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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 31

Senior Brother, Like an Elder Father Sending His Daughter to School

In front of the shop at No. 13, Jia Street, Profound Star Sect’s market district.

“Put that inside, and move that vase over here! As for the bed, you can fit five of them in one room. The folding screen should go…”

A handsome young man stood at the entrance, directing a group of strong laborers as they organized the shop he had just rented.

During the two days when Pei Lengxue and Feng Yudie participated in the Sect’s selection, Ye Anping had been busy with his newly established Massage shop.

After all, this shop was going to be the source of livelihood for him and his junior sister.

He had also been inquiring around the market district for the past two days.

Normally, disciples who passed the Sect’s selection would receive resources from Profound Star Sect, and their daily expenses would be covered by the Sect. They would even receive free elixirs every month, and in the future, they would be provided with customized spirit swords and spirit tools.

However, his junior sister was different.

As an accompanying disciple, she had to pay tuition fees.

Moreover, it wasn’t just the tuition.

Meals at Profound Star Sect’s dining hall required spirit stones.

Using the training grounds required spirit stones.

Buying clothes required spirit stones, and even lodging required accommodation fees.

It was basically like attending a private school in his previous life, and the prices were comparable to those of noble schools. There were no “scholarships” or “financial aid for the needy” type of bonuses.

So, in order to support Pei Lengxue and himself in their cultivation at Profound Star Sect, he, as her senior brother, needed to work hard and earn more spirit stones.

Although he had thought about asking his father for support, he felt a bit embarrassed. After all, what was the point of relying on his father in this world of cultivation?

Besides, struggling a bit and gaining some experience would be beneficial.

If all else failed, he could still go back home and inherit his father’s Hundred Lotus Sect.


Wiping away the sweat from his forehead, Ye Anping looked at the sign of his “Ye Massage Center” with satisfaction. Although if his father, Ye Ao, found out that he was running a Massage center outside, he would definitely come flying over to give him a good scolding.


“Thanks for your hard work, everyone!” He clapped his hands and took out several jars of alcohol and some food from his storage pouch. “I bought some alcohol and roasted chicken and duck. After you’re done, come eat!”

“Alright! Thanks, little boss.”

The leader of the “construction workers” grinned, and suddenly their work efficiency increased by one or two times.

At this rate, they would finish their work slightly ahead of schedule tonight, and his Massage center could open for business tomorrow.

Stretching his shoulders, Ye Anping glanced at the sky. It was almost the next day, and he was ready to eat supper with the construction workers and then rest in his room.

The Sword Trial should have ended today. According to the progression of the game’s plot, that senior sister named Bai Yuelin should be hiding in her chamber crying.

His “Market District 20% Off Coupon” was still waiting for him to console her.

If he couldn’t enter the Sect and couldn’t go to Sky Cloud Peak, it would be quite a challenge to even meet her.

“By the way, little boss, what exactly is this Massage center for? We’ve been working in this market district for decades, and it’s the first time we’ve heard of such a thing.”

“It’s for massages.”

“Massages? Aren’t those things found in brothels?”

Ye Anping chuckled and said, “Where do they massage? I’m not massaging that area. If you guys are curious, come and try it. I’ll give you a 10% discount.”

“What’s a 10% discount?”

“It means you just need to pay forty-five spirit stones for a quarter-hour.”

“That’s so expensive! We can’t afford it.”

The workers shook their heads and left without discussing it further. They were content to focus on their own meals.

Ye Anping didn’t mind. After all, his original customers were Profound Star Sect disciples, and this price was just equivalent to the reward for one mission for those Profound Star Sect disciples.

Quietly taking out an account book, he used his spiritual power to calculate his earnings.

“Three thousand spirit stones, minus rent, decoration… junior sister’s tuition, miscellaneous fees… that’s it, huh—”

Ye Anping complained in his heart. Why couldn’t that nobody, Wu You, bring more spirit stones with him?

Then he remembered that when Wang Shouren came to Hundred Lotus Sect, he had mentioned that he could use Wu You’s identity token to collect rewards at Profound Star Sect’s branch. However, he would never do that.

Once he took Wu You’s identity token to claim the reward, people in the surroundings would find out with just a little bit of inquiry that a cultivator named Ye Anping had collected the reward using Wu You’s identity token.

With a simple thought, he could easily figure out that Wu You’s storage pouch had most likely been wiped out clean by him.

He was currently in the Qi Refining stage, carrying a bunch of Core Formation cultivators’ magical treasures in his bag.

Once exposed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He really had no good way to handle those magical treasures right now.


Ye Anping sighed once again.

At this moment, a small hand lightly patted his shoulder.

“Can you… give me another round of massages? Like the last time… Inhale—”

Ye Anping was startled. He had been deeply immersed in his thoughts, completely unaware that someone had sneaked up behind him.

Turning his head, he saw a disoriented woman. For a moment, he didn’t recognize who she was.


“Inhale… Inhale…”

“Senior… Senior Bai?”

“Mm.” Bai Yuelin pursed her lips and nodded.

“You… What’s happened to you?” Ye Anping sized up her appearance, his face filled with disbelief.

He knew that Bai Yuelin might shut herself off due to Feng Yudie’s impact.

But the way she looked now wasn’t just impacted; it was like she had been blown apart.

Bai Yuelin at this moment was like Meng Jiangnu, the legendary woman who cried down the Great Wall. She emitted an aura of deep resentment all over her body. Even a few of the workers who were drinking and eating couldn’t help but move their chairs away from her.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Anping quickly grabbed a plate of roasted chicken and handed her a bag of spirit stones. He said to the workers, “Everyone, enjoy your meal. This is today’s pay. Divide it amongst yourselves later. If it’s not enough, come find me tomorrow.”

“Sounds good!”

After giving the instructions, he immediately held a plate of roasted chicken in one hand and took Bai Yuelin’s hand with the other, leading her into the Massage center.

Bai Yuelin looked at the interior decoration of the center and asked weakly, “How much does a session of Massage cost?”

“Well…” Ye Anping hesitated for a moment, then smiled, “We haven’t officially opened today, so it’s free.”


“No worries, Senior. Didn’t you help me review the shop application? I’m just returning the favor.”

Ye Anping guided Bai Yuelin to the inner room, helping her sit on a bed, and then took out an incense burner and lit it.

“Senior, just relax and lie down.”



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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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