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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 69

In the Village of Lugen (1)

In the Village of Lugen (1)


After drinking the broth Ariel had made, Remian, her empty stomach filled, fell asleep again under the afternoon shade. Gathered around the campfire, we discussed the current situation.


“Heavens… So, Lord Deron tried to kill Lady Remian, failed, and then fled… Is that what you’re saying?”


“…How could anyone commit such a heinous act? It’s just terrible.”


I had conveyed the general course of events based on what we had heard from Remian. Finally, I added:


“And it seems Deron is likely looking for Lady Remian.”


“What…? You mean he’s trying to kill her?” Ariel asked, her voice filled with horror.


“Most likely,” I nodded in response.


Rachel, who had been quietly observing the sleeping Remian, spoke up.


“If we don’t help her, she’ll either starve to death or be killed.”


“That’s right.”


If the ducal family wasn’t taking any action, Remian’s death was essentially an unofficial death sentence. Deron would be searching for her with a burning intensity.


We didn’t know if the ducal family was actively pursuing Deron or if they had already captured him and locked him in the dungeon of the ducal castle. I hoped for the latter, but even if that were the case, leaving Remian in this forsaken land would be inhumane.


“But… why is it so quiet? If Lady Remian is in such a state, the entire northern territory should be in an uproar,” Rendler mused aloud.


“…The great Lord Logan Winterfell probably doesn’t want it to be,” I replied.


“Why on earth not?” Rendler questioned, but none of us could provide an answer.


Whether they weren’t searching for her or simply couldn’t find her was known only to the ducal family.


The reason for their choice of silence and stillness was known only to Duke Logan.


What was certain was that if we didn’t help her now, Remian would die a lonely death in this forsaken land.


But with Deron’s threat looming, helping her might put our group in danger, so everyone’s opinions were crucial.


I looked at the sleeping Remian, her arms and legs covered in bruises and wounds.


It was indeed a wretched life.


A life of pain and abuse, struggling to escape only to be trampled again and nearly die alone in this forsaken land.


Even in my previous life, I had considered my life to be wretched, but compared to Remian’s, mine seemed trivial.


It felt as if the world had conspired against her, and I couldn’t help but feel heavy-hearted, knowing my inaction had played a part in her tragic fate.


“What do you all think we should do?”


I asked, looking at the group. Rachel was the first to answer, scanning the surroundings.


“If there are pursuers, it’s best not to stay in one place for too long.”


Then Rendler added, “I heard from a hunter that there’s a large village called Lugen not far from here. We should get a cart there to transport Lady Remian. It would also help avoid unnecessary attention.”


Finally, Ariel nodded confidently. “In a big village, we can find potent medicinal herbs. We can brew them into medicine for her!”


I was relieved by their responses. I had worried someone might oppose helping Remian, but it seemed I had worried for nothing.


Whether to help or not wasn’t even a question for the group. They had already moved on to discussing how to help her, and their answers filled me with pride.


“Alright. Let’s move immediately.”


Whether or not to take Remian back to Duke Logan was a question for later.


We hadn’t yet heard her opinion.


For now, it was crucial to move her to avoid potential danger.


We could hear her thoughts later.


With the discussion concluded, we packed up our campsite and headed for the village of Lugen, each carrying our own burdens.






I will die….


《Hurry up and die. Getting rid of someone like you is doing everyone a favor.》


I know….


I know….


So stop rushing me.


《You’re just a nuisance to everyone. Why, do you want to lose someone dear to you again?》


…No, I don’t.


Not anymore, not anyone.


《Exactly. So just die. The longer you live, the shorter the lives of those dear to you. Do you want to keep living by draining the life out of them?》


I don’t want to.


That’s why I ran away.


So, please stop….


Stop tormenting me….


《What are you waiting for? There’s no need to drag it out. Just jump off a cliff or slit your wrists with a shard of glass.》


…There’s no rush.


I’m alone now.


There’s no one around.


《Why, do you want to live even after leeching off others’ lives? It’s laughable. Really.》


I’m dying….


There’s not much time left….


Just leave me alone.


Let me rest.


《You really have no shame, do you? Ronica died because of your curse, and so did Marien. Yet you still want to live?》


I didn’t choose to be cursed… It’s not my fault….


I was only four years old.


I didn’t even know who I was at four.


I didn’t even know what a curse was, didn’t even know what barbarians were at four…!


《So what? The curse is on you, isn’t it? You killed Ronica and Marien, didn’t you?》






You’re right.


I killed them.


So now I’m dying too.


What more do you want?


《There’s no need to drag it out. You said you wanted to rest, right? We all know an easy way to do that, don’t we?》




I’ll die.


Isn’t that what you want?


《That’s right. Just slit your wrists with that shard of glass. End it all now. You don’t want this wretched life, do you?》








《Why are you hesitating? You’re really funny. Did you actually want to live?》




《You said you wanted to die, but now you’re scared? You’re so deceitful.》




I’m scared….


Dying is so scary….


And wanting to die because life is hard isn’t the same as wanting to die because you’re happy….


Who is happy to die…?




I wanted to live too….


I didn’t even wish for happiness.




I wanted to live without pain….


As Marien asked, I didn’t want to hurt anymore….


So please….


Stop forcing me to die….


I’m not dying because I want to….


I’m already dying alone….


Withering away alone….




I opened my eyes.


From the day I had endlessly tugged at the rope with another self created by my weakened soul and exhausted mind, Remian opened her eyes.


She felt a vague sense of floating.


In her opened field of vision, she saw it.


The scenery of a dense forest swayed rhythmically, like waves.


Rising and falling, rising again, and falling slowly.


It was a rare sight of a green forest, and it felt like the forest was flying in the sky.


She felt warmth.


Like she was holding something close, she felt warmth.


And from the warm wall she was leaning against, she heard a small vibration.


“Is that it?”


“Ho, thanks to moving quickly, we can see the outskirts of the village. We almost had to walk through the night. Haha.”


“…Rendler? You look confident, but please don’t lead the way again.”


“Haha… I’m sorry. I was sure this was the way….”


What was this?


Why did she feel like she was floating in the sky, and why did she feel warmth?


It didn’t seem like a fire was burning.


It didn’t seem like it was noon with the sun shining down.


What was this warm wall?


And why was this warm wall carrying her?


Whose arm was this that was supporting her, holding her steady as she fell endlessly downward?


“Master? If you’re tired, I can carry her.”


“…Now that we’re almost at the village? It’s clear you just want to show off at the last minute. Master.”


“…Such a pity.”


“Really?! Rachel! If you feel pity, carry me! My legs hurt.”


“I only help my disciples. Would you like to roll a few times to become my disciple, Lady?”


“My legs are perfectly fine!”


The cheerful voices filled the air.


It was a clear, pure sound that seemed to cleanse the filthy ears that had been subjected to sobbing for days.


And the warmth felt from the arm supporting her body and the back carrying her.


It was a cozy warmth that melted the days spent shivering in the bitter cold.




Tears welled up.


Everything she saw was beautiful.


Everything she heard was dear.


Everything she felt was unbelievable.


So tears welled up.


Feeling grateful and pitiful for receiving help despite her refusal, tears welled up, and burying her face in the broad back, Remian silently cried.




Elden, following from behind, slowed his pace to distance himself from the group, allowing Remian to cry freely.


To let her pour out all her sorrows on his back.


Elden, distancing himself from the group, matched Remian’s sobs as he slowly walked towards the outskirts of Lugen village.






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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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Mark my words this novels ending will be

Remain goes adventuring stuff explore beauty of the world type shi

And best girl Ariel gets her book ending

Idk abt Rachel though hmm

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