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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 45

Broad-Minded Senior Bai

Ye Anping couldn’t figure it out.

The task he had accomplished for Bai Yuelin was purely for the sake of her “20% discount coupon.”

Logically, Bai Yuelin should have completed her “task” by coming out of her self-imposed seclusion, so why hadn’t the “discount coupon” arrived? Instead, she seemed to have attached herself to him?

Were game rewards really designed by game planners, unlike in the real world?

Ye Anping felt somewhat helpless. If he didn’t receive the “20% discount coupon,” he would be missing out on a fifth of the quantity when he went to purchase rare materials in the future.

He crouched by the window, peeking through a crack in the paper window at Bai Yuelin, who was busily cleaning the courtyard. He sighed suddenly and then returned to his bed, regulating his breath and meditating to convert his excessive yang energy into spiritual energy and release it from his body.

In the game, the combination of Four Oceans Sect’s Heart Technique, Nine Elements Heart Technique, and Sword Inquiry Technique was calculated by the game experts as one of the most optimal combinations. It wasn’t too difficult to obtain these techniques, and the speed of cultivation was fast. This combination allowed players to form considerable strength in the early stages and was easy to switch out for other techniques in the mid-to-late stages. Unlike in other games, this process didn’t require years of de-cultivation; it only involved lowering one’s cultivation by a small realm.

Therefore, Ye Anping had initially chosen to combine these three techniques for himself.

However, now it seemed like he might have made a mistake.

This combination of techniques seemed to have side effects that didn’t exist in the game.

Nevertheless, Ye Anping understood why these side effects weren’t present in the game.

“Heavenly Sword Chronicles” was an all-ages health-oriented game.

And these side effects seemed more like debuffs you’d find in an R18 game.

For now, he felt like it wasn’t a significant problem; he could condense the accumulated yang energy through meditation. However, this was likely because his current cultivation was still quite low.

Thinking this, a line of sweat formed on Ye Anping’s forehead.

Did he really have to find a partner now?

But Xi Yue was still in the Frigid Heaven Kingdom.

The Frigid Heaven Kingdom was a mid-to-late stage map. Going there now would be asking for trouble, right?!

Should he find something with yin energy to balance it out?

But items with yin attributes…

What about spirit cats or foxes? However, spiritual pets were ridiculously expensive, and even if he could afford one, he couldn’t afford to maintain it…

Could he just go to a random burial mound to chat with female ghosts? But if he got cursed or possessed, that would be even more troublesome…

The only option he could think of was his junior sister.

His junior sister had an Extremely Yin Constitution, in other words, an “extreme yin physique.”

As long as he slept with his junior sister in his arms every day, her physique would neutralize his excessive yang energy.


“I wonder if my junior sister would be willing to let her senior brother hold her while sleeping every day… Oh well, I won’t think about it. It’s not urgent anyway. I’ll bring it up after I reach the Foundation Establishment stage.”

Ye Anping temporarily pushed this matter to the back of his mind and turned his attention back to the matter of the Seven Killers Sect.

He needed to find an opportunity to meet with Feng Yudie and discuss things with her.


After pondering for a while, Ye Anping got off the bed, put on his clothes, pushed open the door, and walked out. He planned to ask Bai Yuelin to pass a message to Feng Yudie, inviting her to come over.

At this moment, Bai Yuelin was sweeping the floor. Seeing Ye Anping coming out, she quickly approached.

“Still feeling uncomfortable? Should I take you to the medical hall to see a physician?”

“No— I rested for a while and feel much better.”

“I see…” Bai Yuelin nodded and took his hand, leading him to the main hall. She said, “By the way, I cooked some porridge for you to try…”

Bai Yuelin pulled him to the table. Ye Anping looked at the colorful porridge on the table, still bubbling like lava, and furrowed his brows slightly, then glanced at Bai Yuelin.

“Senior Bai…”


“Do you think this porridge looks like something edible?”

“Ah…” Bai Yuelin pursed her lips in embarrassment, laughing, “It’s my first time making porridge, so I added quite a few medicinal ingredients, thinking you were feeling weak. I didn’t expect it to turn out this color. But I tasted it, and it actually tastes good.”

“… …”

Ye Anping felt speechless. He listened to her mentioning adding medicinal ingredients, and in the spirit of thrift, he reluctantly took the spoon and tasted a mouthful.

“How is it?” Bai Yuelin sat next to him, looking at him expectantly.

“Well… I can manage to drink it.”

“Ehehe…” Bai Yuelin giggled foolishly, and without thinking, she reached out to touch the back of Ye Anping’s head. He instinctively tilted his head to avoid her touch.

She paused for a moment and then said, “What’s your small brain constantly thinking? So narcissistic.”


“I just thought you looked a lot like my little brother from back then, so I wanted to take care of you. Besides, how old are you? I’m already almost forty-five. How could I be interested in a young kid like you?”

“Is it really just that?”

Perhaps not just that… Bai Yuelin muttered to herself in her mind, and then said, “Anyway, I’m willing to take care of you. Just let it be. I don’t need anything from you. Are you afraid I’ll extort you?”

“Yeah, I’m afraid.”

“… …”

After taking a sip of the porridge, Ye Anping asked, “I overheard you and the senior you were talking to earlier mentioning the Seven Killers Sect. Has something happened within the Profound Star Sect in the past few days?”

“Oh, well… Please don’t spread this around. I only told you because I trust you.” Bai Yuelin pondered for a moment, leaning in close to Ye Anping’s ear and whispering, “Yesterday, it seems like the people from the Seven Killers Sect attacked several disciples. Elder Lei was furious and called for a meeting of all the elders in the sect. They’ve decided to wipe out the Seven Killers Sect.”

With Bai Yuelin’s confirmation, Ye Anping’s worries were completely put to rest. He shrugged and replied, “Well, it doesn’t concern me.”

“It’s not that it doesn’t concern you. You should still be careful lately. What if there are still Seven Killers Sect members hiding in the city? Those people are all about money and don’t care about morals. They’re all villains! Especially those who target children!”

“Senior Bai, you don’t need to talk to me as if I were a child.”

“Alright, alright. Even though you’re not that young, you act like an old man sometimes. It’s not cute at all. Someone your age should see a big sister like me and come over to be spoiled, shouldn’t you?”

Bai Yuelin looked at him, sighed, and then opened her arms with a smile.

“Come— my arms are always open for you. If it’s too dark at night and you can’t sleep, just let me know, and I’ll keep you company.”

Ye Anping took another sip of the porridge in silence, paused for a moment, and then tentatively asked, “Senior Bai, can you do me a favor?”

“Huh? Sure, tell me! What do you need help with?”

“Could you pass a message to a disciple of the Profound Star Sect for me?”

“What message?”

“I invited her to dinner and hope she can find time to meet me in the next few days.”


Bai Yuelin propped up her chin, pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Ye Anping had mentioned having a heart for someone earlier…

Could it be that this “heart for someone” was some disciple of the Profound Star Sect?

In an instant, she felt a bit uneasy, but she had already agreed to help, and Ye Anping said he was inviting her to dinner, which indicated that they hadn’t developed any further…

Bai Yuelin nodded and asked curiously, “Who is it?”

“Feng Yudie.”

Hearing this name, the smile on Bai Yuelin’s face froze instantly.

“… You know her?”

“Yeah. I don’t know her, but I want to get to know her, just to expand the clientele of my massage center.”


Ye Anping nodded, “Yes, I just want to ask her to help me promote my massage center. Something like ‘Junior disciples of the Qi Refining stage who have beaten Bai Yuelin, a Foundation Establishment expert at the Sword Trial Method highly recommend it!'”

Bai Yuelin furrowed her eyebrows and scolded, “You little rascal! Are you trying to provoke your big sister? Do you believe I’ll spank you?”

“It’s just a joke. I’ll help you teach her a lesson when the time comes.”

“Fine, I’ll go talk to her for you. But don’t use this as a form of promotion! Otherwise, I’ll skin you alive!”

“Just kidding. Senior Bai, you have quite a narrow mind.”

Bai Yuelin looked at him with a resentful gaze, but then let out a sigh, “I lost, I’ve already let go of those things. I won’t compete with her. Hmph~”


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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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