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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World Chapter 49

Junior Sister, Missing Senior Brother

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiaotian, who was hovering in the air, couldn’t help but purse its lips.

By now, it was finding Ye Anping increasingly appealing. Although Ye Anping’s cultivation aptitude was a bit lacking compared to Feng Yudie, his character, intelligence, knowledge, and even his social connections that he had shown over these days were far superior to those ordinary sect heirs.

Most importantly, Ye Anping was only fifteen years old, the same age as Feng Yudie.

Comparing these two against each other is something that Xiaotian finds it doesn’t mind spending its time on.

Before, it often heard that many mothers liked to compare other people’s children with their own.

Xiaotian now understood why.

In contrast to its Junior Sister, except for aptitude and cultivation base, Ye Anping surpassed her in every aspect.

Despite being the heir of a sect, he didn’t have any bad habits, and he had even stepped out of his sect’s comfort zone to open a shop for a living. He was going the extra mile to send his Junior Sister into the Profound Star Sect for cultivation.

The most surprising thing was that even someone who disliked men as much as Feng Yudie was apparently willing to be on good terms with him now.

Moreover, it seemed that Ye Anping could also see it, although there was no evidence yet.

But if Ye Anping could truly see it, wouldn’t that mean he and Feng Yudie were naturally matched since birth?

Taking advantage of the time while the three were busy with the roasted chicken, Xiaotian had a clever idea. It suddenly slipped close to Ye Anping’s ear and said:

『Ye kid, let me tell you something. Feng Yudie told me last night that she’s considering becoming Dao companions with you. Did you know?』


“? ?”

In the instant this was said, both Ye Anping and Feng Yudie had question marks appearing over their heads.

Feng Yudie had an extra question mark over her head.

She looked at Xiaotian with a perplexed expression, her gaze conveying: When did I say I wanted to become Dao companions with him? Xiaotian, are you insane?

However, Ye Anping did catch on.

This blob of emergency food was definitely trying to test if he could really see it.

『Ye kid, although Feng Yudie might usually have a peculiar temper, often doing things that make no sense and being self-centered, she’s actually a pretty good girl. Look at her, she’s adorable and pretty when she dresses up. Her silver hair is so ethereal.』

『Although she has an abnormal fondness for girls, it’s probably because she’s still young. We can correct those bad habits together, can’t we?』

『Let me tell you secretly, when she was three years old, she once mistook cow dung for mud and played with it, resulting in herself getting covered in dung. Her master took her to the Spirit Cloud Mountain waterfall to wash for three days and three nights to get rid of the smell.』

『And even now, she still sucks her fingers every night before sleeping. It’s quite adorable.』

After Xiaotian chirped into Ye Anping’s left ear, it flew to his right ear, as if trying to poke out all of Feng Yudie’s embarrassing history.

Although Ye Anping maintained a calm expression, Feng Yudie’s face instantly turned sour upon hearing all this.

She was inwardly roaring: What is this idiot doing?!

While she didn’t care about how others perceived her, but…

They were having a meal right now!

Who talks about such things while eating?!

Feng Yudie felt that the roasted chicken in her hand suddenly lost its flavor. She stared at Xiaotian with an icy gaze, trying to glare it into submission.

But, because Xiaotian was currently hovering right next to Ye Anping’s ear…

From Bai Yuelin’s perspective on the side, it appeared as though Feng Yudie was staring at Ye Anping directly.


A question mark appeared over Bai Yuelin’s head as well.

These two clearly hadn’t said much to each other, so why did Feng Yudie’s behavior seem like she had become interested in Ye Anping?

Though it was true that Ye Anping’s appearance was quite attractive to girls, and his personality was quite cool, but this…

Feng Yudie couldn’t hold back anymore and simply put down the chicken leg in her hand.

“I’m full!”

“Yeah.” Ye Anping nodded, “Didn’t you want to experience the therapy? Go wash your hands in the backyard, I’ll be with you in a moment…”

“I’ll come back tomorrow! I’m heading back now, thanks for the roasted chicken!”

Leaving behind these words, Feng Yudie stood up, ran out of the Therapy Hall, summoned her flying sword, and flew back to the Profound Star Sect. Xiaotian, after continuing to say a few more things, was taken away by her as well.

『Ye kid, I’ll come back tomorrow to continue talking about Yudie~~』

“… …”

After she left, Bai Yuelin finally spoke up and asked, “Anping, what were you guys talking about when I wasn’t here?”

“Nothing much, just chatting about some everyday matters.”

… …

Four days later—

The physical trial of the Profound Star Sect finally came to an end.

Although Feng Yudie had been sent back early to recuperate, Pei Lengxue and Xiao Yunluo, who continued participating in the trial, completed the entire process and successfully reached the main peak.

After listening to the Elder’s explanation of the subsequent arrangements for the sect selection on the main peak, Pei Lengxue assisted Xiao Yunluo in making their way to the lodging on the Sky Cloud Peak.

Pei Lengxue had often been thrown into the wilderness and forests by her Senior Brother to learn survival skills before, so she seemed quite composed now. However, Xiao Yunluo was finding it hard to cope.

She could barely feel her legs now. In the final stretch to the main peak, it was Pei Lengxue who carried her up.

Fortunately, there was a pavilion ahead. Xiao Yunluo quickly suggested, “Junior Sister Pei, let’s sit in the pavilion and rest for a while. I can’t move anymore.”

“We’re almost at our lodging.”

“I really can’t move. Let’s just sit for a bit…”

“… …”

Pei Lengxue felt a bit helpless as she supported Xiao Yunluo to the pavilion. They both sat down. When she placed Xiao Yunluo in the chair, Pei Lengxue herself almost collapsed, looking utterly exhausted.

After resting for a while, she slowly regained her senses. She looked at Pei Lengxue’s calm demeanor and thought back to their experiences during the sect selection.

After Feng Yudie was taken away, she had followed Pei Lengxue, overcoming various challenges, enduring the scorching spiritual energy of the Bitter Kill River, encountering numerous demonic beasts along the way. Every time, it was Pei Lengxue who single-handedly dealt with the threats, and she didn’t contribute anything.

One could even say that if she hadn’t been with her, Pei Lengxue would probably have completed the trial two days earlier. Several times, they had to stop and rest because she had sprained her ankle or exhausted her stamina.

Xiao Yunluo looked at Pei Lengxue, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Junior Sister Pei, is there something you like?”

“Huh?” Pei Lengxue was momentarily taken aback. “Why are you suddenly asking this?”

“Just… I want to give you a gift. You’ve been taking care of me these past few days. If it weren’t for me, you would’ve finished the trial a day or two earlier.” Xiao Yunluo gave a small smile and asked, “Do you like jewelry? I have a lot of them.”

“Not really.”

“Then how about I treat you to a meal? There are several good restaurants in the Profound Star Sect’s market.”

Pei Lengxue just wanted to meet her Senior Brother.

When those people attacked them earlier, her Senior Brother was clearly present, so why hadn’t he come out to see her?

It had been almost two months since they left Hundred Lotus Sect.

She hadn’t seen her Senior Brother in these two months, hadn’t hugged him or held his hand.

She was going through withdrawal.

She missed her Senior Brother.

“… …”

Seeing Pei Lengxue’s furrowed brows, Xiao Yunluo was a bit puzzled and tilted her head. She whispered, “Aren’t you going to the meal? What about the elixirs?”

“No… just the meal, a cheaper option.”

“And it’s not like you’re paying. I’ll treat you. I’ll also invite that second fool.”

Pei Lengxue managed to nod in response and propped her chin up. She looked through the lattice window of the pavilion.

The peaks of the mountains were in full view. The scenery of the Profound Star Sect was much better than that of Hundred Lotus Sect, but without her Senior Brother by her side, she had no interest in admiring the picturesque mountains.

At this moment, two senior sisters from Sky Cloud Peak passed by.

They greeted Xiao Yunluo, who was in the pavilion, with a nod.

“Good afternoon, Miss.”

“Yeah, good afternoon.”

After exchanging greetings, the two continued walking upward, but their conversation still reached Pei Lengxue’s ears.

—”Did you see Senior Sister Bai’s little Dao companion?”

—”Huh? Didn’t Senior Sister Bai always say they’re not Dao companions?”

—”Oh my, Senior Sister Bai is just shy. She’s been going to the market almost every day lately. They’re always together. If they’re not Dao companions, then what are they? Let me tell you, her little Dao companion is really cute. He’s a cool young man. He’ll definitely grow up to be a handsome man. I envy her.”

—”Is he really that handsome?”

—”You can trust my taste, Senior Sister Xu. If I think someone is good-looking, then they truly are. After class tonight, I’ll take you to see him and let him give you a foot massage. He’s really good at it!”

—”A… foot massage?! This…”

—”Oh my, don’t be so concerned. Everyone felt the same before experiencing it, but as soon as they try it once, they immediately fall in love with it.”


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Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Turning My Junior Sister into a Mary Sue In Xianxia Yuri World

Status: Ongoing Type: Artist:
Transmigrating into a Yuri-themed Xianxia world, Ye Anping found himself as an unnamed cannon fodder with poor cultivation aptitude, a cannon fodder who is destined to meet a tragic end at the hands of a minor antagonist when he was fifteen. Ye Anping felt a sense of despair. Fortunately, he was only four years old now, and by his side was a junior sister with exceptional aptitude. Ten years later, the junior sister had grown up, becoming not only more beautiful but also stronger, and she caught the attention of the dashing female protagonist. Then, instead of going with the protagonist, his junior sister pin him down to the ground instead, and began to strip. Ye Anping: "Junior Sister, I am your senior brother, you..."


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