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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 37

I Would Come With You

In fact, when the black-clad man shouted for the first time, Ye Anping had already heard it. However, in line with the principle of prioritizing customers, he finished the therapy sessions for the two Profound Star Sect disciples brought by Bai Yuelin before washing his hands and heading out.

During this time, it seemed like Bai Yuelin had been engaging in awkward conversations with him.

As Ye Anping returned to the main hall, he saw that the black-clad man’s expression had gone through all the colors of the rainbow. He had no idea what they were discussing.

Seeing him coming out, Bai Yuelin quickly approached and said, “Anping, this person is really strange. He came in and asked if we sold Vermillion Bird. Then, I asked him what Vermillion Bird was, and he said it’s a type of tea. So, I wanted him to explain what Vermillion Bird tea is…”

Ye Anping sighed and said, “Bai Yuelin, are you a chatterbox?”

“Well… I didn’t want him to leave, so I chatted with him.”

“Sigh… It’s getting quite late. Bai Yuelin, please head back to the sect. I’ll finish this last appointment and then close the shop for the night.”

“Can’t I stay overnight tonight?”



“You were hugging me in my bed last night, and I couldn’t sleep well.”

Ye Anping bluntly replied and then ignored her, walking over to invite the black-clad man into the room.

The black-clad man had been listening to the conversation between Ye Anping and Bai Yuelin all along. After hearing the phrase “hugging in bed,” he naturally thought of dual cultivation. As he followed Ye Anping into the room, his astonished expression persisted.

However, this was exactly what Ye Anping wanted him to hear.

After all, he needed to share information about the selection event and how to bypass the sect’s defensive formations to infiltrate Profound Star Sect. If the man asked how he obtained the information, Ye Anping could easily attribute it to Bai Yuelin, which would not arouse suspicion.

Once inside the room, Ye Anping waved his hand to lock the door with his spiritual energy. Then, he placed his self-made soundproof talismans around the room to emphasize his professionalism.

Seeing this, the black-clad man nodded in approval and asked, “Younger brother, who was that inner disciple from Profound Star Sect?”

“Just a silly girl who’s fallen for me,” Ye Anping shrugged and chuckled.

“Silly… silly girl…” The man looked astonished. “I heard she’s at the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, and she holds a high position as an inner disciple. How did you…”

“By my appearance. Among female cultivators, I’m quite popular. Who wouldn’t like a handsome young man like me who’s fair-skinned and good-looking?”

“… …”

“Are you here to gather information or to gossip about me, Senior Brother?”

“Young brother, please speak. Have you obtained information about the selection event?”

Ye Anping invited him to take a seat and then got straight to the point, saying, “Two days ago was the written test, yesterday was the sword trial, and now the physical trial has begun. It will last for six days, during which all participating disciples will undergo tests within the rear mountains of Profound Star Sect. If you plan to ambush someone midway, this is the best opportunity. Afterward, there will be practical and interview assessments.”

“Can you be more specific?”

“Everyone who passed the sword trial will be assigned to the rear mountains of Profound Star Sect. They will walk about a hundred miles on foot, encountering diverse environments, including mountains, forests, snowy peaks, deserts, and some low-level demonic beasts blocking their way. They’ll be relieved of their flying swords before entering and won’t be able to fly. Moreover, there won’t be any elders accompanying them throughout the journey.”

“I see…” The man nodded thoughtfully, then asked, “Since you mentioned this is the best opportunity, does that mean you have a way to get us into the rear mountains of Profound Star Sect? Bypassing the defensive formations and the sect disciples patrolling?”

“Us?” Ye Anping furrowed his brows. “How many of you are there? What about their cultivation level?”

“Two of them are at the Foundation Establishment Early Stage, two at the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, and I’m at the Foundation Establishment Late Stage.” The man didn’t hide anything and answered truthfully, “I heard that someone named Feng Yudie easily defeated a cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage in the sword trial. So, in the afternoon, I gathered a few fellow cultivators. We will use my formation technique. Even if she’s an exceptional talent, she won’t be able to escape.”

Hearing this, Ye Anping couldn’t help but furrow his brows.

He had originally intended to send this man in, but seeing his confident demeanor, he hesitated to do so.

It wasn’t because he was worried about Feng Yudie’s safety. If these people attacked her, it would definitely involve his junior sister. Given the Feng Yudie Immortal Emperor bloodline, even if she lost an arm or a leg, she could regenerate any of it after a while. However, his junior sister couldn’t do that!

If something happened to his junior sister, it wouldn’t be good.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Anping said, “It should be possible. I can get you in, but if you want to come out, you need to take me with you.”

“Take you with us?” The man furrowed his brows slightly and hurriedly declined, “You’re only at the Qi Refinement Third Layer, and you’re the ‘shopkeeper’ of this shop. It’s against the rules. If something happens to you later…”

—Shopkeepers of the Seven Killers Sect can’t participate in bounty missions, and if a disciple is captured, they mustn’t reveal the identity and location of the ‘shopkeeper’. If the ‘shopkeeper’ is implicated, they will be severely punished according to sect rules.

This was a rule of the Seven Killers Sect. For them, information was their lifeline and the source of their income – the most crucial asset.

Ye Anping raised his hand to stop him and said, “I know, if I die, the Seven Killers Sect will certainly come after you for answers. But think about it, you’re planning to secretly infiltrate Profound Star Sect. If you fail, you’ll be dead too. Moreover… without me leading the way, you won’t be able to get in. And even if you manage to get in, you won’t find Feng Yudie. There are nearly ten thousand people in Profound Star Sect’s rear mountains now. Trying to find one person among ten thousand is like finding a needle in a haystack.”

The man fell silent for a moment, hesitating as he looked at Ye Anping. He reminded him, “We won’t have the spare capacity to protect you then.”

“Don’t worry, I have means to protect myself. If something unexpected happens, I might just abandon you and flee first,” Ye Anping chuckled, pouring him a cup of tea. “By the way, if this works out, I’ll need a 30% share of the reward.”

“At most 20%. The Grand Elder’s storage pouch from the Poison Gu Sect has a reward of ten thousand and two hundred spirit stones, while the reward for capturing Feng Yudie alive is five thousand spirit stones. I also need to split the reward with four others.”

Hearing this, Ye Anping furrowed his brow and asked, “Didn’t you say this afternoon that the total reward is ten thousand spirit stones? How did it suddenly increase by another five thousand?”

“Just this afternoon, a new reward was announced within the sect for capturing Feng Yudie alive.” The man paused and continued, “Little shopkeeper, I have an earnest request. Please consider agreeing.”

“Go ahead.”

“I haven’t informed the other four people I’ve recruited that the Grand Elder’s storage pouch of the Poison Gu Sect is on Feng Yudie’s person. They are all after the bounty for capturing Feng Yudie. So, I hope that you can keep this information from them. If we succeed, how about I give you an extra two thousand spirit stones?”

Ye Anping was somewhat speechless. This person was actually trying to secretly keep a portion of the reward.

However, if he calculated it this way, his 30% share plus two thousand spirit stones would add up to five thousand.

That’s not a small amount. With five thousand spirit stones, he could buy a lot of delicious food for his junior sister and take her to the market to buy some jewelry for girls.

From childhood to adulthood, he had spent all his spirit stones on buying medicine and pills. Now that Pei Lengxue had grown up, it was time to give her some beautiful jewelry and cosmetics as her senior brother.

Ye Anping propped up his chin and started to think. He wasn’t considering whether this division of the reward was reasonable or not; he was thinking about how to get a bit more out of this situation.

The man in front of him had been insisting that his formation could definitely capture Feng Yudie alive. Ye Anping still held doubts about this, but if the formation was truly formidable, he would definitely intervene to prevent these people from hurting his junior sister.

However, if this man failed to capture Feng Yudie, then his share of the reward would be lost.

Five thousand spirit stones!

It seemed he would need to find an opportunity to privately discuss this matter with Feng Yudie. Maybe he could convince her to willingly be captured by the Seven Killers Sect, allowing him to claim the bounty. Afterward, he could lure the Profound Star Sect people over to annihilate the Seven Killers Sect.

“Well, it’s acceptable.” Ye Anping nodded and asked, “When do we set out?”

“Anytime is fine. Please arrange the infiltration, little shopkeeper.”

Ye Anping glanced in the direction of the paper window and saw that it was completely dark outside. He said, “Let’s go now. The cover of night makes it easier to move. May I ask how I should address you, Senior?”

“Zhuang Zhu.” The man clasped his hands and replied.

“Respected Zhuang Zhu.” Ye Anping quickly returned the gesture and chuckled, “I am Jiang Ziya.”


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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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