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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 18

Brother, Excessive Yang Energy

The next day at noon, Ye Anping was still lazily sleeping when Xiao Die hurriedly pulled him out of bed. She powdered his face, dressed him in new clothes, and soon he looked like a refined young master.

Appearance matters just as much as one’s abilities.

Normally, he would wear simple hemp clothes and tie his hair in a ponytail. He never liked wearing any accessories. If it weren’t for the disciples recognizing his face, they might mistake him for an economically disadvantaged young junior brother.

Now, with Xiao Die’s dressing, he finally looked like a young master from a prestigious sect – cloud-patterned robes, an air of elegance, and a bright demeanor. He was the kind of person kidnappers would drool over.

Xiao Die couldn’t help but cover her mouth and giggle as she looked at him. She praised, “Young Master, you look so handsome now. I can’t help but want to pounce on you.”

Observing himself in the full-length mirror, Ye Anping let out a sigh, understanding his father’s intention. He most likely wanted him to make a good impression on the Profound Star Sect elder and see if there was an opportunity for the elder to take him to the sect to broaden his horizons.

He could only say that his father’s idea was good, but unfortunately, Hundred Lotus Sect had no particularly powerful techniques to pass down, nor had it produced any famous cultivators. His title as the young master of Hundred Lotus Sect was like a “Kindergarten Diploma” on a job application – not very significant.

After tidying his appearance, Xiao Die hung a gold and jade tassel on him. Then she led him to Hundred Lotus Sect’s Heavenly Pavilion.

Ye Anping didn’t want to make his father lose face. Upon entering the pavilion, he followed Xiao Die’s advice, offering formal greetings to Ye Ao and the elderly man with white hair. Then, he took the initiative to serve tea for his father and the old man.

After spending over an hour serving tea and water, he yawned several times before they finally finished their go game.

“Elder’s go skills are truly remarkable. I, Ye Ao, am humbled by comparison.”

“Hehe…” Elder Wang chuckled and smoothed his beard. “This old man is often invited by our sect’s master to play go. I’ve even won against our sect master several times. If I lose to Sect Leader Ye, then I’m afraid our sect master will lose face.”

“Ahaha, of course, of course.”

Listening to their exchange, Ye Anping felt a bit exhausted by their mutual flattery. He glanced at the go board and found it comparable to children fighting.

In his previous life, he participated in a youth Go competition during high school and even won first place.

In his eyes, these two elders were akin to kindergarten kids trying to fight each other.

He even felt that these two seniors, who had lived for hundreds of years, might not be able to defeat his high school classmates from his past life.

But the elder said he had defeated Profound Star Sect’s Sect Master?

Could it be that that thousands-of-years-old loli baba also played go this badly? That shouldn’t be the case.

After boasting back and forth for a while, Elder Wang looked to Ye Anping and asked, “Did Sect Leader Ye give me a 500-year-old spiritual herb just to have me play a game of go?”

“Ahhaha…” Ye Ao forced a smile, then turned to Ye Anping and placed a hand on his shoulder. He said, “Elder Wang, actually, this is my son. He has turned fifteen this year and wants to ask Elder Wang for guidance.”

“Guidance is easy, but…” Elder Wang adjusted his beard again and said, “If Sect Leader Ye wants Master Ye to enter Profound Star Sect’s inner sect, I’m afraid I can’t help. Sect Leader Ye should know that Profound Star Sect’s inner sect has strict requirements for disciples’ aptitude. It’s beyond the influence of a mere vice sect leader like me.”

“I understand. Thank you for your honesty.” Ye Ao bowed his head and asked, “Can he enter the outer sect then?”

“Entering the outer sect is not a problem, but…” Elder Wang adjusted his beard once more and said

Elder Wang adjusted his cloud-patterned robe, then waved to Ye Anping, gesturing for him to come closer. He lightly touched his pulse on both wrists with his sword fingers and scanned his body with his spiritual sense.


“How is the boy?”

“He possesses the Dual Wood-Water Spirit Root and has reached the third level of Qi Refining at the age of fifteen. That’s indeed impressive, but…”

Elder Wang furrowed his brows slightly and pinched Ye Anping’s shoulder and thigh. He carefully examined him with his spiritual sense and couldn’t help glancing at Ye Ao beside him. He was amazed by how ruthless Ye Ao had been with his son.

He could tell that most of Ye Anping’s bones had been broken at least once, and his internal organs carried a poisonous and cold energy.

No wonder he managed to reach the third level of Qi Refining at the age of fifteen with Dual Wood-Water Spirit Root.

His cultivation method was clearly one of self-torture, and he had probably ingested countless poisonous insects. At this point, his body was immune to all poisons, and his bones had become incredibly robust through continuous tempering.

He estimated that if someone shattered all of Ye Anping’s meridians and crushed his internal organs, he could still survive for three or four days without proper treatment.

The method of self-torture was indeed the most effective way of cultivation for cultivators.

However, in reality, very few people could endure such a practice.

Most cultivators who attempted self-torture either went mad midway or died directly.

Of course, Ye Ao had no idea that Ye Anping had been practicing self-torture all along.

He had always followed an indulgent approach when it came to Ye Anping’s education. As long as his requests weren’t too unreasonable, he would provide whatever he wanted.

Ye Ao cleared his throat and asked, “Elder Wang, what do you think?”

“It’s extremely good. Among the dual spiritual root cultivators I’ve seen, I’m afraid he has no equal.”

“That’s… really surprising,” Ye Ao said, taken aback. “Do you have any advice?”

Ye Ao’s words made Elder Wang realize that Ye Ao was quite ruthless… Elder Wang sighed internally, then awkwardly smiled and said, “Sect Leader Ye, you should continue to educate him according to your own methods. With your teaching style, I have nothing to say.”

Ye Ao was momentarily stunned. In his impression, wasn’t Ye Anping always bullying Pei Lengxue? Can bullying girls also be considered a cultivation method? Yet Elder Wang seemed to imply that this was the case. He could only nod and smile in response.

“Ahaha… very well.”

Elder Wang paused for a moment and asked, “Sect Leader Ye, what techniques has he been taught?”

“Uh…” Ye Ao hesitated, then quickly looked at Ye Anping, gesturing for him to explain.

Ye Anping sighed and clasped his hands together. “My father had me learn the introductory technique of the Four Oceans Sect, coupled with the Nine Elements Heart Technique. For sword techniques, I’ve learned the Five Swords Technique from the Shadowmoon Sword Sect.”

“Huh?” Elder Wang was somewhat surprised. “These techniques combined would have cost Sect Leader Ye quite a bit. The Shadowmoon Sword Sect’s techniques aren’t cheap.”

“Ah… ahaha…” Ye Ao raised an eyebrow, using his eyes to ask Ye Anping: What is the Four Oceans Sect? What is the Nine Elements Heart Technique? Five Swords Technique? Where did you get these technique manuals?

Ye Anping rolled his eyes at him: I found them on my own.

After a moment of contemplation, Elder Wang checked each of the techniques Ye Anping mentioned and sighed suddenly. He asked, “Wouldn’t Sect Leader Ye know the drawbacks of practicing these techniques together?”

“Ah-” Ye Ao was momentarily baffled and asked, “Please elaborate.”

“Never mind the Five Swords Technique, let’s focus on the Four Oceans Sect’s technique and the Nine Elements Heart Technique. Those are both Yang-attribute techniques.” Elder Wang explained earnestly, “Practicing both of these techniques simultaneously will inevitably lead to excessive Yang energy. If the Yang energy accumulates within your internal organs and isn’t properly regulated, problems will arise in the future.”

Ye Ao didn’t understand and inquired, “What do you mean?”

“At fifteen, it’s also the age when one looks for a Dao companion,” Elder Wang patted Ye Anping’s shoulder and said, “He needs to engage in regular activities to regulate his physical and mental state. This will help expel the excess Yang energy from his body.”


Father and son both had question marks above their heads.

Ye Ao wasn’t very clear, and Ye Anping himself wasn’t aware that this would be a concern. After all, he created the techniques based on the game he played.

In the game “Heavenly Sword Chronicles,” there were no fixed sects. Different combinations of techniques were used to create “Builds” that distinguished various professions.

Different combinations had different effects, such as summoning skills or sword mastery…

Elder Wang sighed once more, saying, “However, this cultivation method of Young Master Ye, if he acquires a Dao companion, the companion might suffer.”

“Suffer?” Ye Ao was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Excessive activity for a man harms his body, and the same goes for women. With this method of cultivation and these two techniques, unless Young Master Ye finds a Dao companion who is one or two realms higher than him, the companion will likely be running home every few days.”

Hearing this, Ye Ao’s jaw almost dropped.

A Dao companion one or two realms higher?

Was Elder Wang suggesting that his son find a Core Formation stage woman as a Dao companion?

How… Do I find one?

He was just a Core Formation stage cultivator himself.

And if Ye Anping advanced to the Foundation Establishment stage, wouldn’t he need to find a Nascent Soul cultivator as a Dao companion afterward?

Which Core Formation or Nascent Soul stage woman would willingly become the Dao companion of a Qi Refining or Foundation Establishment cultivator like him?!

“So… what should we do?” Ye Ao asked, puzzled.

Elder Wang also understood that finding a Dao companion who was one or two realms higher wasn’t very realistic. After stroking his beard for a moment, he said, “You can take in a few concubines to alleviate the situation.”

“Like this…” Ye Ao looked at Ye Anping and awkwardly nodded in agreement. He then patted Ye Anping on the back, “I understand now, thank you, Elder Wang.”

“Ah…” Ye Anping also clasped his hands in a respectful gesture and hurriedly stepped forward to help pour tea. “Thank you, Elder Wang, for your guidance.”

Ye Ao pursed his lips, feeling a mix of emotions. He had already been worrying about finding a wife for Ye Anping.

Pei Lengxue used to be bullied by this kid every day. She might not be willing to marry him. But now, he wanted to take in several concubines. Wouldn’t Pei Lengxue be even less willing now?

He wasn’t the kind of cultivator who would forcefully abduct mortal women to become his concubines through his cultivation level.

Oh well… they could discuss this matter later.

Ye Ao sighed and then said, “Elder, there’s actually someone I’d like to introduce to you.”


“Yes, a few days ago, my son rescued a girl from a demonic cultivator. She also has a recommendation letter from True Immortal Tai Xu and seemed to be originally planning to join the Profound Star Sect.”

“True Immortal Tai Xu?!” Elder Wang’s eyes widened, and he hurriedly asked, “Where is this girl?”

“She’s recuperating in the adjacent room. Please follow me, Elder,” Ye Ao stood up and glanced at Ye Anping. “Anping, come with us.”


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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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