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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 50

A New Expectation

A New Expectation


“Episa was a bit pitiful. He did his best as a porter, but in the end, he was taken hostage by the Demon King’s army and sacrificed.”


“Right? I shed a few tears when Episa died.”


“Still, it felt like he made a cool exit, so I’m relieved.”


“Yeah, yeah! Thanks to Episa’s sacrifice, we were able to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings, Tukal. Hehe.”


From early morning, there was a continuous sharing of avid reading and impressions.


Maybe it was because we were together since the library opened, but a smile was spread across Ariel’s face.


And seeing Ariel’s smile made me unable to stop smiling as well.


If the benefactor, who always helped, is happy, the one who always received help should naturally be happy too.


“Shall we go for lunch then?”




So, it was lunchtime, and we had just stepped out of the south gate of the Grand Fortress.


Even though Ariel said it was fine, I didn’t want to provoke Remian, who no longer had the restraint of her father, so we decided to avoid dining in the Great Hall.


It was just in case.


Remian had a history of using Ariel before.


To prevent such an incident from repeating, Ariel had firmly answered when asked if we should avoid meeting until we completely left the Grand Fortress.


“It’s okay! I’m fine with it!”




With Elden Lafellion’s declaration of forfeit being officially approved and even being pardoned from his original sin, it was hard to predict what actions he might take.


By now, he should realize that casting the net to catch an elusive fish was futile, but we still needed to be cautious of any unforeseen events.


The dramatic declaration of forfeit made in front of the House of Repentance.


The inquiry that started out of suspicion led to a misplaced thirst, and that unquenched thirst was now turning into a twisted obsession.


Remian, trapped by it, was showing signs of instability.


If not for Gelwood’s plea, she would have immediately left the northern territory, but all the efforts made to escape the House of Repentance had significantly affected Remian’s mood and the biggest festival in the northern territory, the Engagement Tournament, so she couldn’t ignore the desperate plea and stayed.


While I understood Remian’s desire for revenge, the only course of action I could take, lacking any information about the core development of the original story, was simple.


Blind escape from the terror of ignorance.


Hesitating over the direction of the plot would only delay things.


Aiming for gaps in the plot would also cause delays.


By then, I’d already be a deliciously simmering ingredient in the stew of the House of Repentance.


I had no choice but to deftly dodge the bait thrown by the heroine, even if it disrupted her plans.


Repeating a past life as a sucker to repay an unowed debt was not part of my plan.


I didn’t know how the original story would develop, but even if Elden Lafellion ended up happily ever after with the heroine, it wouldn’t matter to me.


As a modern person who was suddenly possessed, what I wanted was to find freedom and liberation, not to be trapped in the chains of status and inheritance.


Therefore, it was better to be cautious for a while.


Strutting around just because the forfeit was approved would undermine the sincerity of the condolences sent to the heroine and insult the hope for happiness at the end of the Engagement Tournament.


The heroine and I were inherently incompatible, and if clashing only bred trouble, it was right for one side to avoid it carefully.


So, we arrived at a restaurant near the south gate of the Grand Fortress.


It was a fusion restaurant that satisfied both Ariel, who had never tasted monster cuisine, and the dog who wanted to try monster dishes.




“I didn’t know you liked monster cuisine. That’s quite unexpected.”


“It’s tasty once you try it.”




Ariel ordered regular food, and Rachel and I ordered monster dishes.


The medieval restaurant didn’t have a diverse menu like modern Kimbap Heaven, so it was nice not to have to think long.


Today’s lunch special was [Grilled Green Lizard Tail].


I didn’t know which category it was classified under in the modern world, but in the original world, it was classified under the amphibian category, characterized by its green body, thick and long tail, and only two legs.


Ariel ordered a regular stew, and Rachel ordered [Grilled Green Lizard Tongue].


Though it was recommended as a delicacy, I thought I’d need more mental preparation to eat a monster’s tongue, so I compromised by just taking a bite.


Soon after.


The dishes we ordered were served.


The thick tail, grilled until the green skin was charred in places, had cuts to ensure it was well-cooked inside, and colorful spices were sprinkled in the cuts to add flavor.


The color and shape were not particularly appetizing, but the roasted smell combined with the spicy scent of the spices stimulated my appetite.


Suppressing the sudden rush of saliva, I grabbed the tail and took a big bite.




The spices mixed in created a slightly dry texture, but the taste was excellent as expected.


Nodding in appreciation, I savored it, then frowned and took another big bite.


“Mmm. Hmm.”


The color was a bit off-putting, but the chewy texture of the skin was excellent.


“…Is it really that good?”


Ariel, who was watching me curiously, asked.


Perhaps intrigued by the sight of me devouring the monster dish, her spoon, poised with stew, hovered in the air.


“It’s great. Want to try a bite?”


I offered a thinly sliced piece of meat, but Ariel leaned back and waved her hands.


“N-No, I’m fine.”


“Have you never tried it?”


“No. My dad said eating monster dishes would dirty my blood….”


Ariel lowered her voice, trailing off as if she didn’t want anyone around to hear.


Indeed, it was a belief deeply rooted in medieval times.


Once digested, nutrients were the same regardless.


Not enjoying this diverse and wonderful flavor due to misguided beliefs would be a loss of half one’s life.




Then there was no choice.


When I put a thinly sliced piece into my mouth, Rachel, sitting next to Ariel, placed a thinly sliced piece of grilled tongue on my plate.


“The tip part is especially tasty. Please try it.”


The tip part is rare, yielding only one piece.


To share such a precious part with me.


I was a disciple struggling to keep up with a suddenly kind teacher from this morning.


“Thank you.”


“You’re welcome.”


Grilled thinly, it looked no different from regular grilled meat.


I picked it up and tossed it into my mouth.


Chew, chew.


The texture was soft yet chewy, and the more I chewed, the more the juices spread, making it taste as savory as sesame oil.


“Does it suit your taste?”


“It’s delicious. The texture is quite unique.”


“Yes. That’s why it’s called a delicacy. Since it only inhabits deep inside dungeons, it’s rare and also rumored to be good for vitality, making it popular among middle-aged people.”


Human taste buds are indeed remarkable.


If there’s a rumor that something is good for the body, humans will hunt it until it’s extinct.


Feeling a bit sorry for the green lizard caught by such a remarkable appetite, I bit off some tail meat and placed it on Rachel’s plate.


“If something goes, something must come. Try the grilled tail too.”


“Thank you.”


Now, let’s start the meal in earnest.


I picked up the tail meat to take another big bite.




“I-I want to try it too.”


Ariel, who hadn’t yet touched her stew, declared as she pushed an empty plate towards me.




“That, that… I want to try the grilled tail. Give me some. I’ll share my stew with you.”


“Are you sure?”


“My dad said that, but it’s not that I avoided it for that reason. I just never had a reason to eat it. This is my first time eating at such a restaurant. I want to try it. I’m curious.”




I didn’t know why she suddenly wanted to try monster cuisine, but having never been stingy with food even in poverty, I bit off a piece of grilled tail and placed it on Ariel’s empty plate.






Ariel took the plate and stared at the green lizard tail for a moment.


It wouldn’t be easy.


To a noble lady who grew up seeing only beautiful and precious things, the green lizard’s green tail would look more like something to avoid rather than food.




Like a demonstration, I tore a piece of the tail and put it in my mouth.


And then.




Closing her eyes tightly, Ariel grabbed a piece of the tail and cautiously started chewing



Shuddering as if a chill ran down her spine, she gave a small tremble.


Just when I wondered if it was worth forcing herself through such an ordeal…


Her eyes suddenly flew open.


Her moist, dark red pupils, which had been filled with aversion, now sparkled with astonishment.


Her previously tensed shoulders relaxed.


Even as this happened, her mouth continued to chew the tail meat non-stop.


Covering her mouth, Ariel had a startled expression.


“W-What is this?”


I couldn’t help but smile at her reaction, which resembled that of a baby bird discovering a new taste.


“Tasty, isn’t it?”


“This… this is amazing! Why does it taste so good?”


Well, that’s because…


“It has to be tasty.”


“Can I have another piece?”


“Of course.”


I tore off a slightly larger piece and placed it on her plate, which Ariel quickly picked up and devoured.


The more she chewed, the more her pupils dilated with clear wonder.


“It’s incredibly delicious…!”


Thus, our lunch proceeded, ripening like a midsummer afternoon.


With a baby bird discovering new flavors.


“Would you like to try some grilled tongue as well?”


“Ah… haha. Not yet, I’m afraid.”


Naturally, she was still a cautious baby bird.




We left the restaurant, patting our full bellies.


It was truly an amazing experience tasting monster cuisine for the first time.


And it was indeed delicious.


So much so that I wanted to eat it again.


Of course, I’d have to keep it a secret from my father.


Re-entering the Grand Fortress through the south gate, Ariel stood at the fork between the library and the training grounds.


“Train hard!”


“Sure. See you tomorrow.”


Even though I felt a bit lonely as Elden and Rachel headed towards the training grounds while I was left to return to the library alone, I cheerfully encouraged them.


Thinking about the empty seat across from me until tomorrow made my heart feel a little desolate, but hoping Elden’s afternoon would be perfect, I cheered him on energetically and decided to look forward to tomorrow.


Hoping he would come early again tomorrow… was my earnest wish.






My impetuous mouth called out to Elden without permission.




Why did I call him?


Why didn’t my mouth, which called him out on its own, provide an answer?


Why was I feeling resentful towards my mouth for causing trouble and running away?


Nevertheless, why did I feel as if I did something commendable?


I didn’t know.


Ariel, with her hands behind her back, lifted her heels and rocked her body slightly.


Her skirt fluttered along with her movements.


“Come to think of it, you said you could go out in the evening now, right?”


“Yes. Now that I’m no longer a candidate.”


“Then… why don’t you come to my dormitory after training?”




“Ah, um, I-I want to throw a celebration party for you…!”


It must have been the strong sunlight.


That’s why my lips felt so dry.


It must have been the strong sunlight.


That’s why I felt so hot.


It must have been the strong sunlight.


That’s why it felt like my insides were burning.


Of course, despite the tension, Elden looked around and quietly agreed.


“Then I’ll clean up after training and come over.”




Elden walked away.


Now it was time for me to head to the library.


But instead, Ariel turned and started running towards her dormitory.


The excitement of a party in the evening was greater than the thought of spending the afternoon alone in the library.


Ariel, who had never enjoyed a party before and had never drunk alcohol, was more filled with anticipation than anxiety about the unknown.


Tap, tap, tap!


A guard, who assumed she was heading to the library, hurriedly chased after her.


A short while later.


‘W-Who did you invite?’


‘I invited Elden Rafellion!’




A state of emergency was declared at Ariel’s dormitory upon the news of the impending visit of the notorious drunkard, battle maniac, and troublemaker noble.

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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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I will be calm until he get out of there


Concordo plenamente contigo 👍

Last edited 1 month ago by 0marcio

Thanks for the chapter 😁

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