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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 47

Private Meeting

While she is on the way to the market in the Profound Star Sect with Bai Yuelin, Feng Yudie’s mind is filled with confusion.

How come she had never heard Ye Anping mention that he had a sister before?

And furthermore, why did Ye Anping know that she liked eating roasted chicken?

However, when they arrived in front of Ye Anping’s shop and Feng Yudie saw the sign that read “Ye Massage Center,” she became even more bewildered.

“Ye Massage Center…” 『Ye Massage Center…』

Feng Yudie and Xiaotian stood in front of Ye Anping’s shop, looking up at the sign for a good half moment.

Seeing Feng Yudie’s clueless expression, Bai Yuelin puffed up her chest self-assuredly and explained, “Haven’t heard of it? massage therapy methods involve unblocking the meridians…”

Feng Yudie quickly responded, “My master mentioned it to me. It seems like it’s a common skill among ordinary people outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but it’s not useful for cultivators, so we don’t have it here.”

“Outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains?”

Bai Yuelin was bewildered for a while. Wasn’t that the wasteland spirit realm?

She didn’t dwell on it, explaining, “How is it not useful? My brother is really skilled at it. With just a touch, he can unblock the meridians. It’s even more effective than pill medicine. Everyone who’s tried it has praised it.”

“More effective than pill medicine?” Feng Yudie was astonished. “Really?”

“Of course it’s true. Why would I lie to you? My brother is amazing.”

Feng Yudie was taken aback, and she suddenly had the urge to try it. Her eyes sparkled as she quickly took steps into the shop, calling out cheerfully, “Boss!”

Inside the shop, upon hearing Feng Yudie’s voice, Ye Anping put on a welcoming smile and walked out.


However, as he stepped out from behind the folding screen and saw Feng Yudie, the smile on his face instantly vanished.

Although he had asked Bai Yuelin to bring Feng Yudie here and had made Bai Yuelin run around twice, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of disappointment when he realized it wasn’t a customer.

And in the next moment, Ye Anping’s attention was drawn to Feng Yudie’s third “chest” (a reference to her swollen shoulder).

What was going on?

Why had Feng Yudie’s shoulder swelling turned into something like this?

Ye Anping was bewildered for a while, then hurriedly walked over to Bai Yuelin and took out several spirit stones from his storage pouch to give to her. He was prepared to send her away first, as it would be awkward to talk with her here.

“Senior Bai, could you help me buy two roasted chickens?”

“Ah…” Bai Yuelin, upon hearing his words, pouted unhappily. But after considering her role as an elder, she thought she should be magnanimous and said, “Just call me ‘Aunt.'”


“Good!!” Bai Yuelin ruffled his hair, and this time Ye Anping didn’t dodge her.

“Alright, you don’t have to pay. It’s just a couple of roasted chickens. I’ll buy them for you. Anything else you need?”

“No, that’s all.”

Bai Yuelin pushed back his spirit stones, then turned and headed to the restaurant in the market to buy the roasted chickens.

Once she was a distance away, Feng Yudie approached Ye Anping and asked, “When did you get a sister?”

Ye Anping looked at her third “chest” and asked, “When did you grow that chest?”

『Pfft—hahaha…』Xiaotian, floating near Feng Yudie’s head, couldn’t hold back, bursting into laughter in midair,『I’ve been wanting to say it too… Yudie, the way your shoulder swelling… hahaha—』

Feng Yudie was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her own third “chest,” finally realizing what he meant. She felt a twitch at the corner of her eye.


She instinctively wanted to scold.

But then she thought, this was the perfect time to impress an elder or a potential uncle.

Feng Yudie coughed and seriously explained, “Ahem, didn’t you hear about what happened yesterday? Last night, under the cover of darkness, I and Junior Sister Pei were moving through the woods when suddenly, six masked bandits jumped out of the grass, attempting to take our lives. We exchanged three moves and six techniques, but unfortunately, there were too many of them. Junior Sister Pei and I were being suppressed by those six people. Just when we were about to be overwhelmed, a brilliant idea came to me. I intentionally took a strike from one of them, creating an opening, and then, working together with Junior Sister Pei, I swiftly turned the tide and killed one of them… ”

Ye Anping gave her a sidelong glance and commented sarcastically, “Do I need to bring in a wooden frightener for you to set up a storytelling stall outside?”

“Ah… hehe.” Feng Yudie scratched the back of her head and awkwardly laughed, “It’s true! Young Master Ye, don’t doubt it. It was really dangerous back then. If I hadn’t intentionally taken that strike, Junior Sister Pei and I would have been in real danger.”

“I didn’t say I doubted it. Let’s go inside, it’s not convenient to talk here.”

“Ah… Young Master Ye.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Could you give me a massage therapy session? I want to try it.” Feng Yudie blinked curiously and continued, “That senior sister just now said your massage therapy methods are even more effective than pill medicine. But isn’t massage therapy practice a mundane medical technique that’s not useful for cultivators?”

Ye Anping sized her up and shook his head, “I won’t do it.”

“Why not? I can pay.”

“You can’t afford it.”

“Ah? How much is it?”

“Fifty spirit stones at the minimum.”

Feng Yudie flinched, “Ah? That’s so expensive.”

Ye Anping shrugged, “They say it’s more effective than pill medicine. If the price isn’t higher, I’ll get beaten up by the owner of the neighboring alchemy shop.”

“Although that’s the explanation…” Feng Yudie was still curious and asked, “Can I put it on credit?”

“We don’t offer credit here.”

“Not even for acquaintances?”

“Are we acquaintances?”


Feng Yudie fell silent and decided not to push it. She planned to come back to spend after receiving the monthly stipend from Profound Star Sect. As she walked toward the inner room, she asked, “By the way, why did you open a shop in the market? Aren’t you short on money?”

“I am, extremely.”

“You, as a young master, are short on money?”

“Would you complain about having too much money?”

“Well, I guess not…”

After entering the room, Ye Anping directly took out talismans from his storage pouch and placed them in all four corners of the room. He closed all the windows and locked the door.

Feng Yudie was puzzled by these actions and even thought that Ye Anping might be trying to silence her by killing her.

“What are you doing?”

“Preventing any potential eavesdropping,” Ye Anping sat down and poured a cup of tea for her, speaking frankly, “In any case, the Seven Killers Sect has targeted you.”


“You can think of it as the Poison Gu Sect hiring someone for revenge. The Grand Elder Master of the Poison Gu Sect died at the Martial Creek Town, and when the Seven Killers Sect investigated the cause of death, they traced it back to you. The group you encountered yesterday was sent to capture you.”

Hearing Ye Anping’s words, Feng Yudie’s eyes widened, and even Xiaotian, who was listening in, couldn’t believe it.

Since he knew…

Almost instantly, the two of them realized what he meant.

Feng Yudie slammed the table and stood up.

“Don’t tell me!!” 『Don’t tell me!!』

“Yes, exactly that,” Ye Anping sipped his tea calmly and said, “In short, I used some methods that led them to mistake me for the owner of the Seven Killers Sect’s shop. I was also among the group of people you encountered yesterday.”

“No wonder that masked little person felt strange last night…” Feng Yudie furrowed her brows and looked at him with resentment, “It turned out to be you.”

“Sit.” Ye Anping shrugged his shoulders and explained, “Strictly speaking, they were looking for the person who killed the Grand Elder of the Poison Gu Sect, and you got blamed for it.”

Feng Yudie was willing to shoulder the blame for Pei Lengxue. She didn’t say anything more.

After a pause, she asked again, “So, if you were there, why didn’t you come out and help us deal with that person together…”

“That person was a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator, and I don’t know what was in his storage pouch. My main goal at the time was to prevent him from directly confronting you. Otherwise, you might have ended up with more than just a few extra breasts…”

Feng Yudie squinted her eyes and retorted, “Could you please stop talking about breasts? I feel like punching you.”

“And keeping that person alive has its own purpose. My goal is to completely eradicate the Seven Killers Sect from the western realm. For the sake of my Junior Sister and me, as well as for you, you know the saying ‘Enemies are not allowed to live through the night,’ right?”

Feng Yudie looked at Ye Anping and, for the second time, felt an inexplicable sense of dissonance.

This young man in front of her, who seemed to be around her age, gave her an odd sensation of maturity. It was just like when they were at Hundred Lotus Sect, and Ye Anping had asked her to help bring Pei Lengxue into the Profound Star Sect.

“Do you have a grudge against the Seven Killers Sect?”

“No, want to know why?”

“Tell me~”

“For the public good, eliminating a menace. That group of people were all scoundrels with no morals. Personally, I just don’t want them bothering me.”

“That sounds reasonable… But how do you plan to eliminate the entire Seven Killers Sect, not just one or two people?”

Ye Anping sighed lightly and said, “Before discussing how to do it, let’s talk about splitting the rewards first. I considered what you’re planning to do this time, so I’ll give you a friendly discount of twenty percent. How about a fifty-fifty split?”

The mention of rewards instantly lit up Feng Yudie’s eyes, and she hurriedly asked, “Can we earn spirit stones by eliminating the Seven Killers Sect? How much can we earn?”

“I can only say it’s a lot, but I’m not sure about the exact amount. It mainly depends on your abilities.”

“My abilities? I can lift four thousand catties of spirit stones and fly on a sword.”

“Who told you that spirit stones are measured by weight?”

Feng Yudie smiled, suddenly stopped, and asked, “Wait, answer me an unrelated question first.”


“How did you know I like eating roasted chicken?”

Ye Anping didn’t expect her to ask this and fell silent for a while.

It’s from the game…

Of course, he couldn’t say that.

“We first met at that inn, and didn’t you order roasted chicken?”

“Do you remember that so clearly?”

“I have a good memory.”

Feng Yudie rubbed her hands together like a treasure enthusiast and looked excited.

“Continue, what do you want me to do for you? Then we can talk about splitting the rewards.”

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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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