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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy – Chapter 8

War of Words

༺ War of Words ༻


  In the moment of contemplating whether to introduce himself or foolishly ask a question in return upon being asked, “What is it?”


  “Ah… I apologize for being rude on our first meeting.”


  Fortunately, the Grand Duchess withdrew her question and graciously gestured for him to sit.


  ‘Hmm, I never expected her to personally come to prevent the runaway character’s escape.’


  She must have made a different decision due to the divergence from the original story.


  Moreover, I wondered if Grand Duke Logan had visited due to Gelwood’s ambiguous reaction…


  ‘I didn’t expect it to be the Grand Duchess.’


  In the original story, Logan Winterfell was unaware of the humiliations his daughter suffered at the Royal Academy.


  Even the half-dragon Gelwood didn’t know.


  Because Lermian had meticulously hidden all the facts.


  At least up to the free episodes, no one except the maid ‘Marien’ knew that the regrettable character quartet had become the final candidates.


  Therefore, while the news of Elden Rapellion’s withdrawal, the least appealing among the candidates, was not welcomed with open arms, it was expected not to be dismissed outright.


  However, it seems the Grand Duke has delegated all decision-making to his daughter.


  ‘Plan B seems to be sharpened.’


  Humans must always prepare for the worst-case scenario.


  The best-case scenario is Plan A, where the withdrawal declaration is approved.


  The worst-case scenario, where the withdrawal declaration is denied, is merely the moment for Plan B to be activated.


  Lermian Winterfell.


  As befits the female lead of a romance fantasy, she possesses a gentle yet rational personality.


  After graduating from the academy, she chose magical research and alchemical experiments over revenge, demonstrating a broad-mindedness that regards the hellish three years as merely a passing cloud.


  If handled properly, there should be no threat to her safety.


  I also knew what Lermian expected from the regrettable character quartet.


  “It’s alright. I just couldn’t give an answer because I didn’t grasp the context.”


  Finishing his words, he sat opposite Lermian.


  He was aware that the meeting between a candidate and the Grand Duchess before the final evaluation was forbidden.


  It was to prevent favoritism and bias.


  Hence, he hoped that this private meeting would not reach the ears of the other regrettable characters and spoke to Lermian.


  “You must have come because of the withdrawal declaration.”


  Even behind a mask, the eyes are visible.


  Those blue eyes shrouded in shadows.


  Though the world speculates her to be an ugly woman, the opposite is true. Having seen how her face was described in the original story and the illustrations posted online, it was natural to envision the face behind the mask.


  “Yes, that’s why. I was curious.”


  “What about, specifically?”


  “Just one reason for your withdrawal will suffice.”


  “…I have already provided a sufficient explanation to Advisor Gelwood. Didn’t you hear?”


  “I did.”




  “What basis did you have for deciding you were unworthy? Are you saying there was a mistake in the analysis and decision of the Grand Duke’s family?”


  “Ha. Of course not. I’ve just realized there was an error in my analysis and decision.”


  “What do you mean?”


  “I mean my analysis that I would be a suitable partner for the Third Grand Duchess and my decision to participate in the Engagement Battle of the Grand Duke’s family.”




  The eyes within the mask began to scrutinize him.


  Lermian, too, possesses remarkable insight.


  Though not comparable to Gelwood’s abilities, the tenacious inquirer and indomitable researcher is trying to find the reason for the withdrawal.


  Observation and interpretation are her daily routine and specialty, and she’s trying to delve into his mind.


  He didn’t avoid her gaze.


  There was no reason not to respond to her scrutiny.


  Elden Rapellion would have had to, but Lee Junwoo, on the other hand, should have found that scrutiny unpleasant.


  It’s only natural and a rightful defense to be wary of someone trying to peek over the walls of one’s home without permission.


  Of course, he fully understood Lermian’s position.


  Curiosity about the reason for withdrawal or change of heart, and revealing it through her specialty of inquiry and observation, is a natural act.


  Thus, he didn’t express displeasure.


 It’s merely the karma of a person possessed by the vile character Elden Rapellion.


  It wasn’t right to express displeasure towards the victim.


  Soon, Lermian presented the results of her initial scrutiny.


  “I didn’t know you were such a smooth talker.”


  “That’s too generous.”


  “So, is that your reason for withdrawal?”


  “Yes. Because I am a villain.”


  “Are you serious?”






  The final candidate known as Elden Rapellion was by no means suitable to be her husband, to be part of the Grand Duke’s family, nor to lead a family. He was merely a madman.


  Someone incapable of being loved by anyone.


  Lermian began to tap her right index finger, which had been resting comfortably on the armrest of the sofa.




  It’s a long-standing habit often described in the original story.


 An action she habitually performed when she found an interesting research subject or when her experiments yielded good results.


  Since the situation is unrelated to the latter, the former is more likely.


  Her interest in me is not something I should welcome, but from the moment I cast my withdrawal vote and from the moment I was alone with Lermian, it was inevitable.


  In her eyes, I am the worst kind of trash, even worse than the Demon King.


  It was impossible to act out trashy deeds I’ve never done, thuggish behaviors I’ve never engaged in, or villainous acts I didn’t want to perform, and even attempting to mimic them would only invite suspicion instead of interest.


  Above all, she is a lady of the Grand Duke’s family, the nobility’s royalty.


  Rather than face severe reprimand for acting rashly, it was right to maintain the current stance.




  ‘I just have to show myself as I am.’


  This was also a stepping stone to prepare for Plan B.


  “Calling yourself a villain, you must have committed many misdeeds, haven’t you?”








  Was that too forthright?


  “…Ah, well. Doesn’t everyone make mistakes as they live?”


  “Even so, ordinary people wouldn’t run away from a golden opportunity to rebuild their family.”


  “It’s not running away, but returning to my rightful place.”


  Once again, silence descended.


  Tap, tap, tap.


  Lermian’s finger, which had been tapping on the wooden armrest of the sofa, stopped.


  The silence was broken shortly after.


  “So, you’re giving up the chance to rebuild your family just because of past mistakes?”


  …Did she choose to go on the offensive?


  Thinking that a researcher who seeks various paths to achieve desired results would naturally do so, he answered without reservation.






  The response was more of a rebuke.




  “I don’t believe that’s the only reason you would give up this opportunity.”


  “It seems you know me very well, considering it’s as if we’re meeting for the first time today.”


  Lermian crossed her legs and flicked her toe, a habit he was ‘well’ aware of.


  A habit she had when experiments or research didn’t go as planned.


  And Lermian, the tenacious researcher, does not give up on a puzzle.


  She delves persistently until it’s solved.


  Soon, a fierce verbal battle began.


  “At least you don’t seem like someone who would withdraw so helplessly.”


  “Appearances aren’t everything.”


  “Appearances are important, aren’t they?”


  “I think what’s invisible is more important.”


  “How can you know something that’s not visible?”


  “Because it’s invisible, I think it’s necessary to be cautious.”


  “Are you advising me to be cautious now?”


  “Ha. How could I possibly advise the wise Grand Duchess?”


  “Then, Prince Elden, why do you think I’m wise when we’ve just met?”


  “Please consider it flattery from an inferior.”


  “Why would someone who declared withdrawal in the Engagement Battle flatter me? Is the withdrawal declaration another strategy?”


  “Absolutely not. It’s simply because you are the lady of the ‘great Grand Duke’s family.'”


  “Really? I didn’t know you were capable of flattery.”


  “It’s an excellent survival tactic for the weak to survive in a world ruled by the strong.”


  “Not sycophancy practiced by the cunning?”


  “If you think so, I apologize.”


  “No. I didn’t come here to receive apologies…!”


  As the verbal battle intensified and their voices grew more agitated, it suddenly stopped.


  Lermian, having just realized she was being swept along by the conversation, cut off the flow.


  High insight doesn’t mean omnipotence.


  It’s just an exceptional ability to observe and penetrate the essence, not necessarily correlating with the ability to lead the flow or dominate in relationships.


  The regrettable character trio might get swept along by her ‘sincere’ flattery, but it was irrelevant to me, who wished to escape from this entanglement.


  Moreover, she grew up in an isolated environment, making it difficult for her to develop leadership and dominance.


  She hadn’t experienced various social settings or people and lived a different life from other noble ladies.


  It was natural for her to be drawn into the flow, having lived a life more accustomed to revealing rather than concealing her inner thoughts.


  Of course, provoking the protagonist wouldn’t be beneficial, but there was no intentional provocation or desire to lead the conversation.


  Even if it did provoke her interest, it didn’t matter.


  Plan B was designed to handle such a situation.




  Lermian’s toe-tapping stopped.


  Then, she stood up.


  “Quite interesting.”


  Leaving a brief assessment of their first meeting, she headed to leave the reception room.


  If my question hadn’t followed her.


  Standing up to follow, he asked.


  “Are you approving the withdrawal declaration?”


  Ho ho.


  A low chuckle came from behind the mask, and Lermian exited the reception room.


  “See you again, Prince Elden Rapellion.”


   Leaving behind an ambiguous greeting instead of a clear answer.




 Why does that laughter sound ominously thrilling, as if becoming an interesting research subject, must be my imagination, right?

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Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

후피집물의 후회캐가 되었습니다
Score 10
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… “I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess.” To escape this tragedy.


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