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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 58

End, and The Beginning

End, and The Beginning

  Because of Ariel’s hangover, she was bedridden for two days, and I had been training since the morning of the second day.

  I usually spent the mornings reading with my reading companion, but since she was down with a hangover, she didn’t show up at the library, so I had been training since the morning.



  I took a big bite out of an apple and let the black mana rise from my palm.

  The book said that the nature of mana was like an inherent temperament.

  Just as the color of mana is the same as the color of one’s hair, the nature of mana is also something one is born with.

  It seemed that my attribute was related to ‘electric current.’

  Handling ‘electricity’ in the medieval era would be an enormous privilege, but there were no products to use that electricity on in this era. Besides, it didn’t seem like I could use 1 million volts like Pikachu, so it would only be used as an attack means.

  I was resting on a bench at the edge of the outdoor training ground, thinking a nonsensical thought, ‘Where are Tesla and Edison when you need them?’


  I saw a noble I hadn’t seen before heading toward the main house.

  He had a butler following him, and his attire was extraordinary, indicating that he was from a high-ranking noble family.

  ‘Who is he?’

  The high-ranking noble passed the training ground with a face full of anger.

  Judging by his age, he seemed to be around my father’s age, and as I examined his face, I could recall someone.

  ‘Deron Kelid?’

  His hair was the same blonde as that guy, and his features were similar.

  But why was Deron’s father here two days before the engagement duel ended?

  It was a mystery.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I resumed my training and spent the rest of the afternoon that way.

  And then.


  Under the drowsy sunlight, as I was drying my sweat and resting, I saw another noble.

  Judging by his attire, he was one of the high-ranking nobles, and his appearance reminded me of someone as well.


  What is this?

  In the morning, Deron’s father headed to the main house, and now in the afternoon, Blund’s father was heading there.

  Why are the fathers of the candidates gathering before the conclusion of the engagement duel?


  Just as I was thinking about whether Kyle’s father, who had become a rogue ninja, would also make an appearance, I saw another noble with blue hair.

  The appearance of the two previous fathers was so striking that this noble looked somewhat insignificant in comparison, but I was even more certain.

  That it was Kyle’s father.

  The fathers of the candidates were gathering two days before the conclusion of the engagement duel.

  Moreover, yesterday, Duke Logan, who said he was going to the capital for official duties, had returned much earlier than expected.

  Remian, who hadn’t shown herself for days.

  The fathers of the candidates gathering at the grand duke’s castle.

  Duke Logan, who had put aside his official duties to return.

  They must have gathered because they realized something hidden about this engagement duel.


  I checked the treaty in my pocket to ensure its safety.

  If I had been a little late, I would have had to negotiate with Duke Logan instead of Gelwood.

  And that negotiation would surely have taken a bad turn.

  No matter how much authority Gelwood had, he could not match a father’s anger over the pain inflicted on his child.

  Any normal father would seek not a negotiation with someone who caused his daughter pain but a judgment.


  I bit into the apple again, thankful that a quick withdrawal led to a quick negotiation.


  And I thought.

  ‘Everyone had a dad, huh.’

  Such a nonsensical thought.




《I am sorry, Your Grace.》


《Enough. I entrusted you with full authority, and you did your best, so there’s no need to apologize.》


  Logan, who had returned to the castle just four days after leaving for official duties in the capital, heard all the details from Gelwood.

 The testimony of the past given by the quitter, Elden Rapelion, and the current situation.

  It was distressing, but what was important to Logan was not the past but the future.

  A leader of all the people must not be caught up in the past.

  Therefore, Elden, the rat’s amnesty, was not even a consideration for him.

  As long as the treaty specified that all events in the engagement duel would remain confidential, it was enough.

  The most important task now was to conclude the long-standing tradition and festival of the people without incident.

  There was nothing more disturbing to a ruler of the northern lands than the disappointment of all the people.

  Failing to conclude the engagement duel properly would be a disgrace to his ancestors.

  He couldn’t leave a blemish on the grand history of Winterfell.

  He couldn’t disappoint the people of the northern territory.

  The matter of dealing with his youngest daughter, who had disgraced the sacred tradition with her poor judgment, would be dealt with later.

  Logan, thinking this, looked down at Deron, who was trembling while kneeling before him.

  Thanks to Remian sending letters to each family, he was able to quickly negotiate with the heads of the families.

  His wish to see the safe conclusion of the engagement duel and the negotiations with the heads of the families who chose penance ended with the victory of the Kelid Duchy.

  No, in reality, the Kelid Duchy had no decision-making power.

  It had to be that way.

  The Marquis of Rossfeld declared he would disown his son, and the Count of Vellon dragged along an empty iron prison carriage.

  The only remaining candidate was Deron Kelid, making him the final winner.

  Of course, it was still a hollow victory, only a title in name.

  “I didn’t let you win because I favor you.”

  “I-I’m sorry! I am willing to accept death!”

  “I will give you exactly 100 days.”


  “If you are not acknowledged by Remian as her husband within that time, the engagement will be null and void. Understand?”

  This was also agreed upon with the Kelid Duchy.

  The disposition of Deron, the ringleader of the abuse, would ultimately depend on Remian’s decision.

  A ruler of the northern lands had the duty and responsibility to conduct a grand parade, eagerly awaited by all the people, rather than dealing with a worthless brat.

  “So grovel and bark like a dog to heal Remian’s pain. Got it?”

  The 100 days given.

  Deron had to bang his forehead on the ground.


  Not knowing whether it was an opportunity, a crisis, or a punishment, the sinner had to shout while banging his forehead.

  “I-I will do my best!”

  Not knowing whether it was a misfortune or a fortune, that was the foolish resolution of Deron Kelid.




  In the pitch-black night.

  Blund fiddled with the bandage on his right hand.

  He had never felt such pain.

  And he had never felt such humiliation.

  He had never been hit even by his father, yet the pain of having his hand stepped on by a mere girl was excruciating.

  “…Damn bitch, I should have killed her back then.”

  Blund ground his teeth.

  Fortunately, Remian had not shown herself for days.

  Otherwise, his left hand might have been crushed by now.

  He no longer had the desire to win.

  Although he had no face to show to his father, it was far better to disobey his father’s order to be helpful to the family rather than fawning beside a bitch.

  “That worthless bitch, what’s with her act now after hiding her identity? If she hadn’t hidden her identity, nothing would have happened. Damn trashy bitch.”

  The humiliation of being trampled by the woman he used to trample was nearly despairing and something he never wanted to feel again.

  “Do you think I’ll just take it lying down? You dumb bitch, I’ll make you regret why you lived in hiding. Just wait.”

  He grinned.

  Blund stood up and had to face an unexpected reunion.




  With the reunion came a fierce punch that struck his face directly, shattering his nose and sending his teeth flying.

  And with the sudden onset of unbearable despair, he had to collapse to the ground.

  “Ugh! F-Father…!?”

  Holding his bleeding nose, Blund looked up at his father.

  The unrelenting violence from his father, who had never even raised his hand before, made Blund feel a fear far worse than despair.

  “Listen up. This idiot is no longer part of the Rossfeld family. Take everything from him and throw him out.”

His father’s declaration of his disownment plunged Blund into a deeper abyss of fear.

  Holding his bleeding nose, Blund looked up at his father, trembling in terror.

  “Father! What do you mean?! How can you abandon your own son?!”

  But all he received in return was another bout of violence.

  His father’s shoe smashed into his already broken face again.

  Blund was flung back onto the ground, face down.



  His eyes filled with blood, his nose pouring crimson, and his gums spewing red from where his teeth had been knocked out.

  “A useless person like you is no longer needed in the Rossfeld family. Your disownment was agreed upon with the Grand Duke. From now on, the name Rossfeld will not be associated with you.”

  That was the end.

  With that ruthless beating, Blund’s blood ties with the Rossfeld family were severed.

  Everything he had enjoyed was taken from him in an instant.

  Without even a moment to dwell in despair, Blund got up hurriedly and left the grand duke’s castle in a frantic rush.

  “No… No…!”

  And then he headed somewhere.

  To the same place he had secretly gone to yesterday afternoon, hiding from prying eyes.

  He had used all his money to pay the commission fee at an anonymous agency, hoping to guarantee his anonymity.

  He had handed over his entire fortune to the shadowy organization in exchange for a promise to complete his revenge against Remian Winterfell, whom he had failed to kill in the past.

  Money was something he could always extract more of from his family once he returned.

  Revenge was worth any amount of money.

  But now, with no family to return to and revenge less important than the money he had spent, Blund hastened to the clandestine agency.

  And then.

  “Ah… Ahhh…”

  He had to realize that he could not escape the abyss of despair.

  The place where the agency had been was now empty as if it had never existed.


  Blund fell to his knees, lifting his bloody eyes to the sky.

  And he had to laugh bitterly.

  Unable to believe everything that had vanished in an instant and everything that had happened in a single moment, Blund laughed.

  “Ha, hahaha! Hahahaha!”

  Kyle Vellon, who had escaped through a gap in the prison and committed suicide by throwing himself off a cliff.

  Blund Rossfeld, who had been abandoned by his family and thrown out onto the streets with everything taken from him in a single night.


  Deron Kelid, trapped in the anxiety of 100 uncertain days, not knowing whether it would be fortune or misfortune.

  Thus, the punishment for the villains had come to an end, and a new beginning had dawned.





  “Hmm, if someone invented protein powder, it would probably be a huge hit.”

 The last remaining person was eating an apple, thinking such idle thoughts.


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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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It’s a pretty bitter revenge for everyone


So this was all just the prologue then?


Thanks for the chapter 😁

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