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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 16

Junior Sister, Explosive

For a brief moment, Pei Lengxue had the urge to use her sword to stab the scheming Feng Yudie who had taken her Senior Brother away, but she restrained herself in the end.

—Don’t be hasty or anxious in dealing with matters, victory comes to those who laugh last.

That’s what Ye Anping had taught her in the past, and he had made her memorize a lot of positive quotes to remember in difficult times.

Her appearance wasn’t any worse than that vixen’s.

She could dye her silver hair, just like her.

The only aspect where she fell short was her spiritual root aptitude, which couldn’t compare to Feng Yudie’s.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t be better than Feng Yudie.

Furthermore, when it came to her feelings for Ye Anping, that vixen couldn’t hold a candle to her.

Feelings weren’t just about possession; they also required giving.

Pei Lengxue tightened her small fist, as if making a vow, and waved it, saying, “Senior Brother, I will prove it. Your junior sister is a thousand times better than that vixen!”

Senior Brother had said that gold would always shine brighter than other gems.

She was going to be that gold!


Pei Lengxue pouted and stopped paying attention to the two people who had walked to the nearby pavilion. Instead, she went to a wooden post at the edge of the training field, took out a yellow talisman from her storage pouch, wrote the characters “Feng Yudie” on it, and stuck it onto the post. Afterward, she began attacking the wooden post as if going mad.

“Die, you vixen!!”

A wooden post was instantly split into pieces by Pei Lengxue’s strike, but she didn’t stop. Immediately, she found another post, stuck a piece of paper with “Feng Yudie” written on it, and continued her furious assault.

On the other side, after sitting down in the pavilion with Feng Yudie, Ye Anping knew she wasn’t someone who beat around the bush. Once Xiao Die brought the tea, he was ready to get straight to the point.

However, he noticed that Feng Yudie kept stealing glances at Pei Lengxue, who was chopping wood not far away. She even grinned foolishly from time to time. Seeing the blue veins popping out on her forehead, he couldn’t hold back any longer and slammed his hand onto the stone table in the pavilion.


“… …”

Feng Yudie was startled like a scared cat. Her silver hair exploded in all directions, and she quickly turned her head, sitting up straight and looking at him.

“Young Master Ye, you’ve misunderstood. I was just admiring the scenery, not looking at your junior sister.”


“Really, the scenery at Hundred Lotus Sect is beautiful, with spiritual and ethereal surroundings. It’s very captivating.”

“Haaaa…. forget it.” Ye Anping sighed, “I’ll remind you one more time, stay away from my junior sister, and let’s talk about the real matter.”

“Yes, yes!!” Feng Yudie nodded like she was pounding garlic, hunching her neck and taking a sip of the tea Ye Anping had poured for her. “Young Master Ye, go ahead, I’m listening.”

“I have two things to ask of you.”

Hearing this, Feng Yudie paused for a moment, then used the back of her hand to support her chin, tilting her head slightly. She stared fixedly into Ye Anping’s eyes.

Her silver hair brushed against her eyebrows, partially covering one of her eyes.

The slight change in her gaze caused by her silver hair covering one eye made Ye Anping’s scalp tingle.

But he wasn’t surprised; he knew that Feng Yudie had started taking notes on him.

And why was she taking notes on him?

Because Feng Yudie had a tough upbringing as a child, she developed a calculating and grudge-holding personality.

If she suffered a small loss, she would find a way to make up for it a thousand times over.

Now that she heard him say he had something to ask of her, she definitely thought he was trying to negotiate with her.

And if it was a negotiation, there had to be a winner and a loser; equal negotiations didn’t exist.

At times like these, she would be on high alert, making sure she wouldn’t be taken advantage of.

“Mmm, Young Master Ye, go ahead.”

Phew— Ye Anping let out a breath and calmly said, “I saved your life, so you owe me a big favor. Now I want to call in that favor.”

Feng Yudie rolled her eyes and pouted, “I thought Young Master Ye saved me out of the goodness of your heart. Turns out you’re looking to trade a favor with me to get something from me?”

“Do you dare to eat a pie that falls from the sky?”

“But I only owe Young Master Ye one favor. Are you asking me to do two things for you?”

“Saving your life in Martial Creek Town was one favor, and having my mother use true essence to heal your injuries is another.” Ye Anping squinted slightly, not backing down. “If it weren’t for my mother using true essence to heal you, you might have missed this opportunity to join Profound Star Sect.”

Feng Yudie stared at Ye Anping, her eyebrows trembling slightly, a hint of displeasure evident in her eyes. But acknowledging her own fault, she nodded and said, “Alright, that counts as two favors. Two tasks, what are they?”

“The first task, you have to take me into the Profound Star Sect.”

“Take you in?” Feng Yudie frowned slightly and shook her head. “Although I have a letter of recommendation from my master, Profound Star Sect has high requirements for disciples. I can’t guarantee that.”

“You can specify that I’ll be your companion, as Profound Star Sect allows new disciples to bring a companion.”

“Let me think, tell me the second task.”

“The second task is during the initiation ceremony, new disciples will choose one from seven boxes containing rare materials or artifacts. You need to choose the box with the word ‘Void’ on it and then give me what’s inside.”

Feng Yudie was puzzled, “Is there such a task?”

“Yes, it’s just an assessment that Profound Star Sect uses to judge disciples’ luck.” Ye Anping shrugged and smiled. “Luck can’t be determined easily, so Profound Star Sect came up with this method. Simply put, whoever has the best luck in this assessment gets the highest score. The seven boxes contain different things of varying quality, and the best item fetches the highest score.”

“What’s in that box?”

“Something you won’t need, but something useful for me and my junior sister.”

“What is it?”

“An item called ‘Cold Sky Sand.’ It’s not valuable in the Northern Domain, but it’s unavailable here in the Western Domain since not many cultivators need it.”

At this point, Feng Yudie suddenly felt that something was off. How did he know so much about Profound Star Sect’s assessment?

Profound Star Sect’s assessment tasks changed every five years during the selection of new disciples. It was as secretive as the examination questions in the mortal world.

She frowned and asked, “How do you know what’s inside the box? If this is an assessment task of the Profound Star Sect, it should be kept secret.”

“Is there any completely sealed room in the world?”

“… …” Feng Yudie looked at him with a puzzled expression, then sighed helplessly after a moment of contemplation. “Alright, I can agree to these two tasks, but I also have a condition.”

“Go ahead.”

“Your junior sister will be my companion. Bringing a man as a companion might give others the wrong impression— It’s not good for my image.”

Ye Anping had already anticipated this response. Without hesitation, he nodded. “I also have an additional request.”

“… …” Feeling like she was being maneuvered, Feng Yudie’s eyelid twitched slightly.

“Stay away from my junior sister and don’t influence her negatively.” Ye Anping grabbed the teapot and filled Feng Yudie’s cup with tea, speaking sternly. “Lengxue is someone I raised, and I won’t allow you, this flirtatious pig, to lead her astray.”

“Flir— flirtatious pig?!”

『Hmm, he’s got a point.』 Xiaotian, who had been listening on the side, also crossed her arms and nodded in agreement. 『Yudie, you really are a flirtatious pig, and a ** at that.』

“… …” Embarrassed, Feng Yudie glanced at Xiao Die and sighed, waving her hand in resignation.

“Fine, I get it.”

“Then let’s have a pleasant deal.”

Ye Anping lifted his teacup, wanting to clink it with hers.

However, at that moment, a powerful booming sound came from the direction of the training grounds, causing both Ye Anping and Feng Yudie to turn their heads to look.

It turned out that Pei Lengxue, who was chopping wood, had exploded one of the wooden posts with her strike.

Ye Anping stood still for a moment before saying, “Miss Feng, you should go back to your room and rest for today. Tomorrow, an elder from the Profound Star Sect will come to the Hundred Lotus Sect.”

If you want to see up to 40+ Advanced Chapters ahead of this one for free, you can go to my Patreon.

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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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