this bug-like creature!”


“Pff, Prince Elden. You must be thrilled to be admired by Erinysia Belrock. Uhahaha-!”




No, that’s not it…!


I just didn’t have anyone else to choose!


I only chose because unlike you, he doesn’t hit!


Elden, you’re just the same as them…!


You’re all awful…!


“Kaha! Elden, how much must she look down on you to choose you.”


“Right. You don’t play along with us, so she’s throwing a tantrum.”


“If she throws a tantrum, she ought to be punished, right? Elden, show her. Come on.”




Don’t look at me like that!


I didn’t want to choose!


I also find you disgusting and contemptible!


I feel like vomiting because I hate you so much…!!






“Hehe. Well done, Prince Elden. You should play along like this sometimes, that’s how you build character.”


“…If you’re done now, let’s really go out. I’ve arranged for a beastfolk courtesan at Belphechno tonight.”


“Yeah? Is that true? Let’s go!”


…Yes. It always ends this way.


When a toy becomes boring, they go looking for another.


Leaving me alone, I had to watch your retreating backs, feeling the throbbing pain.


So weakly.


So powerlessly.


By the way.


Thinking back, it’s practically the same as being rejected by you twice, right?


Once as Erinysia Belrock.


Once as Remian Winterfell.


Both times were reluctant choices, forced upon me… truly detestable.


In effect, I was rejected twice by you, a villain who doesn’t even deserve to be loved.






That is.




Funny, isn’t it?








“What in the world happened…”


Marien, the personal maid of the third princess.


Her becoming Remian’s personal maid was a special case, considering her ordinary commoner background.


Personal maid.


In noble families, especially those above the rank of count, the maids were typically commoners.


Among them, the personal maids and butlers closely serving the family were usually low-ranking nobles.


Unmarried daughters of baron families would serve as personal maids directly under the steward, and young masters as butlers.


Thus, Marien’s appointment was unusual.


Duke Logan had intended to assign a lady from a noble family of at least a baronet to understand the nobles’


 temperament, but Remian was adamant.


“The only one I need is Marien.”


It started with a chance encounter and a collision.


After the accident of Ronica, Remian, who had been alone in her research and experiments, collided with Marien, a new maid who had lost her way while carrying tools, materials, and books.


Marien, who had accurately deduced the experiment from the titles of the books and materials that fell to the floor, caught Remian’s eye.


Thus began their relationship, and they became inseparable.


They clicked.


A look was enough to read the meaning behind it, a gesture was enough to know what was needed.


Because of this.




Returning to her bedroom, Marien immediately realized something was wrong with Remian.


And she assumed it must be related to Prince Elden.


Lately, her lady had been all about him.


Hobbling, hobbling.


Marien, limping on her right foot, brought her a cup of tea.


Although her condition had improved enough to return the crutches, she had not yet removed the bandages.




It was the winterflower tea that Remian favored, especially when feeling unsettled.


Before receiving it, Remian had removed her mask and placed it on the bedside table.


Marien looked at her with sympathy.


Remian’s face seemed especially pale, even more so than the cold moonlight.


“Please have some.”


Her lady had not been eating properly for days.


Nor had she been engaging in her favorite research and experiments, hardly sleeping.


These were all firsts for Marien, and she was deeply worried.


“…Thank you.”


After handing over the tea, Marien sat down beside her and asked cautiously.


“What happened?”


Remian’s lips parted, then closed again.


She and Marien shared everything, a truly intimate bond.


Marien was the only one aware of her vendetta, and a valuable advisor.


The plans for atonement and redemption were possible with Marien’s advice and assistance.


Yet, Remian struggled to speak about the recent event.


It was embarrassing.


The humiliation of being dragged around by Elden, a brute who posed a challenge she couldn’t solve.


Her weakness and powerlessness, contrary to her always resilient nature, even in the worst conditions.




Unlike her initial intent to bring about sincere repentance through guidance and enlightenment, only stubborn attachment and pride remained, yet she couldn’t stop, didn’t know how to stop her folly.


Pretending not to see, not wanting the change she had hoped for in everyone else.


It was too embarrassing, too shameful.


The fact that she had been ‘rejected’ by such a cruel enemy was also embarrassing.


Of course, it was a confession without a hint of feeling, a strategy to lure the villain into a trap of vengeance, but it felt unbearably humiliating that he had seemingly rejected it sincerely.


It felt unjust that he might be proud, considering himself a man of resolve.


Frustration and annoyance surged.


It was detestable and repulsive.


This made the fury within burn even fiercer.


Especially since the watcher tailing his every move kept reporting the same thing.


He was frequenting the library and the training grounds.


He was sincerely involved in everything there.


There was no sign of deceit; instead, he seemed to be doing improbably good deeds where no one else saw.


Picking up trash, tidying up disarray, fixing broken things, and so on.


He hadn’t given a single glance to frivolous entertainments, dedicating himself solely to mental and physical cultivation.




A deep sigh deeper than the late night escaped.


She filled the void left by the sigh with sweet tea.


The winterflower tea, steeped in winter, needed to quell the burning heat.


Yet the flames were so fierce that they barely subsided.


As she held the teacup, staring down at the trembling winterflower tea, Marien cautiously spoke.


“Perhaps it’s better to accept his abstention…”




“Look at yourself, my lady. You’re half of what you were.”


Suddenly, Remian turned her head to look at the mirror on the bedside table.


The image of a pale, haggard, and pitiable woman emerged.




“I’m worried. At this rate, my lady might collapse…”


Remian shifted her gaze to Marien and forced a smile.


In Marien’s eyes, it was the most fragile and delicate smile she had ever seen.


“Don’t worry. I’m not that weak.”


“I know. My lady is stronger than anyone. It’s just… it’s hard to see you struggling. What if you trusted Prince Elden’s change, just this once…?”


She hadn’t forgotten.


That moment when she collided with Prince Elden.


The dizzying moment that was no less dangerous than death.


Prince Elden, who had extended a helping hand to her, who had twisted her ankle.




The chilling threat he made after helping, warning her that speaking of this would lead to real trouble.


It was a meeting unlike any her lady had described.


Completely opposite.


Prince Elden, known as a cruel man who would behead a maid for annoying him, had helped her.


Was it because they were in front of the evaluation committee? But there were no eyes around.


Perhaps he knew she was the personal maid of the third princess, but his extended hand and gaze had been genuine.


If his good deed had been strategic, he would have wanted it known.


Yet, he demanded silence.


Rather, he seemed worried that his good deed would become an annoying rumor.


‘…Should I tell her?’


Should she convey the genuine kindness she felt from Prince Elden that day? But the chilling warning and the fact that telling it now wouldn’t likely improve her lady’s condition crossed her mind.




It would probably make her dive deeper.


It would be like starting over from that day.


This relentless task.


Thus, Marien hoped her lady would acknowledge his change and return to her lively and cheerful self.




The plea to acknowledge the change was mercilessly ignored.




With a firm response.




“I can’t trust him. Eventually, the truth will come out at the masquerade. No. I’ll make sure of it. Definitely.”


“Wouldn’t it be better to speak to the Duke directly…?”


“Enough. This is my choice, and I must handle it myself. Only then can I truly be free.”




Marien tried to persuade her, but Remian lay down on the bed, pulling the covers over her head and turning away.


“Sorry, but I want to be alone tonight. Please leave.”


“Ah… yes.”


Marien reluctantly collected the teacup and left the bedroom.


Although her lady’s curt words hurt, Marien understood too well what made her impatient and irrational, and had no choice but to withdraw.


Hoping earnestly that her lady’s night would pass peacefully.

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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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bruh why so obsessive


Thanks for the update!!

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not work with dark mode